
What it means to be everything to you and me

Knights to the King who saved them. To the beginning to the end.

Reading_writing16 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Let it come

Charapter 3.

Everything was coming together for them. Although there was some hiccups along the way. The fist month was tough where the Second Prince and Queen had escape the palace; it is very hard to leave for its difficult security. The King had put more security, when riots started to happening. There was passeges through out the whole palace that only the King and Queen knew. The Queen had told the Second Prince about these passeges for there safety. Also for them to escape safetly from the palace The Crown Prince did not know about the passeges, which was an advantage to them.

This went on for 2 years. They were almost ready to dethrone the king, yet another mishap had happened. The king was ready to make the Crown Prince the king soon. For he had to admit that it was time to step down. The Queen and the Second Prince had heard of this news almost too late.

They ready their swords. It was time for the ceremony to begin to crown the new king.

As it began the Second Prince came bursting in the throne room. With the Queen full of armor. What nobody knew was that Queen Limith was a sword master.