
What Wrong With Us?

Tae Hoon has a normal life as a student at his college. But one day, a woman he didn't know at all suddenly appeared and kept trying to get close to him. She appears in front of him every chance she gets, and is always flirting with him. Strangely enough, she suddenly confessed her feelings for Tae Hoon, even though they had never met! It turns out that the woman is one of the famous influencers in South Korea, Han So Hyun. What exactly is the reason why she keeps approaching Tae Hoon? "Do you really like me?" "Hm?" So Hyun tilted her head and rested it on her palm. "Are you doubting my feelings?" "That's not it." Tae Hoon looked down. He wanted to ask all the things that were stuck in his head, but he didn't want to offend So Hyun. That's why he just chose to remain silent. So Hyun's gaze turned sad. To be honest, he knew what Tae Hoon wanted to ask him. So Hyun also had no intention of hiding her feelings for Tae Hoon. It would be good if Tae Hoon didn't have someone he liked right now. "Your heart is yours. You have the right, to whom you will give your heart." So Hyun's words just now successfully stunned Tae Hoon into looking up with widened eyes. "I do like you, but you already like someone else. What can I do?" So Hyun smiled sadly, then turned her gaze in another direction. "I'll just go as far as I can." - - - They said that this story will often make your blood boil because of Tae Hoon's wishy-washy attitude. Hurry up and read it! And see how their relationship progresses!

vamelinaa · Urban
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31 Chs

Chapter 5

So Hyun woke up around seven in the morning. She went down to the first floor as soon as she left her room. So Hyun stopped in front of the refrigerator, her gaze focused on a piece of paper attached to the refrigerator body. The paper read, 'There is soup and hangover relief drink inside. You should drink them before going to campus. For the soup you can reheat it'.

Both corners of So Hyun's lips successfully rose after finishing reading the message. After that, she opened the fridge and looked for the soup box like Tae Hoon said. So Hyun immediately took the box and opened it. Again, So Hyun couldn't help but smile. She covered her face to hide the happy expression on her face, even though no one was looking. Her face and ears turned red.

"Why do you pay so much attention to me, when there are other girls you like?" So Hyun let out a long, heavy breath. She couldn't take her eyes off the soup box she was holding. "What should I do with you, Tae Hoon?"




Meanwhile, the man So Hyun was thinking about was sitting at the bus stop waiting for the bus. Unlike So Hyun, Tae Hoon looked lethargic and lackluster today. He kept staring at his phone, checking his messages that Ji Hye hadn't replied to since last night.

Tae Hoon was worried about Ji Hye's drunken state, so he immediately contacted Ji Hye. But until now, Ji Hye hadn't replied to his message at all. Tae Hoon was worried that Ji Hye was disappointed in him because their meeting had failed due to So Hyun's arrival.

Last night was a golden opportunity for him to confess his feelings, but it failed miserably. It would be a lie if he wasn't sad. It even felt like Ji Hye was avoiding him on purpose today. Tae Hoon's thoughts continued to rage until he didn't realize the bus had arrived. He got in hurriedly, sat in a corner and was pensive again until he arrived at the campus.

Usually Tae Hoon would meet Ji Hye in the lobby, but today he couldn't see her at all. Tae Hoon had been waiting in the lobby for half an hour, but the bridge of Ji Hye's nose never appeared.


Tae Hoon successfully gasped and immediately turned around. He smiled, thinking the woman who had just called him was Ji Hye. But as soon as he turned around, his expression immediately changed.

It turned out that the woman who called him was So Hyun. Honestly, Tae Hoon was disappointed, and So Hyun knew it.

"Are you disappointed that it was me who called you?"

"No, that's not it." Tae Hoon turned his face away. He couldn't understand why So Hyun could always guess his feelings. For some reason he suddenly felt annoyed with himself.

So Hyun knew very well that Tae Hoon was lying, and all she did was give a sweet smile, "I'm sad that you went straight home last night. I was hoping we could have breakfast together."

"Don't make it up." Tae Hoon once again turned his face away as So Hyun approached.

"Why? The first day you slept at my home, you went home just like that too. I was pretty sad."

Tae Hoon grimaced, his eyebrows coming together. "You're having fun, aren't you, teasing me?"

That statement successfully made So Hyun chuckle. The look of annoyance and frustration that Tae Hoon showed her really looked adorable. So Hyun wanted to tease him again.

"Woah, what the hell? Are you guys dating?"

Tae Hoon and So Hyun immediately turned around when they heard a familiar voice. It turned out to be Hyun Woo with Jung Hyun, and Min Joon. Hyun Woo couldn't contain his excited expression when he saw Tae Hoon's togetherness with So Hyun.

"Since when are you guys dating?" asked Hyun Woo while covering his mouth which was gaping wide.

"Don't talk weird, we're not dating," Tae Hoon replied irritably.

"You're a liar," Hyun Woo retorted.

"Who's the liar?!" Tae Hoon was angry, his jaw hardened and his forehead furrowed. He didn't like being paired with So Hyun, and for some reason his friends were teasing him. Tae Hoon really didn't like that.

"Calm down, bung. Did you get the invitation?" asked Jung Hyun as he put his arm around Tae Hoon's shoulder.

"What invitation?"

"Check your email."

Tae Hoon immediately opened his phone and checked the email message box. There was one message that came in, the message contained an invitation to a birthday party from a friend of his major.

"I'll not going," Tae Hoon said as he finished reading the message. Hyun Woo, Jung Hyun, and Min Joon's expressions immediately changed when they heard Tae Hoon's words.

"Hey! Why?" the three of them asked in unison.

"I don't know, I'm suddenly lazy," Tae Hoon replied carelessly.

"You bastard..." Jung Hyun then pulled Tae Hoon's neck in annoyance. Meanwhile, Hyun Woo and Min Joon hit Tae Hoon's body parts hard. So Hyun who saw that could only laugh crisply.

"I have an appointment with someone today!" Tae Hoon shouted and successfully stopped the action of his three friends.

"Whose appointment?" asked Hyun Woo, who couldn't believe what Tae Hoon was saying.

"Ah, um... It's... Promise with..." Tae Hoon tried his best to rack his brain for the right and convincing answer. But for some reason his brain suddenly stopped working, even though now was a critical situation.

"He has an appointment with me." So Hyun interrupted suddenly. Then all attention was immediately focused on her.

"Really?! That's amazing! Did you hear that, Jung Hyun?!" Hyun Woo shouted excitedly while shaking Jung Hyun's body until it made him dizzy.

Min Joon smiled slightly as he adjusted his glasses. "Tae Hoon, I didn't realize you were playing behind our backs."

"What are you guys saying exactly?!" Tae Hoon shouted angrily. He was grateful that So Hyun had helped him, but the situation was even more chaotic. There were even more people watching them.

"Stop it! There are people watching us!" Tae Hoon shouted once again, this time in a whisper.

"Why, I'm glad people know about our relationship," So Hyun said with a sweet smile.

"Did you hear that, Jung Hyun? Hey!" Again Hyun Woo acted excitedly while shaking Jung Hyun's limp body.

"What do you mean?! Stop your jokes!" Tae Hoon snapped quietly to So Hyun, so as not to be heard by the others. "Why do you always add to my problems, anyway?!"

So Hyun gave him a long smile. "You look funny when you're angry."

This time Tae Hoon wanted to sink to the bottom of the earth. He was so tired and wanted to rest. Dealing with So Hyun would only waste his time and energy.

"Don't forget our promise today, okay?"

"Urk!" Tae Hoon massaged his head that felt like it was about to burst. Today he felt like he was being sucked into a black hole full of trouble.




Tae Hoon had already finished his campus schedule, and today he wanted to go straight home and lie down in his soft bed. Tae Hoon sat at the bus stop, waiting for the bus to arrive while playing with his cell phone. Before long, a message from an unknown number appeared.

From : unknown

-Don't forget our promise today! I'll be waiting in front of xxx park!

Tae Hoon's eyes widened perfectly. He almost forgot his appointment with So Hyun. He regretted to death that he had made an excuse not to go to his friend's party. If he had known it would come to this, he would have chosen to go to the party instead.

Tae Hoon exhaled harshly. "That girl..."

Tae Hoon immediately got up from the bus stop and left. After only a few meters, his eyes accidentally caught a figure that was very familiar to him. Tae Hoon immediately changed direction and ran towards them, So Ha and Go Hee who were Ji Hye's friends.

"So Ha!" Tae Hoon shouted while running towards them. So Ha and Go Hee who heard him stopped their steps.

"What's wrong with you?" asked So Ha, who was surprised to see Tae Hoon panting.

"Do you know how Ji Hye is doing? I haven't seen her all day."

"Ji Hye? She's at the hospital," So Ha replied. Tae Hoon's whole body petrified and his eyes widened perfectly. "What did you say?"

"This morning she suddenly developed a fever, and now she's in the hospital. We just finished visiting her," So Ha replied.

"You didn't know at all? I thought you and Ji Hye were close," Go Hee said.

"Which hospital is Ji Hye in?"

"It's near here, next to—" So Ha's sentence was cut short by Tae Hoon suddenly sprinting away from them. So Ha and Go Hee were successfully surprised by Tae Hoon's strange behavior just now. But they didn't care about that and continued their activities.

Meanwhile, Tae Hoon, who was overwhelmed by anxiety and panic, ran as fast as he could to the hospital. He kept running and unknowingly forgot the promise he made with So Hyun today.