
What If I Was Your Angel

"So what if I had been your angel, beauty?" The woman in question turned with her red skirt fluttering. Her face washed white was on the verge of crumbling. He reached out, standing above her, and Charlotte's hand wavered with her poisoned words. "What if." [Mature Content] In a technologically advanced world where the darkness is chased out by bright lights, there are vampires lingering behind the scenes, seamlessly merged between human life. Charlotte follows the lines of normal but her ordinary routine comes to a stop when she witnesses an eye-opening moment that puts both her and her loved ones in danger, making her once quiet life crumble. A vampire crosses path with a human to which he never thought he would be tied to. Forced together, an unexpected partnership forms between her and the seductive stranger when they discover that there is more than meets the eye behind closed doors where the shadows linger.

Winter_Auden · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
132 Chs

Rendered Immobile

There was only darkness, but she could feel the heavy presence in the air of death. Charlotte thrashed her immobile body alone with unrecognizable faces surrounding her, and she screamed since she knew it was a dream, but it could fully interact with it.

She was never one to have lucid dreams, and her skin crawled from the unusually warm hands landing on her bare shoulder, and her eyes widened when she realized that she was naked.

Her shoulders stiffened, and she forced herself to look up at the faces of the people holding her captive in the dark cave that also seemed to be a spotlight. The eyes were lifeless, and everything was a wash of grey. They seemed like statues, but she could read the murderous intent in their body language.

Fear poured into her being, and she couldn't scream. Her body thrashed, trying to get out of the nightmare, but she couldn't move. The beings didn't do anything but stare at her. She shook her head in disbelief, wanting Vincent.

She buried her face in her hands, not knowing what to do since her body was still rendered useless, and decided to sit still until she woke up.

The hands that were on her slid to her throat, squeezing her life force away, and Charlotte immediately brought her hands up to try and defend herself. They started to choke her, and she lost the air in her lungs as well as her strength.

Gritting her teeth, she stared straight back into their eyes and demanded they die. These beings didn't even deserve to be called humans.

Charlotte woke up with a scream ripping through her dry throat, and her clammy hands spread out around her, her long nails gripping tightly on the blankets. It was pitch black around her and not the normal dark glow of the nighttime but utter, complete darkness. Sweat pricked her brow, and her body was damp with perspiration from the dream and trembling.

The curtains by her side were ripped to the side in a whoosh as bright sunny light shone inside eliminating all of the lingering doubts about the figure that towered over her. She frantically reached for him, and he brought her into his lap, as he settled down on the side of the soft mattress.

Her eyes were struggling to adjust from the brightness that she hadn't seen in what seemed to be forever, so she closed them tightly, attempting to take it one step at a time.

Charlotte pressed her nose into his neck, trying to catch her breath and take up all of him. Vincent comforted her by squeezing her tightly, and she could hear a smile in his voice when he finally spoke.

"Did you miss me that much?"

She shook her head into his shoulder before leaning back to see his face and sighed in relief when she saw his warm smile that used to be cold only a couple of months ago. "No. I had a dream."

He patted her bottom like a child, and she squeezed his cheek in return. "I'm serious, Vincent. I was lucid dreaming. It was the oddest sensation... I hated it. It was so disgusting."

Vincent nipped her in the lip, making her blush from the intimate contact as if her being in his lap was normal. "I'm sorry. Next time, I'll be next to you to chase them away."

Charlotte snickered before realizing what took place before them before. Her eyes dropped down to his bottom vicinity, and he tipped her chin back up to meet his sensual gaze. She poked an accusatory finger into his hard chest. "I am demanding answers, sir."

Vincent scratched his cheek awkwardly. "Sooo... how was it?"

Charlotte smacked his face, and Vincent pushed her away, as she blushed furiously. "Shut up."

"No, seriously, Charlotte."

She sighed, torn from speaking the truth or lying. Charlotte ended up spilling her thoughts since she wanted to soothe his apprehensive gaze. "It was good."

Vincent released his clasped hands. "I didn't want to hurt you."

"You didn't," she hastily answered. "Did you black out during the whole thing?"

He bit down on his bottom lip to keep from smiling. "I do remember bits and pieces."

Charlotte grimaced and punched him again. "Shut up!"

It was funny how fast their dynamic changed. Once upon a time, when they first met, Charlotte was scared while Vincent was the one-word man. Now, he morphed into a cuddly puppy before her.

She didn't know whether to be more scared of him when they first met or now. Her heart was still unsettled, as she tried to feel out the new terrain.

Vincent smiled before flipping them over, and Charlotte ended with her back on the pillows with his arms settled around her head. She shook her head with an amused laugh, as she ran her fingers down his silk tie to feel the golden embroidered fabric.

Vincent brought his cool hand to her forehead to check her temperature, and she tried to batter his hand away.

"It looks like you're feeling better now," he murmured. "You had a fever last night."

She could tell from the remnants of the struggle last night from her sweaty nightclothes clingy to her skin. Charlotte cringed when she realized she must look a mess at the moment from the top of her head down to the tips of her toes.

She wondered if anything big had occurred. "How long was I out for?"

"Five days."

Her mouth opened in shock. "Wow."

He guiltily shrugged. "You needed it after your injuries and... me."

Charlotte covered her laugh. "Being boastful of your stamina, are we?"