
The Investigation (13)

He slid his hands up and cupped her perky breasts firmly.

He then raised his rock hard thick veined cock and slipped it in slowly between her soaking wet, begging pussy lips.

Slowly at first, then deeper harder and faster, his balls slapping against her clit every time he goes in deep.

He could hear her breathing faster and faster and in the same time hear the waves crashing as if they knew what was going on.

The sweat pearls was forming on her back and it looked awesome in the moonlight.

He started to give her all of him, pulling her ass closer to him so that he can fuck her harder and deeper.

He felt her body contacting as she cum in waves like the sea.

This was my key to squirt his load deep inside her pussy.

The warmth felt great whilst the cool breeze of the ocean covered their bodies.

He pulled his cock out and she took it in her mouth and she could taste her pussy juices mixed with his hot cum.

They both layed on their backs for a couple of minutes before she rolled her soft body onto his.

He could feel his cock twitching, ready for more of her gorgeous pussy.

MitsI smiled weakly at him.

"It's getting cool."

Shane started to laughed.

"We better get going then"

Mits got up and started getting dressed, Shane did the same.

Started to pack up and walked to the car.

Once in the car Mits gave Shane a side ways looked.

"Is there something wrong?" Shane looked at her.

"No nothing is wrong, I was just wondering when we will be able to go home, please don't get me wrong I have enjoyed seeing all the places, but we need to go home, we all need to go back to work."

"I know my love, we can't run forever, let's talk to everyone tomorrow and we will come up with a plan on what we are going to do next."

Smiling up at Shane "Thank you for understanding."

They got to the hotel and before they even got out the car Mel was with them, smiling at them she took Mits by the arm "I am going to borrow Mits for a while, but don't worry I will bring her back in about an hour."

Before Shane could even say anything Mel pulled Mits by the arm and they walked away.

Once alone Mel stopped and turned to Mits, "Did you speak to him?"

"Yes I did, he said that we will all discuss it tomorrow and come up with a plan about what we are going to do next."

"Great I would really like to go home now, I need to get back to work, I don't like spending other peoples money I need to go and make my own again."

Laughing they walked to a small pub, once inside they sat down at a small little table, they started talking about everything and everyone, they completely forgot about the time.

About 3:00 that morning Shane came walking into the pub looking for them, he saw them sitting having a few drinks, relieved to see that they where both okay, he sat down at another table ordering a drink of his own.

He sat there for about another hour just looking at them, when he decided it's time to go over and inform them about what the time is.

He strolled over to where they were sitting, Mel was the first one to see him.

"I told you I will bring her back in an hour, can you not give us that."

"I am sorry to inform you two, but you have been here for about 5 hours, it is now 4 in the morning."

Shocked they both looked at each other then at their watches.

"I am sorry time got away from us." Mel smiled at Shane.

"No problem Mel, I just thought I should come and check up on the two you you."

"Well Mits I think it's time for us to go get some beauty sleep."

"I agree." Mits relied through her giggles.