
What It's Like Being a Vampire

"What's it like becoming a vampire?" When Xiang Kun first sees this question on Quora, he treats the answers as nothing more than fantasy stories. Back then, he naturally never expected that it didn't take long before he had the qualifications to truly answer this question. After he recently losing his job, Xiang Kun experiences a series of inexplicable physical and mental changes—unable to eat or drink anything other than plain water, craving for blood, shedding a layer of his skin like a snake, staying awake for days before falling fast asleep for 30 hours, feeling uncomfortable staying in the sun... He has definitely transformed into a different person, or, is he even still a human? Driven by his determination to seek the truth, Xiang Kun embarks on a dangerous yet exciting journey to understand his identity and powers. Nevertheless, to his surprise, he seems to be the first person ever who has undergone those transformations... Is it his destiny? Why is he the chosen one? At the start, Xiang Kun doesn’t have the answers. But he refuses to give up searching. During his self-exploration, Xiang Kun is taken by surprise by the positive effects of the changes to his body. Realizing that he can train certain parts of his body to carry out extraordinary functions, he continuously pushes his limits from building his muscle mass to enhancing his sense of smell and hearing. These “special powers” enable him to solve crimes and assist others in need. Until one day, he discovers something that gives him a lead to the cause of the changes in his body... Can Xiang Kun uncover the truth and figure out what exactly happened to him? Will he trust anyone with his secret, or face all the challenges alone? Many mysteries and uncertainties await him.

Miraculous Hamburger · Urban
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513 Chs

Chapter 343: An Unprecedented Game (Part 1)

Translator: 549690339

Xiang Kun's decision to make a game was not something he whimsically decided upon a week ago in Tongshi Town.

He had considered it much earlier.

In the beginning, his research and exploration of his own mutation were relatively conservative and lacked any long-term plans, as he had very little information to go on. He was essentially taking things one step at a time. He did not require a large amount of funds. Survival and self-protection were his first priorities.

However, when he encountered several mutants, especially when he learned that "Divine Technology" was paying attention to mutant creatures and that there may be vampires controlling things behind the scenes, he sensed a stronger urgency. He started to think of many more ideas - ideas that required a large amount of capital to support.

Xiang Kun had several schemes on how to make money.