
What the heart wants:Reincarnator meets transmigrator

"If anything he doesn't love me as much as he loved you, I have seen Asher in love. He becomes the softest and gentlest person to the one he loves, but he isn't like that with me. he thinks he loves me but he doesn't-" "That is because he wants to be loved in return" Sabine stated. Isabelle looked at the other woman, "what do you mean? "That look in his eyes when he stares at you? He loves you so much that he is scared of getting hurt, he is afraid that you would not love him back the way he loves you. If there is something I have noticed with Asher is that he sacrifices himself for me, he did the same thing for Giselle too, but with you, he just wants to be loved back." "And that is supposed to be better? He worshipped you two and for me?" "He didn't worship us, Isabelle, on the contrary, you are the one being worshipped. There is nothing more beautiful in this world than to love and be loved. He did not need us to love him back, he did not require our love but he pines for yours. You can see vividly how he searches and does everything he can to receive even a sliver of your affection. You have more power over his sanity, peace of mind, and happiness than Giselle and I combined wished to have. Isabelle, you have it all, every single part of Asher's heart and soul, and as hard as this is to say, you have to stop breaking it." ****************************** This is a love story, a story of fate and fiction, where lifetimes come to play. Do you believe in soulmates? What if you have to endure three lifetimes to end up with your soulmate? Isabelle has suffered heartbreak her past two lifetimes, even though she only remembers one lifetime. Her fate was so twisted she ended up the victim of an ambitious author. When her world is turned into a novel she does not end up as the main lead, hence she does not end up with the male lead, what is worse is that she becomes a cannon fodder that ends up dying tragically.  She reincarnates when a transmigrator possesses the body of the novel's second female Lead, Sabine. With another chance she falls in love with the male lead, her fiance once again. But just like in her first life he doesn't even notice her as more than a nuisance, in fact, in this life she dies by his hand. Now she has reincarnated for the third time, and she remembers her past life, she knows her life is fiction and made for mere entertainment but she cannot accept such a tragic fate again. In the first life, the male lead ended up with her cousin the female lead, Giselle. In her second life, he was in love with the second lead, Sabine. All this when she had the most claim to him as his fiancee' but he manages to break her each time. In this life, she is not going to make the same mistake. Each time she loves him she dies, but not this time. But what happens when he finally wants her? What happens when he remembers his past lives and confesses that she is the one he has wanted all along? ************************** Make no mistake, this is not your normal storyline. The first volume is written in the first person and the main villain is not introduced till volume two. It is a SLOWBURN romance and the story picks up in volume two. But this author promises it is not a read you will regret. It is different but worth it, a deep storyline with flawed characters who make real mistakes and have real stakes and pressure on them.  Stay for the journey and you will never regret reading this at the end, in fact, you won't be able to forget it. A lot of life lessons, but you must be patient through the ride. If superficial and shallow plotlines are what you want then this read isn't for you, but if you are tired of the same old thing then try these. Same concept but with an incredible twist. This author hopes you see this book for what it is. A lesson.

Obliviousstudent · Fantasy
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224 Chs

19. Do you really want me to look good for another woman?


Grandfather will be alright. I, on the other hand? Not so much. I woke up much better physically that morning, with a pretty view but only my health improved. The doctors say Isabelle is the reason my grandfather is not in a coma heading for the underworld and, whilst I am happy my favorite family member is still alive I am annoyed by the repercussions. Nobody is going to listen to a word I say when I refuse to marry her. But how can I marry someone as despicable as she is? I've never despised someone the way I despise her but I have to sit and stomach yet another dinner with her again so the family can thank her for saving grandfather's life.

"Mister Quing?" A familiar and oddly comforting voice pulls me out of my head, speaking about a pretty view, I can't help the slight raise of the side of my lips. "All the clothes you are to wear to the dinner party this evening are laid out on the bed if you would like to get ready? It's almost time."

Turning to face her I pursed my lip and glance at the bed, "I don't like them." I revel in her sudden change in expression, how her face goes from confusion to annoyance and now just plain old disbelief. "But you selected those clothes with the stylist earlier."

"Well now I don't like them anymore," I repeat myself, maintaining eye contact with her while appearing haughty. It comes with the background, so acting like this isn't anything new for me.

She leans back, straightening her backs and from the bottom of her eyes she looks down at me keeping her chin up in the air. These expressions make my teasing worthwhile while, basically, the only things making me happy these days.

"And might I ask why?" She frowns.

I shrug in indifference, "no reason it's just a family dinner doesn't that seem a tad bit extravagant to you?"

Biting her lower plump lip she turns to look at the clothes briefly before looking back at me. "Well, you are meeting your future wife so you should look your best." And bam! My mood is ruined again, I am on my feet quicker than it took her to react so I had to reach out and grab her arm to prevent her from hitting the ground… again.

"Oh? So you want me to look my best for my wife?" I say slowly, in a low deep voice. Intending to scare her, leaning closer I whisper in her ear. "You seem very concerned about me and my so-called future wife is that why you told me about the maid? Don't think I haven't noticed the look in your eyes, all those secret glances" I state bluntly, I realize I am taking it too far but I can't stop myself.

"Tell me, Sabine, do you really want me to look good for another woman?"

She stumbled backward, pushing against my chest "I… I don't know what you're talking about." She stuttered.

Looking up at the clock behind her, I really did not have much time, "get out."


"I said get out, I don't need you anymore, I'll pick out something for myself. So get lost."


Okay, what the hell just happened? Is that guy bipolar or something? Like seriously, what the hell was that in there? How did he go from being so nice and so pitiful this morning to telling me to get lost? And besides, why is he acting like such a baby? Wear the clothes you were given already… damn my mood is already ruined. But why the hell is my heart thumping so hard? Why are my palms sweaty and why do my cheeks feel so hot? Damn you, Sabine, liking him is not only a foolish thing to do is also a very bad idea!


Looking forward I meet Florence, "do you need something?"

"No, but there is a man outside saying he wants to see you" Florence informs me.

"Me?" I wonder who it could be, so without wasting any more time I head outside, and get into one of the many golf carts outside the Apex and drive to the gate. It would take the whole day and a whole damn lot of energy to walk to the house from the gate so most of the time we have to get there by vehicle. By the time I reach the gate and go through the routine check-in security I enter the waiting room outside the gates for employees.

"Sabine?" If shock had a face it would probably be mine at that moment, forget everything I said before because my heart did thump this time with so many emotions it was dizzying to understand. I felt my body move backward a few unsteady steps and I clutched my chest to stop my overworking heart.
