
what if light and L were reincarnated in high school dxd

Read and find out how L and light deal with the challenges in dxd.

who1am2I3 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs


Third person pov:

After light died he appeared in the void with his astral form.

'What is this place? If remember correctly a person who uses a death note can neither go to heaven nor hell. So, it's the nothingness that ryuk talked about'. Light thought.

"Damn that kid Near I was so close to becoming a god. Ever since misa came came into life my life had been going downhill, because of her I was almost a high suspect on being kira when L was alive and then eventually got caught by Near. If it wasn't for my planning she and I would've been behind bars by L". Light said with an angered face

Light heard a familiar voice behind him.

"Hello light or should I say kira. It seems that my suspicions on you was correct after all. Your plan in acting like knowing nothing about death note and making someone play the role of being kira was how should I say it was brilliant. You managed to convinced even me to not think of you as kira even when I had high suspicions on you thanks to misa amane ". L said with an emotionless face." It's been like 6 hours since I last saw you and I can see that you've died, either you died because of old age or someone killed you cause I'm not sure how time goes in here". L said to light who was still a bit shocked.

"You had had the entire police force of Japan to stalking me and cameras placed hidden cameras placed all over my room and you still couldn't figure out even though you figure out that I need a face and name to kill. If it weren't for misa I would've never be under High suspicion by you". Light said with grin." It's true that I didn't figure it out but you use supernatural powers to kill me which I have very little knowledge about. You could've made a great detective light while we were working to catch kira I saw that your deductive skill were quite good almost same as mine. I feel a bit satisfied that my suspicions on you were true all along". L replied with a emotionless face to light who was still frustrated at the thought of being defeated by by cheap L(Near).

"Hmm.. it doesn't matter anyway now that we're both dead. BTW you said that it's only been 6 hours since you died but in the real world you were dead for 5 years so, I guess you are right about time passing differently here". Light said after composing himself. Then both of them heard a voice and saw the entity who looked like a wise Chinese man.

"Light yagami and L Lawliet as you can see you both are dead but I'm going to give you a chance to change a certain upcoming future in the new world that you're going to reincarnate". The entity spoke.

"Reincarnate?" Light said in a low voice with a surprised face.'Reincarnate huh. So I'm going to get another chance live' Both light and L thought the same.

"I have 5 question 1st why haven't you show yourself to me when I was here for 6 hours. 2nd Who are you? 3rd why do you want to reincarnate us? 4th you said that you were going to reincarnate in a new world so, is that world bit different? 5th if I'm going to reincarnate are we going to reincarnate in the same family or different family?". L said.

"Well to answer your 1st question: because I thought if both of you were ask that question you might want to talk out with each other as both you and light are equal in terms in terms of intelligence and has different views. 2nd I'm a god. 3rd as I've already said you both are very intelligent and I wanted to see how both of you will change the future. 4th Yes, it is different world where beings called devils angels exist who looked exactly like humans. 5th you both will not be siblings but you'll be neighbours when you both reach the age of 5". The entity replied.

"So I'm going to a world with the one who killed me and we're going to neighbours. What makes you think he will not kill me a 2nd time in that world also?" L asked with a serious tone." I'll give you my word he'll not kill you if he ever tries that he'll be dead on the spot. And if you try to kill him you'll be dead also. Before you ask why it's because you both are needed in a in a different way to change it and it will be very entertaining to see both smartest human beings from being rival to being ally. You'll both have the same name as your previous world. If you think 'why am I getting the same treatment as him' cause you both are the same in a different way. You both are willing to sacrifice everything to win". The entity replied causing light and L to think about being same in a different way.

"So this world we're going that we're going to be reincarnated into has have beings that are far stronger than humans?". Light asked his tone calm as ever

"You don't need to worry I'm not going to reincarnate you without any abilities to defend yourself". The entity replied with smile.

Now both Light and L getting the answers to their questions asked the entity to get reincarnate at the same time.

"I'll reincarnate you both in the place called kuoh. Something will happen when you enrolled to the kuoh academy. I'm sure you both will be able to handle it with ease". As the entity finished both of their vision started getting blurred as they both smirk at each other.

At the hospital somewhere in Tokyo.

Light's pov:

I heard some voices while I was coming out, I knew that it was mostly from the doctors and nurses there so, I just decided to ignore it.

When I was out i opened my eyes, i saw a doctor holding me while congratulating my new mother. The doctor noticed that i wasn't crying since I came out so, i started acting like a baby. After that he carefully gave me to my mother who was having tears of joy not that I care so much though.

Then the doctor went out of the room to tell my new father of the news. My new mother was talking about how cute and handsome I am and how my new father has been thinking for months about a name if I was a boy or a girl but I didn't really care about what she said.

After that my new father rushing came to room and was so happy that he couldn't hold back his tears. Then he came close to the bedside where I was where he sat down on the floor.

My father began to speak slowly" I've come up with a great name for him, 'Light' that's his name will be 'Light'. The light that always shine even when there's a bad situation."

My mother began to speak in a low voice enough to for the three of us to hear "Our little light".

Third person pov:

L's birth was somewhat similar to light except he's born in england and his acting as a baby was a bit weird but still believable.

Did you like the story? Btw I don't really care if you like it or not I'm just doing this for fun since I got very bored in my free time.

If you're worried that I will be dropping the story after some chapters don't cause I'll be finishing this fanfic but I'll be going on a hiatus for 30 days as I have other things to focus in real life.

I've already watched death note.

I've made this fic after rewatching death note care fully again and again. And I've come to the conclusion that both are equal in terms of quality of their abilities with L having a bit slight edge over light in terms of intelligence.

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