
What love is

Casey falls in love with her stepmother but is it all worth it when her parents are at risk too

Kade_Reed · LGBT+
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15 Chs

Chapter 5


I know its wrong to love your step mother but I can't help it. I know the age different is really wrong but were only 9 years apart. She came into MY room last night and told ME she loved me and then even kissed ME. Then as soon as I wake up its oh I'm gonna avoid you because this has been your dream since you were 8 years old. We both know I was gonna break at some point. I pulled her arm and whipped her around we were standing right outside her room. I wanted to scream to yell at her I wanted to talk to her but all I could do was cry. So I broke down into tears and just cried. I let go of her arm and just walked to my room. I couldn't take it anymore I'm done.