
What the flip God?!

Garbriel Le is fighting against goblins and hobgoblins, when a giant floating eyeball descents from a portal from another world. Mind controlling Gabriel, helpless. The man is saved by a Chinese cultivator on flying swords before he is unfortunately killed by a truck. Whisked away to another world during the rise of monsters.

DaoistHLKWxf · Games
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Chapter 1 Turned White

'Went to church, check; helped Tina with groceries, check' It was Sunday and Gabriel Le was building his physical strength.




Gabriel the man could only do two one arm pushups on both hands, but was getting there.


'That sound!' Gabriel grabbed his pistol and Damascus longsword before rushing outside. His pistol was a standard issue Glock, and his Damascus longsword was a sturdy longsword based on the forging method, yet cheap because it was getting so common among blacksmiths now adays.

A portal was forming nearby in the neighborhood. It was pulsating a dark purple, and corrupting the surroundings. 'Dungeon breaks are getting common now, what is the world coming to?' Gabriel thought. Numerous goblins half a human height, stepped out of the portal, too many to count. They charged Gabriel.

"Flip! I was only scouting for dangers!" Gabriel said not wanting to curse even in this situation. Gabriel panicked, rapidly firing his Glock. The bullets sometimes piercing up to 5 goblins before stopping, rarely killing multiple. 'Even though this is a 20 round Glock, I only have three magazines.'

The goblins scattered, no longer chasing the lone human. No goblin crazy enough to attack a human from what they seen a "magical" weapon. As they were scattering most running the opposite way on the street, a hobgoblin king exited the portal.

"BLAAARG!" The goblin king war cried, and most regular goblins turned to attack with renewed morale, some still running away. The really fast and hard to hit ones were the goblins running on all four limbs, quadruped running.

'Parry this dagger, dodge'! A goblin charge jumped pass Gabriel Le where he was standing. 'Riposte!' The man's Damascus longsword retaliating to the goblin hoping behind Gabriel. "I can't let myself get surrounded." Gabriel Le stated aloud. The man was calm in the head, but his arms were shaking after killing about half a hundred goblins at full swinging strength the untrained yet fit fighter he is.

It was only the hobgoblin king and a couple of half human tall, childlike goblins. There was fear in the king's eyes, scanning the bodies of the goblins.

"Hasta la vista, baby." Gabriel walked up loaded his last magazine, and fired at the Hobgoblin King with intent to kill.

The Hobgoblin cried out in pain. His body bowing from the suffering, but soon straighten back up, angrier this time. The goblin plucked the bullet from the small wound, and smiled feeling a rush from having survived death. The bullet was flattened when it dropped to the ground, and did not look like it penetrated deep.

The Hobgoblin King charged with all its might with his couple of goblins. It was Gabriel's turn to have fear in his eyes. Gabriel Le shot five of the goblin, and began sword fighting the King with its primitive axe. 'Parry the Overhead strike!' 'Dodge the kick!' 'Strike the goblin- it barely went through!' Gabriel the man's strikes were barely getting through the Hobgoblin's study body. They exchanged for ten minutes before Gabriel was getting tired. Really tired. 'Maybe I should not have done all those push ups' Gabriel laughed in his head.

Suddenly Gabriel Le's body surged with an indescribable energy flowing through him. It did not give him strength. But gave him an idea, his intuition on fire, his second sense active.

"Flip it, I'll see you in hell." Gabriel fired 5 shots into the same forehead wound of the Goblin leader's head before he keeled over, howling in pain. Gabriel tackled him; sitting on his chest with a clear view of his head the goblin crown falling off, the goblin leader put his hands up to Gabriel's chest to defend himself, but could not prevent the bullets. Gabriel the man fired the rest of magazine attempting to get it all in one wound on the goblin's forehead. The goblin's hand fell, and no longer breathed.

"Ow." The primitive axe was cutting into Gabriel's leg from when he tackled him, his gamble paying off however. 'What is this?' The man found an odd-looking necklace, and cut it off the goblin. When it touched Gabriel's hand the portal changed color to a bright white-yellowish otherworldly gate.

Coincidently many portals formed above Gabriel's head high in the sky. Too many monsters flowing out of the portal to count. A Giant floating eyeball eater with sharp teeth and tentacles stopped to attack Gabriel, the giant flying eyeball eyes glowing. Gabriel began to glow too his body no longer listening to himself. Presumably the Eyeball was controlling him!

Gabriel Le could barely think 'I'm flipped!'

It wasn't till many various colors of mists began forming in the air around the portals in the sky. The mists of many different colors changed into Chinese cultivators, but Gabriel only seen them as people in the sky on weapons, mostly swords. The most powerful came to save him.

The seemly powerful Dao cultivator made quick work of the Floating eyeball one of his many swords piercing the eyeball straight through. The lifeless body crashing to the ground. The many people on floating weapons saving many in California.

The strong Dao male cultivator that saved Gabriel landed in front of him. "Bow to me."

Control was back to Gabriel Le. "What?"

"I saved your life! Bow to me." His seemly Chinese cultivator arms crossed this time.

"Huh, okay…" Gabriel half bowed to powerful Chinese man who just smiled. In Gabriel head, he could of swore he heard 'YOU FLIPPED UP!'

Thunder struck at the cross streets behind the Chinese cultivator. A truck appeared from the lightning that was honking like crazy. "Oh no!" The Chinese man flew away. Gabriel tried to limp away, but the truck was aiming for the injured Gabriel.

The truck leapt into the air and transformed into a mech that was elbow dropping the robot's arm onto helpless Gabriel. All the way yelling "ITS ISEKAI TIME MOTHERFLIPPER!" multiple times "ISEKAI TIME MOTHERFLIPPER!"

Gabriel closed his eyes and everything from his perspective turned white.