
What the f is Normal?

The effed up definition of the meaning of the term NORMAL from the mind of an immature and possibly a tiny bit psychopathic 15 year old indian male homo sapien!!!

Anamitra_Bhaumik · Realistic
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Hi it's Me!!!

Probably the biggest question in science is What the hell is NORMAL? Before reading further down the lines, it is advised to keep mind that the words that are written in this book are from the mind of an introverted, idiotic and harmonal 13 year old. Thank You.

Now according to Google it's said that the definition of the word normal is "conforming to a standard, usual, typical or expected".(sooo, basically the opposite of the tourtureous hell known as school, or the place where parents send their offsprings to know the ways of Life)

Now ,if you ever have even lived a decade in the system known as life ,you would now that the definition of the word normal is different in Every Single Place. Also that your parents happened to be the best students in their own schools or their generations ,Apparently!!!

And as you have been born in your respective family, you have to by all means adhere to your parents impossibly ridiculous standards by all damned means or else they will be DISAPPOINTED!!!!! (especially if your Asian)

I happen to come from a fairly small Indian family with having two doctors as my parent's and a first year engineering student as my elder brother. Not to mention that both my parents happen to be dual specialised physicians (mum as an Anesthesiologist and Pathologist and dad as an gynecologist and obstetrician or in short ob/gyn and a Radiologist)

Another interesting or not so interesting fact about my family is that all and every single one of us happen to have problems with our hands but I will not get in detail with that.

Now like my parents ,I also want to become a doctor when I grow up.

ln order to do that supremely difficult and competitive task I have to first get into a medical college ,preferably All India institute of medical sciences or infamously known as AIIMS . Unfortunately having a population of 1.33 billion homo sapiens , Many of them also wanting to become doctors/physicians, Medicine happens to be an extremely competitive field of study!!!

(Thank you for reading this much and keep in mind if the text in this book seemed to be a little immature , I previously don't have any experience with writing books or novels, I'll try to keep in touch with all my readers ,if there are any as much as possible, but anyways ,bye)