
What it means to be OMNIPOTENT

After winning the lottery, he lived the life he always wanted. that was until he died from a heart attack

Sage_Of_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

What do you think you're doing!?

Spending some time to gaze at the stars was a favorite pastime for him.

After spending 3 more hours watching the stars he decided to go back inside.

Right when he was about to leave he heard a scream coming from all around him.

taking some time to look around he found nothing but grass and dirt.

thinking it was his imagination he walked off without looking back.

but if he did he would see a lot of translucent figures floating around the sky.

but even if he did he wouldn't have cared in the first place.

walking until he reached a door. pushing it open he saw all the kids trembling while some were whimpering.

confused he asked

Kiba: what's wrong?

random kid: what do you mean Kiba? didn't you hear all of that screaming?

looking around he saw all the other kids nodding at him.

hearing their reasons he was going to ask why they were scared of wailing until he

remembered they were just kids and could die.

it seems that being able to live under any circumstances made his mentality change and let's not forget they are just KIDS!!!

so they act like one, unlike him who just acts as he however likes.

Kiba: yes I did but I don't see how it's scary to the point where you would tremble like that.

the kid had a strange face when he looked at Kiba and said.

random kid: then what about the floating things outside?

confused about what was said he looked outside and saw it.

It was a big square with different faces on each side.

and all of them looked creepy to the point where he felt a shiver down his spine.

looking at it for a while he turned to the children and said

Kiba: I don't know what that is but don't worry about it.

with all that said, Kiba walked off to his room. coming to the door of his room he remembered something.

Kiba: Hinata what are the power levels in this world?

he only remembered this now because he wanted to know just how strong the person needs to be able to use a skill like that in the sky.

Hinata: well the levels of power don't matter to you as you are in a sense the strongest being in this realm.

Kiba: I know that but I just want to figure something out.

Hinata: well if you insist on knowing about it I will just send the info straight to your mind.

Kiba felt his head hurt for a microsecond before it stopped.

the feeling of stuff you didn't know flowing straight into your brain kinda weird.

reviewing the info he now has he got a rough grasp of strength in this world.

the only reason why only a rough grasp is because there are other things to consider in strength.

take him for example.

Although he has no cultivation he can still kill everything in existence with a thought.

in other words, there can be people who have little strength but can still whoop your ass real fast.

from what he knows right now the realms of cultivation in this realm goes like









Elder God

Father God

True God

Divine God

Eternal God

and right not the person who made that thing outside is a master.

which is rather rare on this continent as most of the Energy has dissipated over the years.

and from the other pieces of information, he found out that only necromancy arts are capable of making that thing.

and that thing is an Asura. it's only used to collect the souls of the dead in a designated area.

thinking up to here Kiba turned around and ran outside.

but before he could get to the door the kids blocked his way and said

random kid 2: Kiba while you're not afraid we are so don't go outside since it may be dangerous outside.

Kiba only sighed when he heard them without anything else to do he used his power to put them asleep and walked to the door leading outside.

reaching outside he saw the thing he didn't want to see.

he saw his mother's soul is absorbed into the Asura

just as she was about to be fully absorbed Kiba snapped and with a deep voice he said

Kiba: OI...what do you think you're doing with my mother's soul?

at the end of his words, black lightning started to surround Kiba while his body started to grow into his 18yr old self.

Kiba then disappeared and with a boom as black lightning started to crack space because it's too strong.

not even a microsecond had passed since he disappeared, but he was already on top of the asura with his fist buried into the chest of a man who was hidden until now.

looking into the man's eyes Kiba could see a deep sense of fear but said nothing because he was wondering why he reacted like that.

the man seeing Kiba in thought decided to take a shot of dying together with him by detonating his cultivation.

just as he was about to do it, black lighting appeared only to disintegrate his body along with his Asura.

(A/N: well guys I'm back and ready to continue the fanfic, but right now all I'm doing is fixing some chapters before publishing new chapters later...

also just so you know...I'm not that good when it comes to writing and will tend to make a lot of mistakes...

but if you don't mind those mistakes then enjoy :)

I'm not good at the fight scenes but I will try my best. anyway, enjoy as the last chapter will be out by 9 pm tonight.

Have some ideas about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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