
What If: Rewrite the stars

Four years ago Mi ran gave birth to a child of still born of an unknown paternity due to her step sister scheme . Four years later she married the man who made everyone turn pale with fright . She thought it was a marriage that will never be intimate she didn't expect to be loved by two big men , one small one big . The world says his heartless and ruthless but who would have thought that this tiger not only sticks to people but also protect his loved one with excellent ability to identify and deal with scheming woman . However later on the hidden past was revealed and she resolutely handed a divorce agreement. "If you want a divorce I'll only give it to you when I'm dead " . She could have decided to put her past behind her and love him with all her heart , but how could she when he was behind the death of her most cherish woman .

Ayodeji_Kehinde_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

More than she seems

The journey to the audition center was quiet , Lee Hyun wouldn't dare speak , afraid he might get scolded . His palms were sweaty , subconsciously he squeak .

Mi ran looked at him , he covered his mouth thinking he just annoyed her , her look was more like she was glaring at him , he wouldn't dare to offend her .

Lee young remained quiet and unmoving , he was able to maintain his aloof look, no one could tell if he was shaken by her or not .


The audition room was a little clouded , the ladies couldn't take their eyes off Lee young . The ladies were ogling over him .

When the ladies saw her approaching with him , they wouldn't take their yes off her .

The ladies keep throwing daggers glare at her.

Mi ran grinned her teeth furiously, her hands grabbing the erm of her skirt furiously, imaging how scratching their damn jerk face .

She cursed them inwardly , scoffing .

Don't even think other wise there's absolutely no way she'll want to have anything to do with him .

Even if he was the only man on earth he wouldn't want to have anything to do with her .

A man was making a movement their way ,

"Mr young " , a man who seems to be in his early sixty greeted .

The director walk up to them , he greets Lee young extending an hand shake .

"Mr Lee it finally nice to meet you " he said in English.

"It a pleasure you'll consider working with Star light Entertainment ".

"Laughs softly , Star light have such an amazing talent and I hope I'll have the chance to work with them as long as they won the audition " Mr Hart said .

He was about to consider Mr Lee achievement at such a young age when his eyes travel to Mi ran .

The director was amazed by her beauty, she didn't dress much just an ordinary outfit with no make up .

"This is Miss Mi ran " he said hugging her close, he winked at her trying to piss her off , guessing she probably don't understand English and she'll think he introduced her as something else .

Mi ran smiled showing off her perfectly set white teeth . Her smile alone could met the coldest of all .

"It an honour to meet you mr Hart" she said in English surprising Lee who looked stunned but quickly hide it with his straight Stan face .

Did he think she wouldn't understand a thing? He should never underestimate her , she has more talent than he can imagine.

"Have a wonderful time with the audition , please I'll excuse myself "..

she excuse herself away from Mr Lee and his so called admires.

She went outside to the balcony to receive fresh air , she couldn't stop thinking if she should have nerve talk to an elder the way she did to master Lee . Her grandma will definitively scold her if she finds out .

She saw two ladies walking up to her .

Puffs! Gosh! , her temper was rising!.

"Who are you ? The lady dressed in red asked .

Sighs , she ignored them , the lady in red rushed towards her ready to hit her .

Mi ran was so quick that the lady lost her balance and was about to fall over .

Mi ran grabbed her swiftly , saving her from falling .

She hugged Mi ran panting taking her by surprise

, she had just saved her even tho she had almost him her .

Mi ran couldn't keep in her laughter , she burst out laughing surprising the two lady who just stare at her .

"Sorry" she apologized pinching her sef really hard to stop herself from rolling on her stomach .

Karma is such a good thing .

"No im sorry " the lady siad bowing slightly .

Mi ran hit her playfully on the shoulder ,

"Gosh! No don't be like that " she siad winking at her .

"I promise to be good to you henceforth, and the Jang don't take their promise lightly she said grabbing Mi rans hand squeezing it.

No doubt she's the youngest of the Jang , she has hard a little about the Jang .

Miss Jang looked at her pity childish face , gosh! How she be mad at her if she's this cute .

"Her" , she took mi ran's phone and saved her no .

"Your no sister! " ,

Mi ran gave her, her personal cell smiling , she's a bit ...
