
What Wrong With Us?

Tae Hoon has a normal life as a student at his college. But one day, a woman he didn't know at all suddenly appeared and kept trying to get close to him. She appears in front of him every chance she gets, and is always flirting with him. Strangely enough, she suddenly confessed her feelings for Tae Hoon, even though they had never met! It turns out that the woman is one of the famous influencers in South Korea, Han So Hyun. What exactly is the reason why she keeps approaching Tae Hoon? "Do you really like me?" "Hm?" So Hyun tilted her head and rested it on her palm. "Are you doubting my feelings?" "That's not it." Tae Hoon looked down. He wanted to ask all the things that were stuck in his head, but he didn't want to offend So Hyun. That's why he just chose to remain silent. So Hyun's gaze turned sad. To be honest, he knew what Tae Hoon wanted to ask him. So Hyun also had no intention of hiding her feelings for Tae Hoon. It would be good if Tae Hoon didn't have someone he liked right now. "Your heart is yours. You have the right, to whom you will give your heart." So Hyun's words just now successfully stunned Tae Hoon into looking up with widened eyes. "I do like you, but you already like someone else. What can I do?" So Hyun smiled sadly, then turned her gaze in another direction. "I'll just go as far as I can." - - - They said that this story will often make your blood boil because of Tae Hoon's wishy-washy attitude. Hurry up and read it! And see how their relationship progresses!

vamelinaa · Urban
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31 Chs

Chapter 8

For the past two days, Tae Hoon had been going about his daily life quietly without any interruptions. Usually in the morning, he always met So Hyun, and she would always greet him with a sweet smile. Tae Hoon didn't know what had happened to her over the past two days, let's just say that she was sick or had some personal problems.

Not that Tae Hoon felt empty because of So Hyun's absence—there was no longing at all. In fact, he was grateful and hoped that this harmonious daily life would continue until he graduated.

"Kim Tae Hoon!"

At least the call was not from So Hyun, but one of his friends—Hyun Woo who happened to have an appointment with him today. Tae Hoon's senses moved to the woman walking with Hyun Woo. It was quite a surprise to him since he hadn't seen her in a long time.

"You came with Yi Hyun," he said once Hyun Woo and the woman named Yi Hyun stopped right in front of him.

Hyun Woo gave Yi Hyun a quick glance before answering Tae Hoon's question, "Oh, yes. The reason I called you is also because of Yi Hyun."

Hyun Woo's statement was surprising enough to successfully raise both eyebrows. Hyun Woo drew a long smile, and his hand unceremoniously wrapped around Yi Hyun's shoulder.

"Lately my little sister has been having trouble doing her assignments. Can you spare some of your time to help her?"

Tae Hoon once again looked at Yi Hyun, and unintentionally their two pairs of eyes met. Tae Hoon could clearly see Yi Hyun's suddenly bulging eyes before her head lowered.

Both then and now, Yi Hyun's demeanor was still adorable in his eyes. Tae Hoon knew that Yi Hyun had a shy nature, and had a hard time socializing. Even when Tae Hoon always wanted to meet Yi Hyun to just say hello, she would immediately stutter and move away from him.

Both corners of Tae Hoon's lips turned up perfectly. "Okay."

"Hey, bung. You're the best!" said Hyun Woo—smiling brightly as he patted Tae Hoon's shoulder a few times. "I'll leave Yi Hyun to you then!"

Hyun Woo walked away while occasionally turning around to wave at Tae Hoon, of course with a smile on his face. Tae Hoon decided to talk to Yi Hyun after making sure Hyun Woo had disappeared from sight.

Then Tae Hoon turned around, his head tilting slightly when he saw Yi Hyun's head still bowed. Looking back, this was the first time he had seen Yi Hyun since two years ago, when Yi Hyun was still a high school student.

Even on the day of welcoming new students, Tae Hoon couldn't visit Yi Hyun because he was busy with other things. Tae Hoon also had no idea that Yi Hyun was majoring in the same subject as him.

"Yi Hyun, how about we go to the library?" Tae Hoon's question successfully broke the silence that enveloped Yi Hyun's head. Yi Hyun quickly raised her face and in that instant she was again surprised by the smile that Tae Hoon gave her.

Yi Hyun lowered her face again. Both hands squeezed the strap of the sling bag tightly. "U-um, okay."

Tae Hoon successfully smiled anxiously. "Alright, let's go."

"O-oh, yes."




Throughout the entire study session, Yi Hyun could not focus on Tae Hoon's explanations. It had been over two hours, yet Yi Hyun could not catch a word or two that Tae Hoon was explaining to her. Yi Hyun also knew very well that her face was currently heating up and turning red.

Her eyes kept moving back and forth to find a comfortable viewing point while Tae Hoon was talking. Yi Hyun couldn't look Tae Hoon directly in the eyes. She couldn't do that.

"Yi Hyun, are you okay?" asked Tae Hoon in a soft tone, and it succeeded in making Yi Hyun's eyes perfectly round before she turned her face the other way and replied with a stammering, "I-I'm fine!"

Only a few seconds had passed since Yi Hyun had tried to regulate her racing heartbeat, but her efforts were immediately rendered useless as Tae Hoon's palm suddenly touched her forehead.

It felt cool and comforting.

Tae Hoon paused to check how high the temperature was in Yi Hyun's body, "Your body temperature is hot. Are you sure you're okay? Should we go to the hospital?"

Yi Hyun suddenly stood up so that Tae Hoon's palm was off her forehead. She pursed her lips so hard that they trembled for a moment before she let out a few words before turning around and running away from Tae Hoon, "I-I'm going to the restroom first!"

"Yi Hyun..." Tae Hoon didn't have time to hold Yi Hyun any longer before she had completely disappeared from sight.

To be honest, Yi Hyun's current condition was quite alarming. He did know that Yi Hyun was a very introverted person, especially when it came to interacting with others.

Tae Hoon actually didn't have much hope for the progress of their relationship. At least he wanted them to be able to talk to each other at a later time. But judging from Yi Hyun's reaction earlier, it looks like Tae Hoon can't help but undo his wish.

Instead of saying hello, Yi Hyun didn't even seem to want to look him in the eye at all. Tae Hoon wondered if Yi Hyun actually disliked him so much that she didn't want to see him face to face.

Come to think of it, Yi Hyun had always avoided him. For some reason why that thought made Tae Hoon a little upset. Even though Yi Hyun was the younger sister of his best friend.

Tae Hoon felt guilty for Yi Hyun. If only Hyun Woo had other friends besides him who were also in the same major, then Yi Hyun wouldn't be forced to study with him here.




I don't know how many times Yi Hyun washed her face with the tap water in the toilet. Her breathing was also labored as well as her heartbeat that never slowed down. Yi Hyun touched both sides of her cheeks gently, and felt how hot her face was right now. She looked at her face in the mirror, and was surprised at how bright red her face was.

Yi Hyun wanted to curse herself for not even being able to act normally when she was with Tae Hoon. She had always been like that whenever she was with Tae Hoon—let alone meeting him, just looking at his face from behind the wall made her nervous.

Has it been three years since then? When Yi Hyun fell in love with Tae Hoon at first sight. At that time Yi Hyun was in the first year of high school, while Tae Hoon had entered the final semester. The beginning of her meeting with Tae Hoon was when her brother—Hyun Woo was throwing a small party in their home.

At that time there were about five people who came to their home. Yi Hyun didn't really know them because they were all her seniors. Moreover, at that time Yi Hyun was still a new student, and did not have any classmates. So she still lacked the confidence to socialize with her brother's friends.

During the party, Yi Hyun just stayed in the bedroom. Hyun Woo had repeatedly tried to persuade Yi Hyun to join the festivities, but Yi Hyun was too insecure.

"What's wrong?"

Yi Hyun could clearly hear a man's voice from behind her bedroom door.

"I'd love to introduce my sister to you guys, but she keeps refusing to come."

"I guess she feels a little uncomfortable because we're all her seniors."

"But you guys are my friends. You'll be visiting here a lot in the future too, so it would be strange if you didn't get to know my sister."

"We can do it another time. Your sister must need some preparation too."

Yi Hyun listened to their conversation from behind the door. She leaned her back against the brown board as she looked down languidly. The man's words were somehow enough to make her heart warm. It was like getting support indirectly.

Hyun Woo let out a very long breath. He completely agreed with Tae Hoon's opinion. He should have told his sister about their arrival earlier so she could prepare herself.

"Yi Hyun, I won't insist. Next time prepare yourself—"

Hyun Woo and Tae Hoon's attention immediately moved to the suddenly opened door. They were quite surprised to see a head poking out while the body was still hiding behind the door.

"Yi-Yi Hyun!"

Yi Hyun's eyeballs moved to the man standing next to Hyun Woo. As soon as their two pairs of eyes met, Tae Hoon immediately gave a friendly smile. "So you're Park Yi Hyun? Nice to meet you, my name is Kim Tae Hoon. I'm your brother's friend."

That sweet, friendly smile was enough to thrill Yi Hyun. She realized that there had never been anyone with such a sweet and genuine smile other than Tae Hoon. People had always worn various masks to get close to her, but she could feel that Tae Hoon was not like that.

In her eyes, Tae Hoon was truly a sincere and kind person.