
What If Naruto Had The Six Eyes & Limitless Curse Technique

What If Naruto Had The Six Eyes !!! This story is a cool mix of two popular anime, Naruto and Jujutsu Kaisen. Imagine Naruto, but with a twist - he's got the awesome powers of Gojo Satoru, like the Curse Technique and the Six Eyes, from Jujutsu Kaisen. In this tale, Naruto Uzumaki isn't just your usual ninja; he's got the incredible abilities of Gojo Satoru, a powerful character from another anime world. We're going to dive into how Naruto's adventures and challenges in his world would change if he had these new powers. It's a fun blend of two worlds, seeing how one character's abilities can shake up the whole story of Naruto. Let's find out how things turn out! Some Warnings : Creator Has Watched The Both Series But He Is Not Very Known To The Powers & The Jujutsu Kaisen Series !!! so any mistake he makes describing or writing 'bout The Six Eyes Technique, Advance Apology From Creator's Side what You can expect - Most Important Arcs Of Naruto Is Addressed !!! - MC Is Overpowering and Not Weak And dumb As Canon - No Harem anyways let's start the journey, stick with it **Special Note:** The authors of this story come from a non-English speaking background, so you might spot some grammar hiccups here and there.

hasnathh · Anime & Comics
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107 Chs

Land Of Demon [2]`

After a bit...

Naruto, Neji, Lee, and Sakura were chilling in front of Shion, who was lounging near her throne...

"Taruho here, presenting the Demon Country's top priestess, Lady Shion," Taruho announced.

"She's got a cute vibe," Naruto mused, quickly pushing the thought aside.

"Name's Uzumaki Naruto, the lead of Konoha's squad," Naruto introduced himself.

"Hyuga Neji," Neji stated simply.

"Rock Lee's the name!"

"Haruno Sakura, at your service."

"We've got the mission to escort Lady Shion to the sealed shrine," Naruto added.

"Last night's attack had some losses, Susuki included, just like Lady Shion foresaw," Taruho informed.

"True, but as you see, I'm totally fine. My people probably wished for that," Shion responded.

An awkward silence took over, broken when Shion's gaze landed on Naruto, and she abruptly saw a vision of him facing death...

Standing up and approaching Naruto, Shion blurted out, "You're going to die!" pointing right at him.

The sudden declaration from Shion had everyone frozen, "Die, you say? How's that supposed to happen?" Naruto quipped.

"You'll be stabbed through the chest soon!" Shion declared.

"What do you mean ?" Naruto said confused.

Shion merely shrugged, offering nothing more as she exited the room.

Naruto's gaze swiftly shifted to Taruho, expecting some clarity.

Taruho bowed deeply, "My apologies, please forgive her."

"It's fine, but what's this about me dying?" Naruto said calmly.

"That came out of nowhere!" Sakura exclaimed.

"Lady Shion has a knack for predicting deaths," Taruho explained.

"Predicting deaths?" Lee echoed.

"Yes, but it's nothing to fret over," reassured Taruho.

"Aha, so that's what you meant about her predicting...what was it, Susuki's death?" Naruto probed further.

"Exactly," Taruho confirmed.

"And how accurate are these predictions?" Lee inquired.

"Flawlessly accurate," Taruho admitted.

"So, Naruto, any thoughts on what to do next?" Lee looked towards Naruto.

"What to do next? You mean about the prediction?" Naruto asked back, feigning confusion for a moment before his expression turned serious. "Look, worrying about the future that's out of our control won't help. Our focus should remain on the here and now, on our mission. That's all that matters."

"Rightly said, Naruto!" Neji affirmed, with Sakura and Lee nodding in agreement.

Meanwhile, the Hidden Leaf team prepared for their next move. With Kakashi, Anko, Guy, Tenten, and the others, they strategized to ambush the puppet soldiers marching their way,

Repeated attempts to halt the ghost army's relentless march toward the sealed shrine have all ended in failure; their advance remains unchecked, undeterred by any form of assault.

The key to stopping this spectral force lies with Shion, the priestess of the Demon Country, whose sealing techniques hold the power to end their ominous procession.

Back in the village, a critical gathering was underway.

"We've been tasked with escorting Lady Shion to the sealed shrine. Only those ready to lay down their lives for this cause should step forward. Is everyone clear on this?" Taruho's voice was firm, commanding the attention of all the assembled guards.

"I'm in!"

"Count me in too!"

Guard after guard volunteered, ready to protect their priestess at any cost, their determination unwavering.

From the second floor, Shion observed the scene, the weight of their sacrifice not lost on her.

Meanwhile, Neji, Sakura, and Rock Lee awaited further instructions, their mission clear yet halted by necessary preparations. It was then that Naruto entered, his arrival cutting through the tension in the room.

"How much longer are we going to be stuck here?" Lee asked.

"Taruho's adamant about mobilizing the armed forces. We're on hold until they're ready," Naruto explained.

"Even with the urgency of our mission?" Sakura pressed.

"Tell me about it. I'm just as baffled as you are," Naruto responded, as he exited the room, his mind already racing ahead to the challenges that lay before them.

As Naruto made his way down the hall, he encountered Shion standing in solitude. He paused, observing her quietly for a moment before attempting to retreat. However, her voice halted him in his tracks.

"Do you have anything to say?" Shion inquired, prompting Naruto to face her once more.

"No, Nothing... I was just..." Naruto began, only to be interrupted.

"I had something to ask you!" Shion interjected, seizing his attention.

"What?" Curious, Naruto closed the distance between them, positioning himself by her side.

"You're going on for the mission after what I said to you!?" Shion's questioned.

"Obviously, why won't I?" Naruto's responded.

"Are...you not... Afraid?" Shion's voice softened.

"Afraid? Worrying about death only dulls the moment. I believe in living here and now. If my time comes, it'll come... Worrying about it won't help, will it?" Naruto's replied.

Shion's gave way to a slight smile, touched by the sincerity and bravery in Naruto's words.

[A.T - If this was an fanfiction was about an western show, I could've shown them kissing at this point ! Anyways back to story]

Rock Lee popped out, his energy unmistakable. "Naruto, we're all set to head out!" he announced.

"Got it, I'm on my way!" Naruto replied.

Time passed, and it was Shion who next spoke up, signaling they were all set for departure. "Looks like we're good to go," she said, as Naruto and the team prepared to exit.

"We're headed to the waterfall. I need to undergo a purification ritual there as a priestess. There's a hidden path just behind it," Shion explained.

"Leaving Taruho behind, are we okay with that?" Lee questioned.

"As the village priestess, it's within my right to decide if my attendants stay or go," Shion declared firmly, leading the team away from the village, with the shire as their target destination.

Eventually, Taruho caught up with them, despite Shion's reluctance and their brief argument over his insistence on staying.

Sakura took it upon herself to carry Shion, while Taruho lagged behind, struggling to keep up with their pace.

As night fell, the team decided to make camp, assured by Naruto's confident declaration, "I don't sense any enemies nearby."

"Seems we're clear of danger," Neji confirmed.

"That settles it, we'll camp here for the night," Naruto decided.

Lee chimed in, "We could keep going if it was just us, but..." his voice trailing off as Sakura added, "They're both at their limit."

"I'm perfectly fine," Shion protested weakly.

"Lady Shion, you should rest tonight, especially you have use such a demanding sealing technique," Taruho advised gently.

"Fine... But I'm starving. Someone give me food!" Shion demanded.

As night enveloped them, and with the team standing guard, Shion finally drifted to sleep.

In the dead of night, Shion was awakened by her usual premonitions, finding Neji, Sakura, and Lee keeping watch nearby.

Meanwhile, Naruto was perched on a cliff's edge, meticulously studying the map for the safest route ahead.

Taruho approached, offering an apology for Shion's earlier behavior.

"No worries," Naruto reassured with a smile, his confidence unwavering. "But, I've got a question," he added.

"What's on your mind?" Taruho inquired, sitting beside him.

"How often do these visions happen for Lady Shion?" Naruto asked.

"She only foresees the deaths of those close to her or in her service. It's gotten to the point where even our villagers fear becoming part of her visions, with some trying to avoid her altogether," Taruho explained, his voice laced with concern.

"Being alone... must be tough," Naruto pondered silently, thinking about his own past...the same things he went through...

Although, after the Chunin exam, where he was introduced as Minato's son, the behavior towards him from the villagers changed, but still, he could relate to her situation...

[A. N: Thanks for reading, drop Powerstones that will help a lot and drop reviews if you like the story and add to your library]