
what it's like to love a superstar

a story between a girl who is looking for true love will be loved by her Superstar Friend but she will not notis it at first and she will fall inlove with hime and will be hated by many of his fans but they will never be apart

mira_202003 · Others
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Crying in his arms

Two weeks went by quickly lucky me I survived two weeks of school and seeing those people I don't want to call them a devil cause I'm more evil then they are and I really want to murder them ehh whatevs

It's a day before my leave I didn't go to school to wrap my room in plastic so it doesn't become dusty I'm in the middle of wrapping up my bed to finish off I was planning on sleeping on the couch since my room is the only one to be locked when I leave

after I was done and packed my suitcase I stayed at the living room and locked my room some classmates went to my house and said goodbye to me I sorta felt sad and happy knowing there are still people who care

The time of my departure has arrived I was at the airport and ready to board my private plane

ugh so boring

young miss can I get you anything?

a flight attendant asked with a smile

No I'm fine Thanks

I Put on my headphones and blasted full volume of music

When I wake up in my room nan mwotdo eoptji

Haega jigo nan hu biteuldaemyeo geotji

Da mansinchangiro chwihaesseo chwihaesseo

Mak yokhae gireseo gireseo

Na masi gatji michinnom gatji

Da eongmangjinchang, livin' like ppi

And I fell a sleep....

I was sleeping and suddenly woken up.by a tapping on my shoulder the attendant was tapping my shoulder

miss the captain wanted to inform you that we have arrived

ohh ok get my Things ready thank you

As I got of the plane I breath the fresh air of Korea

"Ahh welcome me back korea"

I got out and the airport and someone was following me carying my things and I caught sight of 7 handsome men looking at me I smiled and they smiled back

Leader: 1! 2!

all: 3!!... BANGTAN!

I smiled and we hugged a tight hug It was one of the most warm hugs I have ever received


I've known BTS since I was just 9 We met when they were just trainies of Bighit ent I met them at oct when I met them I never thought they would be the men That they are now At first sight I thought "are they really a boyband?" but when Uncle bang said they were a Kpop group like Bigbang and Girlsgeneration I thought OMG "I'm so suppoting them" but daddy caught sight of one of them "namjoon??"



"M this is my nephew Namjoon I didn't expect you to join here namjoon"

namjoon smiled but had a shy expression

"Ohh this is my daughter M"

"nice to meet you"

he hugged me and I hugged him back I was introduced to all the members and got along great with 4 of them but the other 3 seemed shy and doesn't talk that much

as a kid I easily get bored and when I got bored with daddy and uncle bang I went around to look and I saw the practice room they were there practicing rap, dance, and Singing I heard Jungkook's voice and I decided to go inside they saw me and an akward silence filled the room

" may I join in?" I asked cousin RM said sure and I joined the vocals in singing I really loved jungkook's voice and we all sang together I also joined in on dancing they thought me the moves and I got it quickly Rapping was a bit harder since I'm not much used but it was fun though they were akward towards me we had a group photo which was my evidence that I really know them later on I developed photos that I took every year with them And Bought so much merch and arranged that one of the rooms at LA our house there Is my special room You can say it's a BTS museum cause Official and nonofficial merch of BTS can be found there it's covered with BTS from Floor to ceiling

It wasn't easy to get close to each member It took me weeks to get their trust but as a kid I was really energetic so it wasn't a problem I was always with them I talked to each and everyone when I have the time in time they slowly got close to me and we got comfortable with each other when they were just starting they didn't have much money so I always asked my daddy for Money for us to eat cause I noticed they don't eat much and when ever there are people who belittles them I would always defend them cause well I was a mean Kid after all and those people never wanted to offend me cause they know who I am I just remembered one time they were belittled by an ugly bore and I grabbed that guys balls hard he screamed in pain while cousin and the others laughed "I'll show you who's gonna mop your head off in the future" I said furiously and pulled the others out I really hated when they're bullied


we were at the car when they noticed I was dozed off and just staring blankly ahead

Jhope: M?

Jimin: M!?

Jin: M!!!!!!

Jin shaked me

ohhh what????

Suga: what's with you?

ohh no nothing hahahahaha

Rm: why are you tearing up?

they all looked at me and I wiped my face

Ohhh no just tired hahaha

Jungkook: are you sure there's no problem?

yeah I'm fine just need to rest

They didn't say a word but judging by how they look I know that they noticed but they just didn't say anything

I went to my room


Namjoon: Something's wrong...

Jimin: Yeah she's...

Taehyung: smiling but sad?

Jungkook: but we all know M she'd always try to hide it even if she knows we can see it

Hoseok: She's kinda stubborn sometimes but what can we do but cheer her

Seokjin: that's the only think we can help with

Yoongi: ...

Namjoon: don't you have anything to say?

Yoongi: you want to know what her problem is then ask your uncle

others: ohhhh you're right

after finding out what happened They decided to make me happy while I was there

a few hours later it was dinner time and Jin hyung asked Jungkook to call me since Jungkook is my closet amongs all

Jungkook entered my room and....

saw me crying

Jungkook: M?

He walks towards me


Jungkook: why are you crying?

because this is a really sad story huhuh

Jungkook was a bit relief when her saw I guess I scared him there😂

Jungkook: Jin hyung asked me to call you it's time for dinner wash up

okay coming

we all had dinner together and Laughed as always they were the only people who can make me happy at this type of time Although I know they were doing it cause they know the situation I went with it cause they were just acting as natural

Namjoon: Hey let's have an open forum!

everyone else agreed But I wasn't ready to share so I stayed quiet and smiled


we constantly do open forums when we know that most of us has problems that need to be shared or sometimes they just as me for a one on one they could tell me any problem they have that they think they can't tell the others


Everyone was eating and laughing and after dinner we sat down at the living room in a circle

it was a pause of silence for a while Namjoon started the forum and started sharing secrets that recently happened to him good and bad It was followed by the person to his right we shared pur opinions hugged and comforted each other gave advise and Tried to help if we could

I was the last to say something

Silence was in the room as I looked down on the floor everyone waiting for me to say something


I started shedding tears and Jungkook hugged me I cried in his arms as the others just looked at me no one knows what to do and I cried for a while after crying I decided to let it all out

I told them everything that happened and You could see the sadness and worry that was on their face

it was a bit akward no one know what to say and what to do so i stood up and said "I'm okay" and smiled but I could tell they know

Namjoon stood up and hugged me and the others did the same we had a group hug and it was so warm

after that I wiped my tears

"Let's forget about them haha Tomorrow is your performance and I will be there it's gonna be exciting"

I said as I smiled they smiled back and we decided to play games and have fun they kept me distracted and made me laugh

I wish life is always like this like them

people think you don't have problems cause you're happy but truth is you're just hidding the pain you're feeling