
The Plan(5)

Shane ate slowly, smiling at her, his eyes proclaiming that he knew exactly how aroused she was.

After the waiter came by and removed their plates, his hand dropped to her thigh again, and he started his slow teasing stroke.

This time his hand would brush against her wet curls more frequently, causing her to gasp each time.

When she thought she could take no more, when she told herself to just take his hand and press it against her, his hand found her fully, pressing on the dark patch lightly.

She moaned softly, and then her hand flew up to her mouth, and she looked around to see if anyone heard her.

Seeing no-one looking over at them, she relaxed as his hand softly started stroking her wet curls.

She shuddered with pleasure as he softly rubbed her, applying light pressure.

She managed to keep from yelling at the waiter when he came by to tell them that their main meal was almost ready, and to ask if they'd like more wine.

After the waiter left she leaned back in her chair, enjoying the workings of his fingers.

Without warning he slipped a finger in between her slick lips and she gasped aloud.

He started tracing his finger from her wet core up to her clit and back down, taking his time.

She longed for him to focus on her clit, longed for orgasm, but he mercilessly teased her, never staying on her clit long enough to give her release.

She had to stifle a cry of disappointment when the waiter brought their main meals, but to her surprise he kept his hand there, still teasing her.

As the waiter walked away from their table, he suddenly focused his attention directly on her clit, softly rubbing the wet aching mound.

She moaned softly and moved her hips in rhythm with his fingers.

She could feel her orgasm building, the pleasure growing until she couldn't take it any longer.

Eyes closed, she bit her lip to keep from screaming out, her breath coming hard and fast as her orgasm rocked her.

Wave after wave of pleasure washed over her and she gripped the edge of the table to keep herself in her chair.

As her orgasm subsided she leaned back in her chair, eyes still closed, catching her breath.

Removing his hand, he refilled her wine glass and smiled at her.