
Saturday Mornings are (Not) Fun

"Dorcas!" I yelled, running towards the blonde haired girl who was dressed in blue robes. She turned around, a look of shock on her face, but accepted my hug nonetheless.

"Lily? What're you doing? You know its not an actual match, right?" She asked, she was confused, and I would be too if I was in her position. She had early morning training on Saturdays, which she had invited us all to anytime, but none of us had been prepared to get up at 6:30 in the morning to attend.

"I know its not a match, but I just thought that I haven't been spending as much time with you" I replied, and Dorcas just nodded, as we kept walking down to the Quidditch pitch. Dorcas' blonde hair was tied up in a ponytail, and she was dressed in the Ravenclaw Quidditch uniform.

"What's the real reason you're here?" Dorcas asked with a small smirk, as my eyes widened.

"That was the real reason!" I half shouted back. She just raised her eyebrows, and I sighed. "Fine. Its because Potter and his 'Marauders' have taken to getting up early on a Saturday. Honestly with the noise they're making, I'm surprised the others didn't come with me" Dorcas simply laughed as we kept walking towards the pitch.

"Yeah, James is a real pain in the ass" she said, and I nodded along. "Really annoying" she continued.

"Uh, yeah"

"Such an idiot"



"What're you doing?" I asked, finally stopping walking to look at Dorcas in confusion. She just looked back at me.

"Expressing my hatred for James?" She asked, and I raised my eyebrows at her, before she shrugged, and began walking again. We arrived last at the pitch, which was pretty bad considering Dorcas was the captain. She and the rest of her team took off to the sky, and began practicing their moves. Meanwhile, I pulled out a book, and began to read.

The sun was almost in the center of the sky by the time Dorcas and her team had landed. I quickly bookmarked the page, and ran up next to her.

"Good practise?" I asked, eyeing the mud smeared on her hands and face. She beamed and nodded, and we headed off towards the castle. We went into the great hall, where we said goodbye. She went up to her common room to get changed, whilst I went into the great hall for some food. I took a seat next to Marlene, who looked fabulous as always. That couldn't be said for the rest of the group though. Mary's hair was sticking up at odd angles, and Alice looked about ready to pass out.

"Morning Lily!" Alice tried for a smile, but only managed a weak grin.

"Morning" I replied, looking down the other end of the table towards the Marauders, who were being loud and obnoxious as always. "Did they wake you up, because I could jinx them if they did" I said, jerking my head towards the four boys, who were laughing at some joke Sirius had told.

"Nah, they left shortly after you" Marlene replied, helping herself to some toast.

"Where did they go?" I asked. My question was met with shrugged shoulders from everyone.

"Probably a prank" Mary muttered. We sat for a few minutes in silence before I told them about Dorcas' Quidditch practice.

"Lily, there's a note here" Alice said, cutting me off and raising a light purple slip of paper. I sighed, and gently grabbed it off her. The writing was scruffy, and written in a bright green ink.


I was wondering if you would reconsider going with me to Hogsmede today. There is such lovely weather after all.

Lots of Love, James xxx

I sighed again, and turned to face James, who was watching me with excitement, a grin plastered on his face. I smiled back dryly before ripping the note up in front of him. He placed a hand on his heart as though he was hurt, and proceeded to collapse onto Sirius, who had a matching look of shock on his face. Remus shook his head slightly before turning to face me and mouthing a quick 'sorry', and turning back to his friends.

"I'm guessing he asked you out again?" Marlene asked, still watching James and Sirius fake crying.

"Yep" I replied, popping the 'p'. Marlene turned to face me.

"Why don't you agree to go out with him for once, even just to shut him up?" She asked again. I raised my eyebrows at her, and replied in a mock hurt tone.

"That would be going against ever single moral code I have" I replied. "Plus, he's an arrogant toe-rag"