
What the war left us

"What the war left us " follows Aggy Freeman, a rising writer, as she delves into the gripping life story of Mr. Calen Levi, a Jewish survivor of World War II. Set in Nazi Germany, Calen's tale is one of love, courage, and resilience. Falling deeply in love with Anneliese, a spirited young woman, their secret marriage and dreams are threatened by the horrors of war. Drafted into the Nazi army alongside his best friend Donald, Anneliese's brother, Calen faces the harrowing challenge of protecting his identity and his people. Through daring missions to rescue Jewish children and the heartache of separation, Calen's unwavering love for Anneliese and their unborn child sustains him. As Aggy uncovers this powerful narrative, she brings to light a story of profound human strength and the enduring power of love amidst the darkest of times.

hossana_mba · History
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

In the cool breeze of the morning, Aggy sat outside on the balcony, her cigarette smoke curling into the crisp air. The sun was just beginning to rise, casting a soft golden light over the city. She had been writing for hours, and finally decided to take a break. She put out her cigarette, stretched, and let her mind wander back to the previous evening.

Her thoughts drifted to Reign Levi, Mr. Calen Levi's son. There was something about him that captured her attention—his confident demeanor, the way he spoke, his presence.

Aggy's stomach grumbled, pulling her from her reverie. She decided to head downstairs to the hotel's fine restaurant. As she entered, she spotted a familiar figure. Reign Levi was there, checking his watch as if waiting for someone.

Aggy approached him with a smile. "Hi, Reign," she said.

Reign looked up, a warm smile spreading across his face. "Oh, hey, Aggy."

"What brings you here?" she asked.

"I'm supposed to meet one of my dad's associates. He's running late, though," Reign responded, glancing at his watch again.

"I see. Well, I live here, and I just came down for a bite to eat. Have you ordered yet?" Aggy asked.

"Not yet. I was waiting. But I'd love to," he replied.

"Mind if I join you and keep you company while you wait?" she offered.

"Of course, I'd love that," he said, his smile widening.

Aggy called out to the waiter. "Can I get a hamburger with cheese and chips, please?" she ordered.

"What about you?" she asked Reign.

"I'll have the same, but without cheese," he said.

"Not a fan of cheese?" Aggy asked, smiling.

"No," he replied, shaking his head. "Never liked the taste. It makes me queasy."

They both laughed, the tension between them easing.

"So, why did you start writing?" Reign asked, genuinely interested.

Aggy took a deep breath, her eyes growing distant as she remembered. "When I was a kid, I couldn't talk. My parents were worried sick. We visited countless doctors and therapists, but no one could find anything wrong. My mom was so frustrated, she'd often take it out on me. But my dad… he was different. He never raised a hand against me. Instead, he'd spend hours with me, telling the most wonderful stories. They were so vivid and detailed, I'd stay up all night listening."

Reign listened intently, his eyes softening with empathy.

"One day, he noticed my little scribbles and got me journals to write in. It was his way of communicating with me. We had this amazing home tutor, Kate. She felt more like a mother to me than my own mom. One day, she asked me a question, expecting a nod, but I said yes. She repeated the question, and though I struggled, I finally said yes. She was so excited she cried and hugged me tight. She called my father, and when he came home, he asked me questions. Though I wouldn't speak much, they were patient with me. Over time, I started talking. It was the best thing that ever happened to my dad and Kate. Unfortunately, my mom sent Kate away, but I kept writing letters to her. Eventually, the letters stopped coming," Aggy said, taking a sip of her drink.

"Did you ever hear from her again?" Reign asked softly.

"Yes, three years ago," Aggy replied, her voice tinged with sadness and nostalgia. "In high school, I participated in writing competitions. In my final year, I decided I wanted to be a novelist, so I studied literature." She took a bite of her chips, smiling softly at the memory.

"That's really amazing," Reign said, admiration clear in his voice. "You've come a long way."

"What about you? What did you study and why?" Aggy asked, genuinely curious.

Reign leaned back in his chair, his eyes thoughtful. "I studied international relations. I was always fascinated by different cultures and wanted to understand how the world works. Plus, with my dad's background and the family's influence, it seemed like a natural fit. But I've always been more interested in humanitarian work and making a difference on the ground."

"That's incredible," Aggy said, truly impressed. "It sounds like you have a really fulfilling path."

They continued talking, sharing more about their lives, dreams, and experiences. Their conversation flowed effortlessly, building a connection that was both genuine and profound. Despite the heavy topics, they found moments of laughter and lightness, deepening their bond.

As they finished their meal, Reign's phone buzzed. "Looks like my meeting is finally happening," he said, rolling his eyes with a chuckle.

Aggy smiled. "It was great talking with you, Reign. I feel like I understand you and your family a lot better now."

"Same here, Aggy. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work with my dad," Reign replied warmly.

They parted ways, each carrying a deeper understanding of the other. As Aggy returned to her room, she felt a renewed sense of purpose and inspiration. She knew that Reign's support and the connection they were building would be invaluable as she continued to uncover and tell the powerful story of Calen Levi

Back in her room, Aggy sat on the edge of her bed, staring at her phone. The contact name "Mom" flashed on the screen, but she hesitated, her finger hovering over the call button. With a sigh, she put the phone down, deciding against it.

A knock on the door startled her. She walked over and opened it to find Reign Levi standing there. They both stared at each other, surprised.

"Aggy, I didn't mean to intrude. I was wondering if you'd be free tomorrow night. I'm hosting a little party and would love for you to come," Reign said, his voice hopeful.

Aggy smiled warmly. "Yes, I'd love to. Just send me the details."

"Great. I'll text you the address," he replied, relief evident in his eyes. They stood there for a moment, just looking at each other, an unspoken connection lingering in the air.

"So, where were you headed?" Reign finally asked, breaking the silence.

"I was going to find a bookstore. I realized I've run out of things to read," Aggy explained.

"Mind if I drop you off?" Reign offered, his smile widening.

"Not at all," she said, feeling a flutter of excitement. "But what about your meeting?"

"It got canceled. Some urgent matter came up for the other person, so we rescheduled," he said with a shrug.

"I see," she said, nodding. "Shall we then?"

"Yeah," he said, stepping aside to let her close the door. She locked it and moved in front of him, and together they headed down the hallway.

The late afternoon sun cast a warm glow over the city. Reign led her to his car, opening the door for her.

"Thank you," she said, sliding into the passenger seat. The leather interior was cool and smooth against her skin.

Reign got in and started the car, the engine purring to life. As they drove, the cityscape passed by, a blur of colors and shapes.

"Do you have a favorite bookstore?" Reign asked, glancing at her.

"There's a little independent one not far from here. They have a great selection," Aggy replied.

"Perfect," he said, steering the car in that direction.

They drove in comfortable silence, the city lights beginning to twinkle as the sun dipped below the horizon. The quiet between them was filled with unspoken thoughts and a growing connection.

Reign pulled up in front of the bookstore and parked. "Here we are," he said, turning off the engine.

"Thank you for the ride," Aggy said, genuinely appreciative.

"My pleasure," Reign replied. "I'll wait here if you want. Take your time."

Aggy smiled. "I won't be long."

She stepped out and entered the bookstore, the familiar scent of old paper and ink wrapping around her like a comforting blanket. She quickly found a few books, her mind still on the conversation she had with Reign.

When she returned, Reign was waiting, his eyes lighting up as he saw her. "Find everything you needed?"

"Yes, thank you," she said, settling back into the seat.

As they drove back to the hotel, their conversation flowed easily, touching on their favorite books, childhood memories, and hopes for the future. By the time they arrived, it felt as though they had known each other for much longer.

"Thanks again for the ride," Aggy said as they reached the hotel.

"Anytime," Reign replied, his voice warm. "I'll see you tomorrow night."

"I'm looking forward to it," she said, smiling.

As she walked back to her room, Aggy felt a sense of excitement and anticipation. She knew that the connection she was building with Reign was something special, and she couldn't wait to see where it would lead.