
What the heart wants:Reincarnator meets transmigrator

"If anything he doesn't love me as much as he loved you, I have seen Asher in love. He becomes the softest and gentlest person to the one he loves, but he isn't like that with me. he thinks he loves me but he doesn't-" "That is because he wants to be loved in return" Sabine stated. Isabelle looked at the other woman, "what do you mean? "That look in his eyes when he stares at you? He loves you so much that he is scared of getting hurt, he is afraid that you would not love him back the way he loves you. If there is something I have noticed with Asher is that he sacrifices himself for me, he did the same thing for Giselle too, but with you, he just wants to be loved back." "And that is supposed to be better? He worshipped you two and for me?" "He didn't worship us, Isabelle, on the contrary, you are the one being worshipped. There is nothing more beautiful in this world than to love and be loved. He did not need us to love him back, he did not require our love but he pines for yours. You can see vividly how he searches and does everything he can to receive even a sliver of your affection. You have more power over his sanity, peace of mind, and happiness than Giselle and I combined wished to have. Isabelle, you have it all, every single part of Asher's heart and soul, and as hard as this is to say, you have to stop breaking it." ****************************** This is a love story, a story of fate and fiction, where lifetimes come to play. Do you believe in soulmates? What if you have to endure three lifetimes to end up with your soulmate? Isabelle has suffered heartbreak her past two lifetimes, even though she only remembers one lifetime. Her fate was so twisted she ended up the victim of an ambitious author. When her world is turned into a novel she does not end up as the main lead, hence she does not end up with the male lead, what is worse is that she becomes a cannon fodder that ends up dying tragically.  She reincarnates when a transmigrator possesses the body of the novel's second female Lead, Sabine. With another chance she falls in love with the male lead, her fiance once again. But just like in her first life he doesn't even notice her as more than a nuisance, in fact, in this life she dies by his hand. Now she has reincarnated for the third time, and she remembers her past life, she knows her life is fiction and made for mere entertainment but she cannot accept such a tragic fate again. In the first life, the male lead ended up with her cousin the female lead, Giselle. In her second life, he was in love with the second lead, Sabine. All this when she had the most claim to him as his fiancee' but he manages to break her each time. In this life, she is not going to make the same mistake. Each time she loves him she dies, but not this time. But what happens when he finally wants her? What happens when he remembers his past lives and confesses that she is the one he has wanted all along? ************************** Make no mistake, this is not your normal storyline. The first volume is written in the first person and the main villain is not introduced till volume two. It is a SLOWBURN romance and the story picks up in volume two. But this author promises it is not a read you will regret. It is different but worth it, a deep storyline with flawed characters who make real mistakes and have real stakes and pressure on them.  Stay for the journey and you will never regret reading this at the end, in fact, you won't be able to forget it. A lot of life lessons, but you must be patient through the ride. If superficial and shallow plotlines are what you want then this read isn't for you, but if you are tired of the same old thing then try these. Same concept but with an incredible twist. This author hopes you see this book for what it is. A lesson.

Obliviousstudent · Fantasy
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224 Chs

That ungrateful bitch.


It was a task getting all the icing sugar in my hair and lashes out, eventually, I ended up washing my entire hair, wetting my shirt and the upper part of my jeans so Jessie had to go look for fresh clothes for me. By the time she arrived she deposited them literally and ran to her next class, leaving me by myself with my thoughts in the ladies toilet. Luckily for me, she had a dress in her car, it was a white short dress that stopped a few inches above my knees. It was covered in flowers, pink flowers and although I hated styles like this for my looks and frame it was perfect for me. Maybe this was why my aunt always insisted on this type of outfit in my past life. Especially when I was to meet my future husband, a reflexive shiver ran up and down my spine as the thought came back to mind, shrugging it away from me, my resolve to not end up the way I did in my past life strengthened. I wasn't reborn to end up a fool again.

Packing my hair into a wet messy bun on top of my head, stubborn strands hung limply down framing my face but there was no time to spare. Being as prone to cold as I was, it was dangerous to nurse wet hair for this long without falling ill. I was headed to a salon. After one last look at the mirror I exited the bathroom only to meet the girl I saved just earlier, she looked as if she had been waiting for a while. Feeling secretly happy in my heart for doing a good deed and getting thanked for it made me feel such contentment I never felt before.

"You don't need to tha-" my words were cut short by the searing pain to my left cheek. For a few moments I did not move, several things ran through my mind at first. Why the hell do I feel the urge to cry? Why does it hurt so much? How does such a small girl pack such a powerful punch? Why the hell did she slap me? With daggers flying out my eyes at her, I had to ask, "why the hell did you slap me?"

"How dare you interfere?!" She screamed, "you didn't have the right, what right do you have to look down on me? Oh she must be pitiful, pitiful Betty made cakes for Xavier, and she can't handle the consequences, that's what you thought right?" She spat, her voice breaking at intervals. With my palm nursing my smarting cheek I stared wide-eyed at her.

"He is a jerk but I still like him, do you think I didn't know that would happen? If only it was that easy to just forget my feelings and stand up to him as you did, do I look like a pushover?" She continued, "I gave him those cakes because I wanted to, regardless of the consequences and you had to butt in, now I'm the pitiful girl that can't stand up for herself. I was the one that stayed up all night baking those cupcakes yet his eyes were only looking at you!" She screamed in frustration.

As I watched her walk away one thought remained in my head, at the end of the day, not everybody can be a hero. I guess I messed up again, only thinking about myself.

"That ungrateful bitch" a familiar snicker brought me out of my wallowing and drew my attention, causing me to turn around. My heart skipped a beat and my breathing hitch as my gaze swept over his more than handsome features and the way his hair sat on top of his head in wet tendrils, the way they framed his face seemed even sexier than mine did.

"How does it feel to be treated like that after what you just did for her?" He asked bluntly, with an indecipherable expression sitting on his face. What is this? I can't tell what he is thinking, so I am even unsure of the answer to give to his question.

Folding my arms my eyes narrow as I focus my gaze towards him. "I feel like shit."

"Good." That was all he said, he walked past me but it couldn't end here, not yet.

"Not because she slapped me or because she yelled at me, and she was not an ungrateful bitch. She was honest, more honest than I" I said with my back to him, so I had no idea if I was talking to myself or if he actually stopped walking. The answer wasn't far along, it came along with his words.

"What are you trying to imply?" He asked, turning around I met his eyes. I was extremely nervous, Of course, I was he was a person I liked but wouldn't the forces or whatever that provided me a second chance deliberately just cause a car to end my life again if I remained the stupid, naive, and foolishly immature girl I was before. There was no room for second-guessing, besides I am more mature now.

"I didn't only save no, protect her from you because she was in need of it."

He stepped forward, completely turning to face me, tilting his head forward he pocketed his hands and pursed his lips. Kill me!

"Then why did you do it?" He asked.

"Because protecting her were my own cupcakes to you, and unlike her mine have been baking for more than a lifetime." My response was curt, direct, and simple. But my heart was nothing like my words, did I always possess this skill? To keep a poker face withstanding the turmoil inside? Or was this an upgrade that came with being reborn, if not why the hell didn't I discover this in my past life?

He scoffed, but I couldn't tell what that meant yet again, was he amused or annoyed? But before I could find out more- "achoo!" There it was, my prone cold body reacting again.

"You should have dried your hair first," he said.

Sniffling I wiped my nose and replied "I have no towel, it's not exactly an accessory that I carry around. Besides, how was I supposed to know that some jerk would slam cupcakes into my hair?"

"Tch, don't you think you're being too aggressive for someone you like?" He commented as he walked towards me.

"What? You don't like it?" I retorted, just in time because had he been as close to my body as he was right now then as tongue-tied as I was, a word, I wouldn't have been able to utter.

My head almost exploded from shock, delight, and a dopamine overload. This must be what it feels like to take cocaine, in my past life and even in this life, this was the first time Xavier ever touched me. It was just his palms enveloping mine but I was putty in his arms. I swear I felt it, the sparks it was surreal and I couldn't believe what was happening. As though that wasn't enough his index finger on my chin lifted my head up so that my eyes met his.

"Don't act so surprised, isn't this what you wanted?" He asked, unable to speak I could only follow as he pulled me along.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked as I let him guide me out the hallway and out of the building

"Where you were planning on going all along" he replied. "The salon."