
What in this world! Oh... Wait a minute. It's another world.

One day Dawson Sen was in a hurry to get to school and was nearly hit by a bus. However, when he looks to see the bus that almost hit him there was no bus, rather it was a rift in spacetime which appeared in its place. An entrance to another dimension, without being given a chance to investigate he is pulled into the portal. On the other side of the portal was... ---------- Chat with the author and get sneak previews: http://tiny.cc/DJLWNC (DJL=DeJeL... WN=WebNovel... C=Chat) A shout out to my cover's creator: yaoyueyi-Author of Power Up, Artist Yang! https://www.webnovel.com/book/11701767605489305/Power-Up%2C-Artist-Yang! A shout out to a fellow author who gave me a shout out in her synopsis: Ballisti-Author of God's and Glory https://www.webnovel.com/book/11206156105298305/Gods-and-Glory

DeJeL · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Interlude 1: Dawson's Interview [Milestone=10 Chapters]

[Author's Note: I got this idea from 'Finding My Freedom In Another World' and decided to give it a try, hope you enjoy.;,;.]

Spoken like a T.V. show host, "Okay, today I will be interviewing Dawson Sen on his autobiography." (DeJeL)

"Dawson, please, say hello to our readers, and tell them a little about yourself." (DeJeL)

"Hello, as my manager has said, I am Dawson Sen, I am currently writing an autobiography titled 'What in this world, Oh! Wait a minute, It's another world', and I'm thankful for the criticisms my manager has passed onto me from all of you, thank you." (Dawson)

Dawson bowed his head after finishing saying his thanks.

"And I thank you, Dawson, for being here today… Is it alright if I call you Daw?" (DeJeL)

"I've already told you that you can." (Dawson)

"Sorry, I wished to ask for formality's sake." (DeJeL)

"No problem… So?..." (Dawson)

"Alright, the question to start things out, why?" (DeJeL)

"Why?" (Dawson)

"Yes, Why?... Why did you choose to write this autobiography?" (DeJeL)

Said with much thought, "Why?... hmm..... to be honest? I don't really know, I just started writing one day and then found out that I could talk to you, so I started to share with you what I had written." (Dawson)

"And I thank you for that, it's been a pleasure to share your work on the internet. And I also thank you for allowing me to monetize it." (DeJeL)

"Your welcome on both accounts, and as far as the latter, in that world I can't make any money off it, so why not let you?" (Dawson)

"And like I said before, I'm sorry that this isn't the dimension you came from, hope you find a way to contact them." (DeJeL)

Said longingly, "It's not your fault," then after about a three-second pause, said with a newfound determination, "and I won't give up!" (Dawson)

"So, for the next question, where are you at in comparison to your story?" (DeJeL)

"It depends, are you asking at what point of the story I started writing, or what point of the story I'm at now?" (Dawson)

"If you're willing, please answer both in the order you stated them." (DeJeL)

"Okay, I started writing this series when I was in chapter 11 of book 1, at that time it was in the form of a diary. It wasn't until chapter 4 of book 2 that I started writing them in book form. Now I'm done with book 6 and writing while living book 7. I honestly think this will be my last book." (Dawson)

"I hope you finish this series well." (DeJeL)

"I hope the ending will be enjoyed by you and the readers." (Dawson)

"Well, on to the next question. Which of your first 6 books is your favorite and why?" (DeJeL)

"The 6th 'The King's Other-World Manager' and the 4th 'Starting a Family' are a tie. As to why, the 6th is where my story expanded its reader base, and the 4th is where my children were born, even with the hardship we had to endure. I really wish little Ernest wouldn't blame little Carmen for it." (Dawson)

"What hardship? Also, are you talking about your father and wife?" (DeJeL)

Dawson cracks up laughing, it takes about fifteen seconds for him to regain his composure.

"As far as the hardship is concerned, I'm sorry, that'd be too much of a spoiler, and I'm talking about my children, ha-ha!" (Dawson)

"Understood, well, to get back to my questions. Who loved who first 'tween you two?" (DeJeL)

"She felt that way towards me first. When she confessed to me I had yet to learn that the bible had no direct opinion on cousin marriage. At first, I turned her down saying 'God probably would not approve', to which she replied, 'Prove it and I'll give up, but if you can't, you have to look at me as a woman, not just as your cousin.' I agreed to her terms then spent a total of 24 hours researching and only found what is written in Leviticus 18:7-18 of the King James Version of the Bible, and other things that did not really add to that, just reaffirmed it, I saw nothing about cousins. As per our deal, I started looking at her as a woman and gave her a response in kind." (Dawson)

"How did it go?" (DeJeL)

"I told her, 'I will look at you as a woman, however, at present, I have no such feelings towards you.' She replied, 'as long as you're giving me a chance, I'm happy.' To which I simply smiled and nodded." (Dawson)

"When did you first notice your feelings for her?" (DeJeL)

"Well, to be honest, it was nothing romantic." (Dawson)

"Hm?" (DeJeL)

"Well, you see... we often walked home together, and one such day, as we were about to part ways, we did our normal parting hug, and… I… just didn't want to let go, that's when I first thought 'maybe'. Since it took me 2 minutes to end our hug, Carmen looked at me inquisitively. I told her I didn't know, and she seemed to understand, maybe even better than I." (Dawson)

"When did you first understand your feelings for her? (DeJeL)

"I first understood how I felt about her when another man tried to force himself on her shortly before I happened by. I saw him pinning her to the wall, then in the next moment he was on the ground holding his, now bloodied, nose. After that, she hugged my crying, and without fully realizing what I was doing, I kissed her." (Dawson)

"Kissed?" (DeJeL)

"Well, it was a peck on the lips," continuing with more conviction, "but that's still a kiss." (Dawson)

"True, well anyway, that's about all the questions we have time for. Can I arrange to do this with Carmen next time?" (DeJeL)

"That'll be a bit difficult, I'll get back to you on that." (Dawson)

"Okay, well, I hope you will be able to arrange it… anyway, thank you for your time," said while finishing the statement with a larger than life smile. (DeJeL)

"Don't mention it, I really enjoyed myself." (Dawson)


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Please comment on which questions I should ask Carmen (If someone already stated the question, please simply like the comment, also please have only one question per comment.;,;.)

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