
What love is

Casey falls in love with her stepmother but is it all worth it when her parents are at risk too

Kade_Reed · LGBT+
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15 Chs

chapter eleven


They took her away on a stretcher. I couldn't help her. I wanted to be her hero. I feel the rage burning in my gut fuzzing and bubbling waiting to be poured all over some one like the remains of a volcano. I need, want someone to feel the same withering anger I do. The doctor comes to give me news in praying to god its good. Mrs. Lena can I have a talk with you outside in the hallway please. I'm scared is my baby okay please god let her be okay. The doctor pulls me into the hallway and says Mrs Lena it seems like your daughter had some vaginal tearing someone was to rough she also walked home in the rain which occured to a fever so she will have to stay with us for tonight. She has vaginal tearing?!?! I thought she was mine. What happened? Why did she do this to me? The doctor says shes awake and I could go see her. Suddenly I really want to talk to her. I want to make her understand shes mine. I walk in the room. I can barely see her eyes shes looking down at the blanket? Is she crying?