
my new family

The servant told me to get changed and come down for a break fast I said okay, changed my clothes and went down there but what I saw was completely new for me, my mother in law and my father in law were waiting for me, my mother in law looking at me immediately said "look my beautiful daughter is here, oh! by the way, did my son trouble you yesterday? ( she asked this question to me with a blushing smile) I said "no! um it's not like that I am completely fine, he didn't trouble me"

"oh! you must be lying, don't worry and don't be scared if he does anything to you, you directly come to me okay?"

"yes, thank you mother in law"

"hey! call me mom, okay"

suddenly my husband replied "mom! stop it now"

my father in law pulled his ear and shouted "how dare you speak to my dear wife in this manner, ha! I will kill you" and my mother in law was blushing, looking at them I was a little happy their family was very happy not like mine, my father in law even after so many years, his love never disappear for her and after having my breakfast with them I felt really happy, it was not like my family I remember the dinning room of my family, there was a very big table and 3 chairs in the corners of that table, my father never spoke to me and that women just stared at me, I never had a good appetite, but when I joined this family my mother in law was serving the dishes by herself and my father in law was making funny jokes and telling his new plans in his business, my husband was just trying to ignore their talk but father was shouting on him, I wished that "god please keep this family a happy family forever and solve all their problems, please never make them feel troubled, please bless them"

to be continued...