
What to do when you cross over into the book you wrote

When you're writing a book, in order to set up a protagonist that everyone loves, there's bound to be a bad guy who does all the bad things and bullies the protagonist. He doesn't deserve everyone's love. But when one day you are forced to go back to the book you wrote and see these villains that everyone hates, they end up suffering in life. No one has ever been loved, no one has ever been truly happy. No one to talk to. Everyone hates him, is afraid of him, and no one is merciful to him. What would you do? At first you didn't intend to help them, you just wanted to help the main character in your book. The only thing you did was just to help the villain a few times when he was bullied by those people. Later, when you were hurt, only the villains of your own creation would cling to you, crying and saying to you: "Don't leave me, aren't you a good person? If you die, I will go crazy and kill all the people, as long as you live, I am willing to be a good person" Central idea:You are the only joy of my difficult childhood, you are a gift from God, you are the reason why I no longer hate the world, and you are the reason why I love the world Note: There are many crossover characters and villainous characters, each world is a story

cong99 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 8: do we live together?

In fact, she did not want to become a couple with Xie Yuan. But if she live with Xie Yuan in the same room, get the news is much more convenient. And the disease of Xie Yuan is really something strange.

The housekeeper was taken aback. Their general's face was so disfigured, normal people would think of running away, how Could Chu Nian still want to live together? "Er... according to the rules, you should have lived in the same room together, but the general's illness is very serious. I'm afraid his disease will infect you..."

Chu Nian smiled, said it does not matter: "I am healthy since childhood, disease-free."

The Butler thought that although you were healthy now, it might not be the case if you went there. He gently advised, "The general knows that his appearance is terrifying. If he frightens you, wouldn't that be a sin..."

It is more not a matter, Chu Nian said: " A person's appearance is like as transient as fleeting clouds,forget it in a few days"

Housekeeper: "General... General suffered a cold this morning, the old disease relapse, He's getting needles in the house now, I'm afraid it is inconvenient..."

Chu Nian looked more worried: "That I should take care of he, where the general, please take me to him."


The housekeeper could not find a reason. Although Chu Nian did not come, his heart also hope that Chu Nian is not a frivolous arrogant figure. But being too approachable also seems a bit worrisome.

Yun Que looked on in shock.

The housekeeper had no way, leading Chu Nian came to a courtyard next door.

The housekeeper did not lie, Xie Jingyuan really is taking acupuncture for treatment. He was lying on the bed in his white tunic, and a muffled cough could be heard through the curtains.

An old man is sticking needles into him. Sharp needle along the needle into the fingertips, a squeeze, out of all the black blood. The room was suffused with a strong smell of medicine, which made one gasp for breath.

Chu Nian ignore the smell of nose, observe of Xie Yuan state, found that the other party is not like sick, more like poisoning.

The old housekeeper crept forward, bowed his head and said something in Xie Yuan's ear. He glanced at the Chu Nian, and then retreated to one side.

Xie Yuan body is not so bad to this, but that day Chu Nian to escape marriage, so cold, he wait a night not sleep,this is what caused the previous illness worse.

Xie Yuan see Chu Nian to come, slightly frown, raised his hand waved off the doctor, under the help of the butler slightly sit up, and is a burst of heart crack lung suppressed cough.

Before he speak, Chu Nian had already taken the initiative to sit by the bed. He grabbed Xie Yuan's cold hand and asked worriedly, "How's the general's condition?"

The tip of his finger landed inconspicuously on the wrist of his opponent, holding the pulse of his right hand. At the same time eyes a sweep, found Xie Yuan nail root through a stream of abnormal cyan.

This sudden action makes Xie Yuan rare stunned for a moment. He felt a slight burning sensation at his fingertips, and for a brief trance he suddenly realized that his temperature had not been normal for a long time.


Xie Yuan frowned and wanted to pull out his hand, but the other party held it tightly.

Xie Yuan could not help but think of his mother's former favorite a thin-necked white jade vase, translucent crystal, beautiful. When he was young, he thought it was beautiful. He played with it secretly once, but he didn't know that the treasure needed protecting. He broke it by accident.

When Chu Nian saw Xie Yuan not answering, she asked again, "Is the general all right?"

Close to him, her eyebrows and eyes become more attractive, black and white pure like ink painting. Everything is just right.

Xie Yuan came back to his senses and pulled his hand out forcefully. His voice was broken due to a violent cough. He looked at her with his long, dark eyes and said, "You live in the yard next door."

In a word, be brief and to the point.

Chu Nian held his left hand again, as if she did not understand. "General, are you afraid that you will give me a sick ? Actually, it's fine. I can just sleep on the couch outside."

The left hand corresponds to the heart, liver and kidney of the human body, while the right hand corresponds to the lungs, spleen and vital gate of the human body. Chu Nian hold Xie Yuan's hand, detect of his pulse, found each other's five viscera are feeble.

People like Chu Nian are the most difficult to deal with.

If she is arrogant, Xie Yuan can be directly ignored, if she gently care about you, but let people do not know what to do.

Of course, no one can beat her, nor can he scold her.

If acts rashly, the news spreads to the emperor's ear, Mei fei will said Xie Yuan is not satisfied with this marriage, the heart is dissatisfied with the emperor.

As for Chu Nian escape from the marriage... She has a bad reputation ,so it is no wonder that she does anything.

Xie Yuan faint feel this person may be a trouble: "No need."

He deliberately in Chu Nian stepped into the general's house, carried a body out. This thought that the other party will be scared out of its wits, hide back to Chu family no longer come out, but did not think of Chu Nian not only do not panic, but also still calm .

Are you really stupid, or are you just pretending to be stupid?

Xie Yuan unconsciously touched the silver mask on his right face, hiding the world's most ugly scars. he slightly curved lips, smile strange, suddenly said:"But if you really want to live with me, then move over."

Chu Nian so successfully lived in the yard of Xie Yuan.

He ignored the surprise of the housekeeper, the worry of the Yun Que, and the various looks of others. Holding Xie Yuan's cold hand, she smiled gently and said in a low voice, "I will take good care of the general."

Xie Yuan narrowed his long and narrow eyes, with only his own know sneer, meaning unknown: "Really?"

Chu Nian: "Nature is true."

Xie Yuan did not speak, just hope that the other party at night, do not be scared suddenly and change the mind.

The houses of princes and nobles were all alike, some as luxurious as they could be, some as simple as they could be.

But Xie Jingyuan has his title, and no matter how simple he is, he can not be too simple. Flower and bird fragrant ding, round flower carpet, antique collection, famous calligraphy and painting, a lot. The only difference was probably that there was a sharp sword on the shelf of his study-The Abyss Sword(luo yuan).