
What if l am lost in you

Excel is one of the best colleges in the world and the dream of every teenager. Aylin Brown is a simple girl but topper of that college in the first year whose having one of the best dancing skills in the whole college. She lost her mom at an early age and lives on her own. Before the first day of college in the cold chilly night on the street while walking she accidentally bumps into a stranger whom she was not able to see but fall for his deep black eyes. She started to find him but on the first day of her college she had an Encounter with the college hunk Erick Windsor who had good looks as well as was elegant, arrogant, cold-blooded, and rich. They both cross path as a rival but doesn't know what the faith wants. They both are stubborn from inside with memories of their dark past. Would Aylin be able to find Mr mysterious or will create feelings for Erick?

Divas · Teen
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48 Chs

"I Can Definitely Break my Rules"

The next day in the college, Aylin was the center of attraction. What happened yesterday was shared by someone on the college web page. All were gossiping about her, Sam and Erick. Matilda and James were angry with them but surprised as Aylin was ignoring all of them. She went inside the classroom. In front of a door, she saw two girls one was fat and Chubby and the other was wearing spectacles. The girl wearing Spectacles said"Aylin l am gonna kill you bitch!You stole my prince charmings." The fatty girl said," You materialistic girl. Your types of girl only know how to sell their bodies".The girl wearing Spectacles splashed hot coffee over her clothes and the fatty girl punched her, Aylin fall on the floor.

James came towards them but suddenly a boy came and picked up Aylin. It was Erick who had a dark expression on his face which made him look scary. He took out his jacket and put on Aylin. he looked at them and said" l don't beat girls but if you all disrespect anyone so l had to break my rule." He then looked at Aylin who was all wet He helped her to wear his jacket and lifted her into his arms and went towards the lavish room of college where no one was allowed except rich people. Matilda ran towards them and said James to call the doctor. Erick made her sat on the couch but he got panicked as Aylin was looking half dead with her hazel green eyes became damn red.

Matilda, Chales, James came running inside and Erick said nervously"What happened to her". Matilda said " Don't worry she has an allergy to caffeine." After sometimes the doctor came and did a check-up on Aylin. He said"Don't worry she's fine but caffeine should be avoided in contact with her." Matilda said"Ok doctor." Aylin woke up after some time. She stood up without saying anything to anyone and went outside the door. All were shouting from the back. Erick and Others ran towards her. Aylin called a taxi and was waiting for it.

Erick came and said" What happened to you?" She didn't say anything. Matilda and James came running and Matilda said" Don't worry, She's fine but needs some time." Chales took Erick back and Aylin went to her house with Matilda.

Aylin locked herself inside her room and Matilda also let her stay as she knows how would be she feeling now.