
Maybe Crazy?

Alcohol. a substance that can unable you from being responsible and sensible like this unbearable beings with me at this moment.

" ye know what Lil, you're the most unfriendly person i know. yet i still like you around i don't know whyyyyy~" Says the most friendliest person on the planet.

" yes Kev, i understand. now enough drinking." this alcoholic maniac doesn't even know when to stop. he was just literally crawling on the floor to get to the loo just a minute ago. if Rey wasn't here I'll stuff him there for the rest of the evening.

" Sorry lil he got so happy that you came with us today." and there's this guy Rey who for some reason i don't know why the heck alcohol makes him act more cool. like his a different person. i lit. shock.

"just let him be. his gonna live through it tomorrow anyway hehe" yes, the angel of us says the truth but this devil also knows how to play you a fool. thank God we're friends.

"Ms. Allison Cecille will you be so kind not to spread that video you just took of Kevin? he's gonna die of shame tomorrow." I tell you this girl can make you life a living hell if she wants to.

"Oh my, Goodness me. How could I ever?" And that angelic smile of Allison Cecille A.K.A Alice says it all. she gonna play him good. Good Luck Kev, I'll pray for you tonight.

This people are bat s--t cray cray i tell you.

"Haa... I'm gonna get some air." I stood up to go outside, i feel like the most normal person in the room. but i heard someone said that your friend is a mirror of you. so am I in any position to call myself normal?!

"s--t!" i took out a cigarette, light it and smoke it. I'm basically breathing in poison that can kill me. but the comfort it brings is so addicting that you just can't seems to stop.

"I'm regretting trying back then, now look at me trying to stop but can't." i said to no one but myself.

the place is semi-dark the only light in this place is the neon sign of the karaoke bar but it seems not popular around here? maybe that's why we got a lounge to begin with. price is nice and services are good I wonder why...

as i let my thoughts wonder i can feel a stare at me i look around and found no one i wonder if im finally getting crazy? maybe being with them 6 days a week is bad? i dont know but i can hear something something I'm familiar with something i don't want in reality, something that every fiber of my being is telling me to run. so i did, i ran inside panting like a fish out of the water my cold sweat dripping and i can feel it getting closer whatever it is it's coming closer.