
Hinata: After Chunin Exams

"Where am I? stated Hinata as she saw herself floating in a tube using her byakugan. All I remember was a man killing the 2 nurses. Why are people so cruel in this world? Hello, my little specimen, stated Orochimaru. Ahhhh, this is the Orochimaru guy Naruto-kun told me about. Just stay put, I'm getting the supplies ready, stated Orochimaru as he furiously locked his lips, and walked out of the room.

*Substitution Jutsu* stated Hinata as she substituted with a senbon. I knew this senbon would be useful, I can thank Kurenia for that. I heard some people talking about Naruto-kun and how they want to use him. I dashed out of the room and used my Byakugan to see everything. Some of the rooms were inaccessible with my Byakugan. However, I saw some horrid things like people's bodies getting dismantled the malnourished, and twig-like people starving. And also the little children experimented on and disposed of. What is this Crazy Hell? stated Hinata as she almost screamed out loud, but managed to control herself. I can't run, but I can use a technique that Naruto showed me."

"Kage Bushin no Jutsu: Buraddoāto: Blood Clone Jutsu. Ok, I'll make another one and Henge no Jutsu. I'll transform this into the silver-haired "genin" that I saw working with Orochimaru. No, I know what to do. I'll transform it into one of Orochimaru's goons, and put the other blood clone back in the tube."

Hinata looked at every exit from a 359-degree view, and found a perfect spot. HAA, Earth Release: Earth Flow Divide(what Yamato used to clear the Amaterasu). As she made an opening underground and dashed through using her crazy speed and chakra control. She saw one of Orochimaru's bases which had a lot of halls looking the same, yellow with the same pattern(where Naruto found Sasuke). She kept running, and then, HAAA! screamed Hinata as Orochimaru Lurked out of the corner and stated, Where are you Going? *Splash* Little girl, don't think you can fool me stated Orochimaru as he gut punches Hinata which knocks her out. He proceeded to sink down the ground with Hinata, and set her up on his table experimenting on her with joy in his voice. He'd killed the blood clone in the tube beforehand.

"But I did get away and you got fooled, stated Hinata in her mind as she had actually made 3 blood clones in case Orochimaru caught on to her plan, however, she was drained out of her chakra and stamina due to the effects Orchimaru put in the tube. Naruto-kun, I was able to get this far, smiled HInata as she passed out on a tree."