
What The Hell Am I Doing In a Novel?!

An ordinary Light novel reader finds himself in the world of the novel he was reading. This is a fanfic based on versatile mage with Indian MC pov it's added with Indian myths, so I don't know how the readers would take it Hope you guys enjoy Feel free to criticize and leave your thoughts Disclaimer- I have no ownership of the Versatile mage Novel, other than this plot. It's myway of showing my appreciation of the awesome novel Versatile mage is. All the names mentioned here are fictional and I have no idea if they exist irl or not. So I really don't mea to offend anyone

ITS_ASH · Book&Literature
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27 Chs

Finally Some Magic!!

         "Damn it brat! When are you gonna connect that geezers eyes to your Astral realm?!", says the so called Drona, and my self proclaimed master. "Oh C'mon, you haven't even helped me to enter my Astral realm yet!", I retorted.

       It's been a month since I set out with this guy for so called training a forest I don't know where. We stayed in a hut and the living condition was not the best to say the least. Atleast the food supplies were adequate. My guess is, this guy, who seems like a space mage  goes to town to buy our supplies.

        He said inorder to use those eyes as my own, it needs to connect with my Astral realm so as to consume my mana. But so far, I have yet to enter this realm. Meditating with atmost concentration is required to sense this realm, and when you awaken an element, we are able to enter the Astral realm by sensing our element. But right now I'm a blank page with no idea how to even sense this state.

     An Astral realm, or spiritual consciousness, is where star dust is present. In a stardust, exist seven stars, and by connecting these 7 stars, we are able to cast a level 1 novice spell. By expanding star dust, we strengthen our stars and the stars mutate, giving us level 2 and further level 3 spells. After level three, a mage can breakthrough intermediate stage and become a intermediate tier mage and awaken their second element. An intermediate mage or mid tier mage, possess 1 star cloud, within which, exists seven stardust, which intern possess seven stars. That is, a total of forty nine stars.

    Rest can be explained as we go on. Because right now, I'm trying to focus on the spiritual consciousness but it's getting harder and harder with this old geezer, one step away from his grave, who is cursing me for not being able to. "You old fogey, shut it, I can't concentrate!", I yelled. "Is that how you talk to your teacher", he debated. "If you call yourself a teacher, then atleast help me enter my spiritual consciousness. I haven't awakened yet, remember?!".

     "You haven't entered your spiritual consciousness yet?", he questioned in surprise. This guy....

     "Fine, just open your right eye while concentrating", he said while placing a palm on my right face. I tried again. My vision was black. But I could feel something seeping in through my right eye. That when I saw it, a light coming through a tunnel. I'm not saying I'm dead or anything, I could see a small dot of light which gave me a feeling I have never felt before, a complete calm sensation.

     I focused more on the light. I pictured as if I'm moving closer to it, the closer I get, brighter the light. Once the light completely blinding my vision, all I could feel was a bliss, a sense of freedom. Then, as the light died out and my vision cleared, I saw it, a seemingly endless black space with no light or stars. Wait, there was light. A small dot of light, which seemed to be fading away.

    I quickly used my consciousness to connect with that dot but i could barely hold the light from fading away. I don't know how much time has passed but I was able to prevent the light from fading away but I was exhausted and fatigued mentally.

     I exited that dark space and came back to reality. First thing I saw my teacher, sleeping right in front of me, sitting on a chair. Was this old man watching over me here all night? I looked out and saw it was almost dawn. Wow, I meditated all night!

      "So you are awake", I heard Drona's voice. "Yes teacher", I said slowly. "Finally accepted me huh", he chuckled.  Well it was true. Although this guy seemed unreliable, he did help me out which was a great help! But I can't understand why it took him a whole month to do so. But let's not pursue what's not important.

      "I managed to enter my spiritual realm, and managed to hold an orb of light within it. My geuss is, that is the connection I have with this wierd right eye", I spoke of everything that I remembered while teacher listened carefully and nodded. "Excellent deduction and good progress. I guess all you need is a little push. Now all you need to do next is to connect the magic left within the eye to your spiritual realm"

    YES!', I exclaimed with determination. I really wanna cast a spell!





     It's been six months since I got willingly kidnapped by this geezer. The reason why used the word willingly, is because it happened willingly. Urgh, I probably look like an idiot for saying this. Well,what would you do when you are taken to god-knows-where with no contact with the outside world and put into doing hellish work? And you have know way out of the situation?

   Well, anyway other than my miserable training regiment, I think the basics have drilled into my head by know. You heard me, and by basics I mean only six swings. Ridiculous right, there should be more for any other sword basics but he just wants be to practice these swings so much that I could follow the combinations he rapid fires at me. I don't know what these sword techniques are, nor did I question. I mean, why do I care about what I'm learning when I just wanna get it over with. These swings are simple yet I feel as if my very bones would crack with each moment.

   I haven't seen the ancient sword, or shastra as they are called, in a while. My teacher said I'm still not ready to use it.

    As for the magic and that transplanted eye, well I could feel the eye clearly in my spiritual realm, but I can't connect with the magic present within. Well, atleast I could feel it's presence.

     Then, one night, I was meditating, and trying to widen the orb of light. I tried to sense deeper into the eye with all my will power but all I could feel was a current pushing me out, resisting me. Well, it was annoying to say the least. No matter how much I try to get deeper, I keep getting pushed back. I held on and sent my will deeper into the orb. But deeper I went, the more I was getting pushed back and my willpower started to crumble. I wanted to give up, but I knew, if I did, if I gave up,....


    Lost my composure there. Well, bottom line is I didn't give up. And I was able to connect with it, stardust with 7 purplish black stars. The shadow element! One of the elements I found super awesome throughout the novel and now that I'm finally in the novel, sort of, I finally have that element! It's great! SUBARASHI!!!

     I kept it within my spiritual realm, so as to make a firm connection when

    "Interesting", I heard a voice, a voice with a low pitch, but it felt as if it was penetrating deep into my very soul. I looked around but couldn't see anything," who's there?", I asked. A black smoke came out of the stardust. It had purple smoke for eyes.

     "Oh, you don't seem scared even though you are surprised to see me?", the smoke spoke. "I had to deal with something deadly than your surprise visit, that it I honestly feel numb to these stuff now. Not that I'm complaining, so don't do something that would make me regret i said this", I said. Well it was a half lie, I was so scared! I mean if some smoke with a hideous voice comes inside your head, what would you feel? But due to that one event with Asi, I was able to keep my composure.

     "Hahaha..", the smoke laughed. " You're really interesting. Not only are trying to use magic that was left behind by a semi God tier mage, you're even able to talk calmly with such straight face when you're facing me. Truly interesting!".


     Chotto matte! Did he just say semi god tier? My grandpa was half step away from becoming a God?! Seriously! Well, I figured this smoke guy could have figured I am using my grandpa's magic, his sudden words not only gave me instant shock, but also some I idea who this smoke may be

     "I guess that man decided to pass down his talent and magic to you, although it's only a part of it and you're able to connect to it within just five months? You're truly exceptional?", he said. "I'm honored the Supreme emperor of the shadow realm is praising me, but that can't be the only reason you're here right?", I said in a humble tone. That's right, this guy is the emperor of the shadow plane. I guessed it since he was talking about my gramps  as if he was a small fry for him. May be his generals would too, but I don't think he would send out a general to meet a person who inherited the magic and innate talent of a forbidden curse, no semi God tier mage. Well, if I play my cards correctly, I could score big. Thats true vice versa too. If I mess up, this could end pretty badly for me, and thats putting it lightly.

     "Oh, you figured it was me?", he was surprised but I could see he's intrigued. Good for me. "Well, I couldn't think of anyone else who would talk about my gramps so lightly. And I'm sure you won't be sending any general when you're going to see a mere boy inheriting a semi gods magic and talent", I smiled. But if my legs were here, it would probably be shaking.

     "Smart. And you're right I didn't just come hear to compliment you. I came to give you a suggestion. That magic isn't completely compatible with you, at least not yet. So I suggest that don't try breaking through next tier atleast until your true awakening, if Don't want your spirit to collapse", he said and started to fade away. "But why did you decide to help me?", I asked. There's no way he'd just help me for no reason. He's the shadow emperor for God's sake!

    "We'll meet again. So I don't want you to break before that. Because I finally found a source to relieve my boredom", with that, he faded away. Did that guy just take me for his toy?!!







     It's been a year since my shadow element 'awakening', and my meeting with the shadow emperor. By now, I have completely mastered those basics so thoroughly that I'm sure I could respond even in my sleep. I usually spar with teacher as well, and unusual enough, my grandpa's magic eye helps me read his moments a bit, like the Sharingan but having one eye working faster than the other is quite an inconvenience. I guess that's how Kakashi felt when using his sharingan. But that's not the only anime reference I got here. My right eye, its appearance is different compared to my grandpa's. Teacher said my grandpa's eyes does change color corresponding to the elements he uses which isn't big deal since eyes of every mage changes when they use a spell. But for some reason, mine is a bit different.

     Unlike gramps', my eye has an unusual black sclera that surround the dark purple iris. The Iris is most likely due to the shadow element. But the sclera is a bit troublesome. It will cause my eye to stick out like a sour thumb. Unlike grandpa, I won't be able to hide it if I'm ever using it. It sort of looks like freed's eye from fairy tail.

  As for my magic, I don't mean to brag, but I have reached level three of the basic spell, fleeing shadow. Even though  I feel happy about it and started feeling I'm really talented, my master popped my bubble by telling it's just because I'm drawing out magic stored within the eye. I guess the magic stored within is quite potent for it to flow into my spiritual realm so greatly within just one year. I guess that's what the Emperor meant my spiritual realm will collapse if I move any further. Damn, I really Wanna hit level six and get shadow bird.

    Speaking of, I decided not to tell teacher about th emperor. Not yet atleast. I don't think he will be too happy about it and I don't want him to interfere too much since my plan is not exactly what he's thinking.

    As my training was about to come to an end, I had to fight servant level monsters. Although it was tough at the beginning, and I don't know how many times I was close to death, I fairly used to fighting them now. So master said I'm ready to go home. Finally!




    "Are you all packed to get back?", teacher asked. "What, Don't tell me you're missing me already! Don't be sad old man, ill come meet to some times. Why Don't you visit as well!", I teased him a bit. Honestly, I'm also used to having this geezer along, so it feels wierd just leaving like this.

    "Shut it you brat! I'm simply asking!", he yelled at me. "Whatever you sa~y", I teased again. "Anyways, what are your plans for the next six months you got, School won't start till then?", he asked.

   "Well, first I'll go meet this friend of your's. You said he's principal of some magic school right? I'll talk about my admission. Then I'll join the local hunter's association", I said. "Good plan,  so have these", he handed me a gold coin with trident on one side and the image of Shiva, the God known as the destroyer According to mythology, a card with a name and number which didn't bother looking into, and a black scarf mask that could cover half my face.

    "The card has my friend's number, and when you meet him, show him the coin, he'll know who you are. As for the mask, it is imbued with shadow magic and bit of sound. When you wear them, it will alter you voice a bit and also conceals your aura, and with your shadow magic, you'll be virtually unnoticeable", he said. The mask sure sounds cool and handy. It sort of reminds me Arthur's mask from 'The Beginning After The End', manhwa. It was a great manhwa by the way. Don't know if I could read it here.

    "Finally, this", he said and handed me the Shastra, Asi. "Until you are able to draw the true power of the sword, this sword will be no different that any other sword. But that does make it less deadly. A true swordsman could bring out the true power of any sword. Remember it and always protect the sword. That is your duty as a Guardian", he said and recieved the sword. No matter how many times I see this sword, it's magnificent presence always leaves my amazed.

    "Well, that's it, off you go!", with that and without even giving me a chance to speak he vanished from my vision and I was standing in front of my house. Did I just get kicked out?!!

    Forget it. I just walked up to the door and knocked. "We are not interested in any sales", I heard, as the door swung open, and saw my little sister, who has grown quite a bit since 2 years. I really don't want any boys around her yet, she's only 14.

Calm down me...


     And just like, that she slammed the door close. What the..? "Mooom, there's someone looking like a caveman outside!", I heard her scream. Nani? Did she just call me a cave man? I know my hair has grown quite a bit but that doesn't make me a caveman, right? Even my beard only started growing!

    I heard a few footsteps and the door opened again. And I saw her, the face I have been wanting to see for two years. The moment her eyes landed on me, it widened in shock, then got moist. That was my mother, the tough woman who brought me and sister up all by herself. My biggest role model. And right now, she ran up and hugged me and started crying. This was the first time I've seen her cry in this world. And it still stings when I see that. "I'm home, ma", I said.

    "Welcome back, son", she said with a hoarse voice.





     After our reunion,  first think she said was to go and take a bath after shaving. I went to my room, which was cleaned up. She probably cleaned it everyday. I went in for a shower and saw my face on the mirror.

        I really do look like a caveman! My hair has grown shoulder length, and my beard was also quite long. My right eye still has the scar my grandpa gave me. Couldn't he have healed it properly. Not that I don't like it, but it was quite a predicament to convince my mother back when I arrived in this world. I also really need a shave.

    I went to the living room, after a shave. I am thinking of leaving the hair as it is for now. Gotta convince mom though. She and my sister were sitting on the couch. And went and sat opposite to them.

   "Finally, the caveman is back into civilization", my sister, Ananya laughed, and my mother also had a light laugh. "How was this training of yours", mom asked. "It was really good. He even taught me sword techniques although they are the basics", I said. It's probably best to keep my shadow magic a secret.

   "Wow, you really got a nice body out of it. Now that you're out of your caveman getup, may be you'll popular in school", my sister teased, how long was she gonna keep calling me that?

       "So, what next?", mom asked. "First, I'll be meeting teacher's friend. Then, I'll be out for some more training", I said. "Wait, you just got back. Are you gonna go out again?", mom asked, a bit concerned. "Of course not. I'll be hear, but I will continue my training as well", I said. It would be best to tell mom about hunter job, after my awakening. Well, that's all gonna start after a week. For now, let's enjoy my life with family!

   "When are you gonna cut that hair?", mom asked. Looks like I'm in for a roller coaster.