
What if naruto was in the 7 deadly sins

what would happen if naruto was in the seven deadly sins? this is the story of naruto in the world of magic first time writing, i do not own the show i do not own any pictures

Broly_Tempest · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 5 Long time no seen 2

"long time no seen naruto!"

"kakashi... sensei? but how is that possible... i thought you were... dead"

tears start running down naruto's face

"well i am dead"

"then how... oh... right this is the land of the dead"

"so you know about this place... wait, ARE YOU DEAD??!!"

"no? i am pretty sure i am still alive"

naruto stopped crying

"phew why was i worried, after all, you deafeated kaguya"

"but i wouldn't be able to do it without you... or sasuke... and everyone..."

"hey... atleast you defeated her"



kakashi pulls naruto in for a hug


"its ok naruto you don't have to be sad,

naruto would then starts crying again


"i am sure you are better than that"

"huh? this voice..."

naruto would wipe his tear off and look behind him


"hmp, you are crying again huh?"

"i am not!"



"good job on defeating kaguya, but to be fair i did the most damage"

"thats not true i helped alot too!"

"ok ok thats enough you two!"

another person's voice appeared... naruto never forget his voice

"pervy sage..."

"the one and only"

"this is... so crazy"

"it sure is"

"i never thought that... i would be able to meet you guys again..."

"you grew so much when i was dead huh? you really are the child of prophecy"

"hmp! of course!"


"yeah sasuke?"

"i have something to tell you about my eyes... that is with you right now"

"huh? what is it"

"be careful with it ok? thier power is something thats not to be mess with, if you are not careful you could a whole city"

"hmmm... thats sounds dangerous... but, i got it, i will be careful with it ok?"

"hmm good, and also if you want your sharingan to evolve further you need to use it constantly, but it should be much faster because it used to be fully developed afterall"

"let me see..."

naruto try activating his sharingan... it didn't work

"sasuke... i can't activate it... ehehe..."

"sigh... try remembering when you obtain its power, what did you feel?"

"huh? when i got it? i just reallyyyyyy want it activate"

"well seems like that did the trick"

"huh? its seriously that simple?"

"well lets see... huh? its a 3 tomoe... so its fully evolve"

"but how is that possible, i wasn't able to activate it at all and was stuck at 2 tomoe..."

"no naruto... its not evolving at an incredible rate... its returning to what it once was!"

"huh? UCK"

naruto then feel a sharp pain in his right eye, it was worse than anything he ever felt


"calm down naruto"

"ughhh... my eye... its bleeding?! did i do something wrong?!"

"naruto... thats the mangekyou sharingan"


naruto then look into the crystal nearby

"it really is! it does look the same as your's too!"

"huh of course, thats my eye you know?"

"ahaha... wait but... you still have your eyes?"

"huh... look like this body is from the moment i die... but my cloth is still intact"


"but naruto you should try learning the susanoo, it will be difficult to control, but with how its currently going, your susanoo will also revert to its normal state... but it won't be as fast as the tomoe"

"hmm naruto... your chakra seems to be... mess up?" jiraiya speaks up

"huh? what do you mean?"

"there is some kind of new energy... its not nature energy, chakra or anything, but whatever it is, its overlapping with your chakra" jiraiya continue to state his concerns

"that sounds... really bad"

"that wierd energy is where the chakra should be... this could cause a problem when you use your chakra that wierd enerygy could fuse with it and we don't know what kind of thing would happen, at the worst case scenario you could die"

"but i just learned this new power! how do i get rid of it?"

"i... am not sure"


"well you should try out a jutsu but use as little power as possible ok?

"jiraiya isn't that too dangerous?" kakashi speaks up

"its fine its fine, i am here and also i told him to use as least possible as possible"

"wait jiraiya sensei"

"what is it?"

"well you see... i was able to activate sage power before i got here..."




"ah i'm sorry i didn't know!"

"man these two were always like this huh?" kakashi speaks up


"ehh that way of expression again"

but kakashi could feel that sasuke is happy to see them again

"naruto... look like the state of that wierd power is some where between chakra and nature energy... but its... just like senjutsu chakra"

"huh... wait, dosn't that mean i always have the sage mode's power?!"

"seems like it, but that mean it won't effect you normal ninjustu... but i don't know what will happen if its the other way around..."

"ohhh... wait i also already tried that..."




"ahh! i'm sorry again i didn't know!"

"naruto, i forgot to mention" sasuke speaks up


"your rinengan might awaken soon so be careful"

"...i got it!"

*boom* an explosion sound can be heard in the distants

"huh thats... look like my friend is in trouble"

"you should go"


"naruto, don't be sad this isn't the end, its the beginning of your new journey"

kakashi and jiraiya hugged naruto... naruto hugged them back

"hmp... good luck on whatever you are doing..."


"well everyone wishes you good luck"

"thank you!"

"i hope to see you again someday naruto" kakashi speaks

"then i am off now!"


naruto quickly ran toward the explosion when she sees diane flew into a sharp crystal but meliodas stopped her

"you're heavy diane"

"ehhh thats the worst thing to say to a woman!"

"hey everyone!"

"(meliodas and diane) huh? naruto?

"where have you been all this time?"

"i had some... business to do"

"hmmm ok"

"ho? another one i see are you also a sin?"

"is she talking to me?"

"yes i am"

"huh? well ummm i... don't know?"

"you know what?" said meliodas


"if you could defeat her alone with those wierd ability i would let you join"

meliodas said it with a not so serious expression on his face


meliodas and diane then go to the side and sit down to see him fight

"good luck, and don't worry if things gets bad i will go into help"

'he don't believe in my fighting ability at all does he? i guess i will have to show off a little bit'

naruto then activate his sage mode

"oh! its the wierd eyes again"

"oh ban since when were you here?

"hahaha, anyways i wonder what that does"

"his eyes kinda look like a frog" said meliodas

"right? it look so funny!"

'hmp i would like to see you laugh at me after this'


"huh? what is he doing..."

*WHOOSH* a gust of wind came from the spinning ball that is being created



'that speed that that wierd ball is spinning is no joke... if i get hit by that i will be done for, but i won't let him get close"

guila starts shooting out many explosion from the rapier to hit naruto

"uh oh this looks bad he is holding that ball in shape he can't dodge that! i have to help" diane speaks up

"wait, just watch" meliodas said

the explosion hit naruto head on


"... hmp i knew it"

"hmp that was easy who is nex- huh? a log? ...whats with that wind sound...!" guila would then look up

"its already too late! RASENSHURIKEN!!!"

guila was shred to pieces and sent back to the real world, the gush of wind was so strong in pushe ban back by a little bit

they suddenly return to the original world

"rasenshuriken huh? how did you came up with such a powerful technique" saids ban

"my master taught me it" naruto said it with a smile on his face

"you must have thought about master"



"well... ok"

"hey naruto" meliodas speaks up


"well... about this becoming a "sin" thing"

"oh uhhhh"

"you did defeat him easily, and you really went overboard too"


"well i guess you are a part of the 7 sins now"


"but then it would be 8 then, who know if we will make it official or not"


"well lets forget all of that now for the real question"


"what will be... , your name in the seven deadly sins"


what will his name be you can help me decide

Broly_Tempestcreators' thoughts