
What in the world is Love?

Questions, questions and questions. There are numerous questions that pop up in our mind randomly, but there are only a few that we bother to find the answer of. But what if one of those questions had the ability to change our life? Here, lies a story of a man and a woman, who give importance to even the most random questions that pop up in their mind and find answers to that. Their love begins and continues as the questions and answers arise as they please. But there is a problem. Their differences and nationality draws a thick line between them. Will they be able to keep answering questions and pursue their love despite this problem?

Hans_2273 · War
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7 Chs

Question 2: Who in the world are the winners?

"Don't you think he is a cool person?" Angel-ssi said as we walked around the hall.

"That administrator-nim?"


"Of course. To have such a mindset during these days... It is the reason I adore neutral lands." I spoke sincerely.

"Mhm. Ah, we totally forgot! We only have 2 minutes before the next event!"

"Oh crap. What do you think the next one would be?"

We started thinking. the events are revealed on the spot, so it is hard to come up with any strategies beforehand.

"Hmm... I think I have an idea of the next event." I said.

"Oh my! For real?"

"Yes. Last challenge was something involving our minds. You think this time it might be something physical?"

"Ooo. Probably, yeah. Good thinking! Physical things would surely be a lot easier than guessing each other's thoughts!"

"Surely, yeah."

Right at that moment.

"Attention, participants! The next challenge will be revealed now! It is... twister! I'm sure many of you may know about this, but for those who don't, let me explain! Twister is a game of physical skill. It is played on a large plastic mat that is spread on the floor. The mat has four rows of six large coloured circles on it with a different colour in each row: green yellow, blue, red. There will be a spinner that will determine which colour circle you will place your hand/foot on. You have to keep spinning the wheel and do as it says, making sure you as well as your partner does not lose balance. The couple who holds their balance for their longest wins!"

"Omg, twister?!" she exclaimed.

"Ah. Th-that game, huh?" I was flustered too.

Excuse me? Didn't the administrator say that he knew there would also be non-couples here? Playing the twister means... we will be in very awkward positions! Oh my... my heart is beating faster than it was in the first event! I should've known. There is no way the physical events would be easier! This is a couple's party, after all!

"Ahem, you might be uncomfortable with this. If you don't want this, we can just forfe-"

"No way, Devil-nim! We must end what we started properly! I-it might be a bit awkward but... we should try. I want that free food too. Think about it, free food for one year!"

"You're right, I suppose. Eating away as much as I like without worrying about the cost! Even thinking about it feels like heaven."

Both of us looked at each other with sparkling eyes and a cheering pose.

And so began the second event.

"Alright. Devil-nim and Angel-ssi, do you both understand the rules well?" The same host from the question and answer event asked us.



"Then, let's begin!" said the host before spinning the spinner.

Angel-ssi had to move first. The spinner stopped spinning and it landed on....

"Right foot, green!"

There was six green circles arranged in a row to choose from to place her right foot on.


She stepped right on the 3rd green circle from the top.

"Okay! Now time for Devil-nim!"

He spinned again. This time, it landed on....

"Left foot, blue!"

Okay.... so Angel-ssi stepped on a circle that is close to the centre parts, so to avoid collision, I should probably choose a circle from around the corner.


I stepped on the bottom-most blue circle.

We're good for now, but soon we might have no choice but get tangled up.

The host spinned the spinner again.

"Left hand, red!"

Wait, what?! Red? Green is the left most corner and red is the right most corner! This is already getting tough!

I looked at her anxiously.

"Okay, I should just bend over, yes?"

Well, yeah, but it would look ridiculous with her dress!

But before I could say anything, she bent over and placed her left hand over the second red circle from the top.

And with me standing perpendicular to her, if someone watched this without context, they are definitely gonna think I am doing something bad to her.

Gulp. I wonder what this game would do to me next.

The host spinned it again.

"Right foot, blue!"

Blue again? Alright it's not as hard for me. I placed my right foot on the blue circle above the blue circle which I had placed my left leg on. Ugh, but it's more and more like I'm gonna do something bad to her...

The host spinned again as I looked around. No one had lost yet, but everyone sure were in awkward positions. There was a couple where both were bending over as if they recieved punishment for a mischief they did together, one couple were standing, facing each other as if they were about to hug or kiss and so on.

"Right foot, blue!"

Oh she got the same one as me.

She placed her right foot on the third blue circle from the top with her left leg still on green. I told her,

"Uh... the spinner didn't say anything about your left leg, so you can displace it, you know?"

"I know! But I might lose balance and take off my hand or leg from their places."

That can be, but you look like you are about to run in a running race and I look like a referee for that race!

I unwittingly let out a laugh.

"Don't laugh!" she yelled with embarrassment.

"I-i can't help it, you know?" I said as I continued laughing.

She pouted and turned her head away from me.

The spinner was spun a few more times and now there were only three couples left including us.

Two couples will be selected from this round, so we only have to wait for one more to fall.

Well, before that.... we have a problem.

Currently I was crouching like a frog with my left hand and left foot on the 4th and 5th yellow circle from the top respectively and my right hand and right foot on the 4th and 5th blue circle respectively.

And Angel-ssi?

Well, she had her left hand on the 4th circle of red from the top and her right hand on the 4th circle of green. Her left foot on the 3rd circle of blue and her right foot on the 3rd circle of yellow.

It looked like we were crouching and she was trying to hug me. If we lost balance even for a moment, not only would we lose, a disastrous accident that is one of the basic clichés of anime would happen.

Our faces were bright red.

Right when the spinner was about to be spun again,

"Ah, I give up!"

"My gosh!"

A couple got out! Yes! How lucky we got!

"Aaaaannnd.... we have the winners of the second event!"

Both of us sighed. Us and another couple were selected for the second round, nice.

Just as we were about to get up, the host said,

"But the audience seem to want to see this through the end, so we will continue until one of them loses balance anyway!"

Why?! I can't do this anymore! Goodness how long do we have to do this?

"Its fine, let's see this through to the end!"

Damn, she's persistent.

The host spun the spinner again.

"Right hand, yellow!"

Finally she can go back a little.

She tried to put her right hand on the second circle of yellow, but then...


Her right foot slipped and thus it hit my left foot causing both of us to lose balance.

In an instant, I fell forward and she fell backward.

The next moment we realised....

That I was on top of her.

Our bodies barely not touching but extremely close. My dogtag was swaying over her. I noticed things that I couldn't from a distance.

Her lips looked really soft, her thin eyebrows, and beautiful lashes, her eyes were even more prettier, I could see my reflection clearly.

The cliché had happened. It felt like a wall slam but on the floor instead. Thus, floor slam.

I gulped. She is irresistable.

I couldn't look away and neither could she.

I wanted to get even more close, look at her godly features more and I wanted to-

"And so, Pink Alien-nim and Red Giant-ssi won!"

The loud announcement woke both of us from our thoughts.

I quickly got away from her.

Our faces were as red as a tomato.

"W-we lost, it seems. Haha..." Angel-ssi laughed awkwardly.

"Y-yeah.... but we still have the next round!"

Both of us tried to change the topic as much as possible.

"5 minutes break!"

Awkward silence fell upon us.

None of us knew what to speak.

"Um, about earlier-"

"Uh, ah, what do you think the next event will be?" she cut me off.

"Oh, yeah. The next event, well... Its hard to say what it will be..."

The first one was a mind event, second one was a physical event, then what about the third one?

"Hmm... Mind, body and.... soul?" she muttered.


"It suddenly reminded me of that phrase. 'Devote your mind, body and soul'. If we go by that saying, the next one will be something like, an event involving our feelings?"

"Ohhhh.... you might right, actually"

I mean the layout is actually simple if you think about it, huh?


"Yes, Angel-ssi?"

"After this, we're probably going to go our own way, huh?"

She gave me a sad smile.

"Hm. Who said that?"


"Our first encounter ended up as chance encounter. Perhaps it is due to that, but I believe we will definitely meet again. At the most unexpected time, at the most unexpected place."

I gave out my best smile.

She smiled back.

"Yep, definitely."

"Alright, folks, here comes the last event! Here, you have to confess your feelings!"

Everyone was confused. Naturally, since all teams are "supposed" to be couples, they should have already confessed, no?"

"I know what everyone is thinking about, but it's not like that! You have to confess to your partner how you felt during the time you guys dated!"

"Wah... you were spot on. It is about feelings."

"Of course, hehe"

"But... uh, what are we supposed to say?"

"Well, what we felt during this party, I suppose.

She was a little flustered saying that. Was she curious about how I feel? Not gonna lie, I am curious too.

And so, the third event began.

"First, let's start with Devil-nim.'

I took a deep breath. Just spit out whatever you feel! You can do this, Kim JeongYong!

"Ok, so... uh for me it was love at first sight. I was so captivated by her beauty that I mistook her for an angel the first time we met, haha."

I remembered the things that happened so far.

"She was... our usual energetic, optimistic person who loves to tease, but as time went on, it became clear that she gets easily flustered too. She can switch from cool to cute and cute to cool in an instant."

My actual thoughts poured out as naturally as I breathed.

"I felt captivated, curious to know more about her, even after we started dating. Every moment was precious. When we met up, I felt incredible happiness and when we parted, the whole world felt empty. I wanted to be with her 24/7. That... is all."

"Amazing! Well conveyed!"

She was blushing really hard. Not like I'm one to speak. I was also like that right now.

"Such a cute couple! Now, let's hear Angel-ssi's feelings."

She took a deep breath too. With a still blushing face, she started to speak.

"Ahem, so mine was also love at first sight. I was the one who approached him. I found him interesting, cute and a nice target to tease. He was cute when I teased him, but became cool and confident when needed. The times spent with him were my most

favourite times. As he said, I get easily flustered too, but honestly it only happened around him. He is the only one who can make me flustered."

My goodness. Tell me I'm not dreaming.

"He was more amazing as time passed by. Th-thats it"


Goddamn it.

It felt like both my face and heart were going to explode!

"Amazing, amazing, omg! Such a sweet couple indeed! Now, please wait for the results!"

We waited patiently. I really wondered, who in the world are the winners?

"So, were those your true feelings?"

"Were those your true words?"

We asked at the same time.



We replied at the same time.

Then we laughed.

"I'm glad." she said.

"Me too." I replied.

"Hey, come there for a moment."


I was confused, but I followed her. We arrived at a place with no one.

"Here. I too believe we will meet again someday. But until then I want to keep in touch."

She handed me a spirit bird.

"One of my mystic powers is communication based. This spirit bird will convey letters and other stuff you wanna send to people who are far away. There is no need for you to know where the person is. We just have to touch this bird and say our own names. It will form a connection and the bird will know where we are so it can deliver the letters and stuff anytime."

"Wow, amazing. You are really amazing!"

"Thank you."

We formed a connection as whispered our real names to the bird without the other person hearing it.

At that moment,

"The results are here!"

"Already? Let's go!"

"And the winners are...."

We anxiously looked at the host.

"Both the couples are in a draw and so both couples shall get the prize!"

Wait, what? We did it? Even as a draw, we got the prize!

"We did it!"


Both of us were happier than ever.