
What if Gohan landed in DC

After the destroyer God Beerus destroyed his home the young saiyan Gohan was thrust into an entire new universe, now a Saiyan God Gohan struggles to accept the permanent loss of his family and loved ones as he tries to fit into his new universe until he becomes a candidate for God of Destruction.

Percival_Black · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Looming threats (Part 1)

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"Well, Strix and I were invited by the rulers of the eastern section of the universe, so we have to go now," Gohan said as he turned. "We will be returning shortly," Gohan added as Vermont walked towards him.

"Gohan!" Gine exclaimed, catching his attention. "We will become strong enough," she vowed as he nodded.

"I look forward to it," he replied as he, Vermont, and Strix disappeared in a flash of white light.

On Planet Evonia. "Father! How long must we still wait for this god?" a tall man with broad shoulders, blue eyes, and blonde hair asked as Triton looked at him.

"Watch your tongue, Baryon! He isn't some god. If it weren't for him, you wouldn't have an empire to succeed," Triton said, and Arlen, the Queen, spoke, her eyes far colder than before.

"Listen to your father. If not, Oasa will be Empress, and you will be renounced as Crown Prince," she added, leaving the Prince stunned.

"Mother!" he argued, but she stepped down from her throne, her expression that of silent fury. He had never seen her so angry before.

"If you speak of Lord Gohan in such a manner again, the Empire itself will turn its back on you. We have far too many who look to us for a prideful prince to spit on the name of our savior. If you want to ask how many more days we will wait, then the answer will be for as long as needed," she declared. Baryon just clenched his jaw; Arlen's expression was too fearsome even for him. He knew his mother, his Queen.

"Alright!" he relented, but an idea struck him. "At least let me challenge this god of destruction. I want to see his strength for myself!" he said, but Arlen walked up to him and raised her hand. "You wish to test a god who destroyed our home and recreated..." but stopped when a guard ran in and called.

"Emperor Augustus the seventh of the Vanetian Empire has arrived!" The guard announced as Arlen looked at the guard before looking at her son.

"Stay your tongue and behave yourself, child. Hopefully, you can carry yourself as a Royal. Do not fail me as you did just now! The Vanetian Empire knows we are weak. Any sign of disorder will be catastrophic." Arlen glared at her first-born son who clenched his fist but nodded.

Triton and Oasa watched from their thrones as Baryon and Arlen made their way up to their thrones just as the grand doors of the Lou Empire's throne room opened, and an Emperor dressed in blue royal attire entered with two others dressed in royal blue attire with their retinue.

His blond hair glistened in the light as if on fire, his guards followed behind the Emperor, Prince, and Princess.

They looked arrogant and walked with their heads held high, their appearance instilled awe in everyone as they passed.

The emperor looked strong and young with strikingly green eyes, slightly larger than humans with a peach-toned skin color. The prince looked exactly like his father, but his hair was longer, and his coat was black. He gave off an ominous aura, but the moment he saw a beautiful maiden in the throne room, he shot her a charming grin that made her swoon.

The princess was extremely beautiful; her blonde hair was tied in a chic ponytail updo with long curly hair adorned with many accessories—a gem used as a hair clip. Her strikingly green eyes matched the emperor's. She had a yellow dress with many gems, probably costing more than some planets, and many nobles of the Lou Empire knew it.

"King Triton!" Augustus called out as he stopped in front of the throne with a grin. Triton stood up and walked down to the emperor. "How have you been?" Augustus asked as he glanced around the throne room. It was decorated with priceless gems, and a large orchestra played pleasant music at a low volume. In fact, it looked like the dining palace had only the best the universe had to offer lined up.

'They must really not want to get on our bad side,' Augustus thought to himself, an arrogant smirk on his face.

"Emperor Augustus, forgive me for not coming to Princess Carnelia's coming-of-age ceremony. As I am sure you have heard, we ran into some problems," Triton said as Augustus nodded.

"I have heard. At first, I thought you weren't interested, but to my surprise, the great Lou Empire was nearly reduced to rubble!" he said with a grin, but Triton just smiled.

"Nothing can shake our foundation. We have very powerful allies in the shadows," Triton responded as Augustus nodded.

"I heard you carry a god in your pocket," he chuckled. It sounded ridiculous, but he needed to figure this out himself. If a god was really helping them, then they would have to reevaluate how they handle the Lou Empire in the future.

"You misunderstand, Emperor. I do not carry a god in my pocket. Our objectives align, so we are allied. I would not be so arrogant as to say I control a god," Triton corrected. He could have easily ridden the wave, but that could very easily backfire.

Augustus nodded. So, there was truth to the rumors, a god...

"Incredible. In one swoop, the Evenian Empire came crumbling down. You now control the entirety of the eastern hemisphere, correct?" Augustus asked, but Triton heard his real question. 'Do you control the eastern hemisphere now, if not, be prepared?'

"It is as you say. Velius made a grave mistake when he thought he saw weakness, and now he no longer exists in the same world as you and I. It was a notice to the three great empires," Triton said with a smile. 'Try us, and you will be just like him, even if you control one of the three greats.'

Augustus looked past Triton. "Queen Arlen, still as beautiful as always." Arlen smiled and made her way down to Augustus with Oasa and Baryon following.

"Thank you, your majesty," Arlen responded with a slight tilt of her head.

"Greetings, your majesties." Princess Carnelia bowed halfway to Triton and Arlen and tilted her head towards Baryon and Oasa.

Pleasantries were exchanged before Triton spoke again.

"Let us go to the dining palace. Luckily, we have a feast prepared already," Triton responded as they made their way towards the grand dining hall.

The dining hall had table after table lined up with delicacies that looked incredible. Food from every corner of the eastern hemisphere was lined up beautifully.

"I didn't think your majesty would go to such lengths," Carnelia said as Oasa spoke.

"Do not misunderstand; this was meant for Lord Gohan, but he has yet to arrive," she answered.

"Lord?" Carnelia asked. 'Why would a Royal call anyone Lord? Unless...' She wondered and nodded.

"You must hold this 'Lord' Gohan in high esteem for the princess of Lou to call him that. Unless you have become servants yourselves," the Prince of the Vanetian Empire pointed out.

'So this grand dining palace was not meant for us?' Augustus thought to himself. This fact seemingly annoyed the Emperor.

This blatant taunt set a fire beneath the princess. 'You see it as a weakness, but truthfully, we hold the power now,' she thought to herself angrily.

"That is correct, Prince Derrick. Lord Gohan is our greatest benefactor," Queen Arlen said as Baryon almost scoffed, but a side-eye glance from the Queen stopped him.

"Where is Princess Eris?" Oasa suddenly said, trying to shift the subject. But this shifted the atmosphere slightly, as a look of disdain appeared on the Emperor and Princes' faces.

"My worthless sister will not be coming. I am sure news of her latest escapades at the last gala has made its rounds. Sooner or later, father will have her executed," Derrick said as Augustus nodded.

"It is as Prince Derrick said, bringing along a disaster such as her would bring shame to the royals of the Vanetian Empire," Augustus said.

Oasa nodded and internally sighed as Arlen acknowledged her quick thinking with a glance. Everyone knew that the first princess was notorious for her failures, the greatest stain of the Vanetian Empire. It was honestly laughable.

The Royals of the universe were known to be ruthless to those who weren't perfect; even other royals weren't spared. Kings have executed many for their behavior and failures. The Eve Empire was especially known for its ruthless behavior.

'Even the worthless princess of Lou has a brain. Eris will pay for making me suffer disgrace in front of these worms, but for now, I need to get to the point.'

The royals of the east and west sat at the dining hall. "I came today to propose something," Augustus started.

"Indeed, when you contacted me shortly after this incident, I had an inkling you had aspirations, but to think you would visit us is an honor," Triton said as he leaned forward. He was curious about what the western royals would want with them. He knew one of the greats would visit eventually with the massive power vacuum that now exists in the east.

"I am sure you are aware that the royals of the north and south are aware of your weakened state. You may control the east now, but you shared it not too long ago with Darkseid and Velius…I will be forthright," Augustus said as he smirked and leaned back.

"You are weak, like a kitten in the eyes of the greats," Augustus said. "In fact, I could easily swallow your small empire before you stabilize and expand."



The maids and butlers nearby were taken aback by the direct threat in enemy territory; the retinue had a few guards but nothing grand.

"Commander," Augustus called out as a man took off his helmet and stepped forward and bowed.

"As you can see, my second-in-command is with me, and he is stronger than your commander Mattis, who is still recovering. My warships are just on the borders. This could easily become an invasion," Augustus said.

"What do you say to becoming a vassal state?" Augustus asked. "I am being kind. You can still play royal, but you should realize you need my protection," Augustus remarked as his children continued eating. It was as if nothing but the truth had been spoken.

Silence descended in the hall as utensils clinked every so often.

Triton just continued eating, showing he didn't care. Augustus frowned slightly before smiling. 'Your benefactor must be incredible for you to not bat an eyebrow,' he mused to himself.

"Emperor Augustus," Queen Arlen spoke, catching his attention. "As tempting as that sounds, we will have to decline. Even if you brought your forces, we refuse. After all, we have our dignity and pride. Slaughter us if you must, but there will be consequences."

'You are a great leader and ruler; you never made rash decisions and always tried to find out as much as possible before making your move. The very fact that you are cordial means you are sure. That is the secret to the Vanetian Empire's growth and influence; your ability to read a situation is second to none,' Arlen thought to herself. She was clearly confident about her logic.

"How about marriage?" Prince Derrick asked as he looked at Oasa.

'NO!?' Oasa had to stop herself from immediately denying the request.

"That would have worked if we were on equal standing," Princess Carnelia said. The room was silent, as the maids and butlers could only hide their anger at the blatant disrespect for their esteemed leaders.

"Now-now Carnelia, no need to be so blunt. Oasa and I like to think we fancy one another. What say you, Oasa?" Prince Derrick asked as Augustus smirked.

"I will have to remind you, Prince Derrick, you were not given permission by my sister Princess Oasa to use her name as easily as you do now," Baryon intervened. His aggression and dislike were easy to see. Oasa quickly cut in before a response was returned.

"Be that as it may, Prince Derrick, I am sure you understand my feelings on the matter. Even if we did fancy one another, Princess Carnelia speaks the truth. The power imbalance is far too great. You could certainly find a suitor on your level, just as I will," she said, her anger hidden elegantly as Derrick sighed.

'Truthfully, I do not know what I would do if I had to be betrothed to Prince Derrick!' Oasa thought to herself.

Prince Derrick was known for his lustful side. If he saw a maiden he fancied, he would have her no matter what, even if she was already wedded.

"Pointless pride will get you nowhere! Even if you are a concubine, we will treat your empire with great care," Prince Derrick said as Augustus couldn't hold back his smile, and Carnelia stifled her laughter. This was a direct slap to their face. How could a Princess of Lou be a concubine!?

"Calm down, dear brother. We wouldn't want to tease them too much with your proposal," Carnelia spoke.

Baryon's jaw clenched as he snapped his utensil in anger, but Arlen placed her hand on his. 'Calm down, my son. I understand your anger, but we have to endure this shame. War would mean annihilation. We cannot give Augustus a reason to invade our territory,' she thought.

"Anger will make you grow old faster, Prince Baryon," Princess Carnelia said with a smile. "You always carried your thoughts on your face."

Quickly composing himself.

"Of course not, Princess. My sister's hand has already been promised," Baryon said as everyone turned and looked at him surprised.

"This is news! The princess of Lou is engaged," Augustus said.

"Brother!" Oasa said surprised. 'You idiot! Now I really have to find a suitor!'

"T-that was not supposed to be disclosed yet," she said as Arlen sighed.

'Why would you say something so absurd,' the queen thought, her frustration building up.

"It is as Prince Baryon says," Triton said as Derrick sighed and nodded. 

"It cannot be helped then," as a guard suddenly ran into the room.

Suddenly fireworks could faintly be heard, and the ceiling of the palace became transparent revealing the light show just as a soldier hurriedly ran in and bowed down with his head flat on the ground.

'He has arrived,' Baryon thought to himself. He was just as eager to meet this god that saved his throne.

"A thousand pardons, your majesties! Lord Gohan has arrived and is on his way to the dining palace as we speak," the guard informed as the royal family of Lou stood up, surprising the royals of the west. Baryon was hesitant, but a stern look from Arlen told him if he valued his position and life, he would listen…or else. And he was also looking forward to meeting their savior.

"Guards! Line up! Greet Lord Gohan!" King Triton roared as the Lou family stood at the end of the line, bowing down to the ground, surprising the royals of the west.

'I see,' Augustus thought as he eyed his children who had the same thoughts. 'They must already be a vassal state of this Lord Gohan's nation; that must be how they eradicated both Darkseid and Eve back-to-back in a single day.'

They remained seated and turned to look at the palace doors as they opened.

"Announcing the esteemed arrival of the revered God of Destruction Lord Gohan; Ruler of the universe, accompanied by his esteemed destroyer candidate Lady Strix Winterfell and loyal attendant, Master Vermont. All bow and prepare for the presence of the divine!"

The guards blew into their ceremonial trumpets, as others lightly hit their drums to add a sense of grandiosity to the proclamation, ensuring that everyone in attendance is aware of the divine presence gracing the occasion. Should anyone step out of line, it would be their own fault for not having a brain.

This caught the attention of the royals of west. Emperor Augustus nearly dropped his utensil at the announcement; he couldn't believe his ears. 'Ruler of the universe you say!? We'll see about that, sealer of Darkseid.'

'Some worm dares say they rule the whole universe!?' Prince Derrick thought to himself, and he could tell his father was thinking along the same lines.

'God of Destruction, so, this must be the god behind Lou's confidence. It certainly sounds intimidating, but thankfully I am more aware of his power than my brother is,' Carnelia thought as her expression turned cold for a few seconds as she looked at her brother.

'If he lives up to his reputation then I might be able to turn this situation in my favor.' She thought to herself.

Three divine auras graced the grand hall with their presence. At the forefront, a man with obsidian hair and an otherworldly ensemble confidently strolled in with his arms gracefully positioned behind his back. Accompanying him on his left, a female counterpart mirrored his attire, accentuated by golden bracelets and a captivating earring adorning her left ear. Their celestial appearance immediately seized the attention of those present.

'FOLIAN!? There aren't any on the market currently and the few I own bore me now. This is a tremendous turn of events... perhaps I can negotiate to acquire her from this being. It has been many moons since I laid a Folian.'

As the female's gaze turned towards Prince Derrick, a peculiar chill coursed down his spine. She made fleeting eye contact before redirecting her focus ahead. 'That was odd,' mused the prince, intrigued and unsettled by the enigmatic encounter.

"My lord, we have eagerly awaited your return! Unfortunately, the feast started earlier due to the royals of the west coming," King Triton spoke with his eyes closed and head bowed.

Strix stepped forward, her voice resonating with authority. "Such insolence." She turned to Gohan and bowed. "Please allow me to handle this, my lord." Gohan nodded. "It seems they do not understand."

"Was this not supposed to be in honor of my lord?" Her emotionless tone added an enigmatic touch, leaving those around her perplexed about her true feelings.

"Forgive us, but we couldn't ignore the royals of the west," King Triton answered honestly, beads of sweat forming on his forehead. Strix nodded, showcasing the new skills she had acquired under Lord Gohan and Master Vermont.

"How will you rectify this disrespect? To give the food meant for Lord Gohan to another is a crime against my lord that I will not stand. You have five seconds to explain, or your rule is forfeit," she declared, raising her hand with a ki ball humming to life, surrounded by green electricity.

"Name anything, and we will do everything in our power to attain it," King Triton said, desperation evident in his voice.

"So, you wish to pay my lord with his own property? Quite astonishing that you would bargain with what is not yours," Strix remarked, her words sharp and commanding.

The guards of the Vanetian Empire stood in front of their royals, prepared for any outcome.

Gohan observed the unfolding scene, taking mental notes from Strix. She demonstrated a deep understanding of how leaders operated, likely honed during her time as the commander of Velius's Eve Empire. Gohan contemplated that she would make an excellent Goddess of Destruction, capable and level-headed.

Vermont chuckled, finding the situation amusing. He hadn't witnessed such a scene in many years. Perhaps, when Lord Gohan eventually retired, Strix could seamlessly assume his role.

Oasa struggled to hide her tears, feeling the heat emanating from the ki ball. She knew it was a potential method of attack.

"Seeing as you have no ideas, make sure to never disrespect Lord Gohan like this ever again. It is an affront to his great name. Bring ten times the amount of food here right now, or I will blow up Evonia this instant with you all on it," Strix ordered. King Triton nodded frantically.

"You heard her! Bring ten times the amount of food here this instant!" King Triton commanded, prompting soldiers to rush out and relay the urgent orders. Strix finally lowered her hand, bowing to let Gohan and Vermont walk ahead.

As they turned towards the tables, their gaze met with the Royal family of Vanetia. Augustus stood up. "Greetings, Lord Gohan. I believe we haven't had the honor of meeting," Augustus spoke as Gohan stepped forward.

"You are?" Gohan asked as Prince Derrick's jaw clenched.

"Such insolence!" The words echoed in the dining palace as he glared at Gohan. In an instant, Strix vanished. She materialized next to Prince Derrick, her hand poised behind his neck, a clear intent to behead him evident, but Gohan, with a simple raise of his hand, froze her in place—his telekinesis at work.

As Gohan released his hold, Strix bowed gracefully. "A thousand pardons, this one looked at my lord with eyes unbefitting of a worm," she answered. The knights, initially stunned, quickly transitioned to anger. One of them drew his blade and swung at Strix, who remained composed. The blade halted at her neck, unable to advance, and even chipped upon contact. The guards stood in disbelief as the weapon broke against her seemingly impenetrable skin.

King Triton stepped forward, his complexion pale with realization. "Emperor Augustus, reconsider who you are going up against. He is a God of Destruction!" Triton's warning carried a genuine tone of fear, visible in his eyes.

However, Augustus was unfazed. The term 'worm' directed at Derrick fueled his anger. "You dare address the Crown Prince of Vanetia with such disrespect!" Gohan sighed, approaching Augustus. His guards attempted to shield him, but they were effortlessly propelled into the corners of the palace.

The commander charged at Gohan, swinging his blade, but it was a grievous error. A flicker of irritation crossed Gohan's face, and with a mere finger, he halted the blade. "Goodbye," he uttered, unleashing a colossal beam that incinerated the commander and obliterated half of the dining palace. The landscape, mountains, and distant views vanished in the destructive force.

Casually walking to the table, Gohan locked eyes with Augustus. "I came here to feast, but my mood slightly soured now. If you are the ruler of the west, killing you off would complicate controlling the universe even more." A sly smile played on his lips. "Vermont, please protect everyone at the table. I need to reaffirm my position." With a nod, Vermont conjured a shield around them.

Augustus was gripped with fear. Darkseid couldn't have killed the commander so effortlessly. Initially testing the god's power, Augustus now faced the reality that the rumors were true. He awaited Gohan's next move.

"You will bow or die and be replaced," Gohan declared, snapping his fingers, causing the planet to explode with unimaginable force. Everything, including the emperor's ships, was wiped out instantly.

Carnelia observed the scene with a smirk, realizing that Gohan's power matched the rumors. The destruction pleased her, and she wondered if her interference was unnecessary.

Fear flashed across the emperor's face as they found themselves in the void of space, the planet obliterated. King Triton dropped to his knees in shock. "No… not again, Evonia!" he exclaimed, furious at Augustus. "YOU FOOL! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? BECAUSE OF YOUR ARROGANCE, I LOST MY CAPITAL WORLD!" Triton roared, shaking Augustus, with no guards around to intervene, he didn't care. Oasa, Arlen, and Baryon were stunned, their capital world reduced to ashes just a mere week after its reconstruction.

Gohan approached Vermont and Strix without uttering a word. "Next time, I will remove not just a planet but your entire empire and all the galaxies you own," he warned. Oasa teared up, witnessing the disappearance of her ladies-in-waiting, and Baryon, now fearful and understanding Lord Gohan's power, questioned the unjust treatment his family received.

"Why our world and not theirs? We have been loyal!" Baryon asked weakly, dropping to his knees.

"Correct, Prince. Vermont, bring everyone back." Gohan acknowledged. Turning to Vermont, who signaled with his staff, causing the universe to rewind. "I do not mistreat those who are loyal." Evonia reappeared, and as the shield dropped, confusion enveloped the onlookers. Gohan grabbed an apple-like fruit and took a bite.

"Hmm, this is nice. What is this called?" he asked, receiving a stunned response. Oasa quickly spoke, "Lappls." Gohan chuckled in surprise and tossed two more to Vermont and Strix.

"Have a taste." They nodded.

"You are quite right, my lord." Vermont said as he finished the whole thing, Strix nodded.

"W-what just happened?" Baryon asked surprised.

"My attendant turned back time, only those who were shielded can remember this and weren't affected by the reversal." Gohan explained as Strix looked at Vermont, her face was blank as she answered.

"Master always surprises me." She said as Vermont chuckled.

"It is child's play." He answered as Triton and his family just bowed again, this time Baryon was the first with his head on the ground.

"Every time we see Lord Gohan, you always show us your great abilities and strength!" Queen Arlen spoke. Gohan nodded and sat down, ignoring everyone.

"Let's eat, I didn't come all the way here to waste my time. You suggested I return for a feast, but this has been a very distasteful experience. Just know I won't order my attendant to turn back time for your sake again." Gohan said as they nodded.

But before they could take a seat to continue, Vermont's staff glowed. "My lord." He got Gohan's attention.

"The universe eater is ahead of schedule; it's making its way towards us as we speak." Vermont said as Gohan sighed and got up.

"I saw it earlier in the paperwork, but I thought it was heading towards Soju's universe? Not that it matters, let's go. Strix, remain here and enjoy the food; we shouldn't be too long." He said as he and Vermont vanished.

It was silent as everyone just slowly sat down. "I hope you learned your lesson, Emperor Augustus." Triton said, but the royals of the west were silent.

"He is quite handsome." Princess Carnelia spoke with a blush.

Strix turned and stared at Carnelia, unnerving her. "I have noticed your continuous enamored gaze on my lord. He has no interest in courtship." Carnelia blushed as everyone looked at her.

"You cannot be serious Carnelia! That mons- I mean Lord Gohan is someone father would never-"

"Go for it if you can, but do be careful." Augustus suddenly said as he looked to still be in deep thought.

Carnelia nodded bashfully. 'Perfect. That was successful…he is perfect, not that I actually harbor any romantic intentions but should I ask about him it won't be suspicious.'

Gohan and Vermont appeared outside of the universe, staring at an endless void of nothing. "So, this is the great beyond, pretty impressive." As an astral body in the distance slowly got closer and closer and opened its mouth.

Gohan flared his ki and flew far closer to it and fired a blast at it, but the blast did nothing. "Woah, it's stronger than I thought." As he powered up to max in his base state and fired another, but it still did nothing but just annoy the being.

"These beings come from different universes that lost their lives to powerful contenders, and some lost their lives to destroyers. They were very powerful during their time, so my lord will need more power than that," Vermont explained telepathically as Gohan nodded.

"I am still weak." He sighed as he powered up and transformed into Super Saiyan Rose as he charged a ki blast and fired it, this time the being screeched in pain before turning away. Gohan powered down and turned to fly back to Vermont but quickly turned around as an astral arm struck him in the face with incredible force, knocking him into the barrier around his universe, creating an intense vibration.

Back on Evonia, the planet suddenly started rattling before abruptly shaking, knocking a few people over. "That is strange? These cosmic tremors have just been getting worse lately," Arlen asked as Strix stared at the sky before returning to her meal.

"Do not be alarmed; my lord is busy. It is just him releasing more power," she assured as they just nodded.

He screamed in pain as he coughed up blood from the single strike; he quickly powered back up and guarded himself and charged a full power Hakai that completely enveloped the being, erasing it on the spot.

"I shouldn't have lowered my guard and just used the Hakai," he thought to himself as he fired a ki blast at a small astral body in the distance, destroying it. "Before you grow and become a problem."

The dining palace hushed into a silent ambiance as everyone savored their meals. Carnelia, seemingly still enchanted by thoughts of Gohan, turned her attention to Strix. "Lady Strix, may I inquire about Lord Gohan's whereabouts? We're all curious about the violent tremors that shook the palace," she asked with genuine curiosity. Strix met her gaze before responding.

"He's fulfilling his role as a destroyer god. The tranquility you enjoy is a mercy bestowed by the god of destruction. Beyond our universe, numerous threats lurk, some even capable of overpowering me. Lord Gohan shields our realm from those seeking to conquer or devour it. Currently, it appears his confrontation with the universe eater has escalated in intensity, truthfully, even I am not permitted near them," Strix explained, a revelation that seemed to captivate Carnelia, causing a slight swoon.

"Comprehend this, for our existence is but a minuscule fragment in the vast tapestry of the cosmos; far beyond the confines of our singular universe, there are realms and beings above your comprehension."

"So, the God of Destruction safeguards us from those beings?" Augustus inquired, seeking clarity.

"Yes," Strix affirmed with a nod. "Just as anyone would protect their possessions from those who prey on the vulnerable. Your internal conflicts matter little to Lord Gohan, as long as you don't provoke him or upset the delicate balance of his universe. He won't bring destruction upon you."

Augustus absorbed this information, still processing the recent scene of destruction and the astounding reversal of time.

"He brought Commander Mattis back to life after he was killed by Lady Strix during her time as the Commander of the Evenian Army," Triton interjected.

"…" Augustus contemplated the words as Gohan and Vermont appeared. Carnelia glanced at her father.

"Welcome back, Lord Gohan!" Strix said, wanting to stand but Gohan raised his hand.

"Stay seated, let's eat," he said as she nodded and stared at his hair. It was her first time seeing Super Saiyan Rose, and it looked beautiful. He looked so majestic and elegant, so divine, far different from his more primal form; Super Saiyan 4. Judging by her expression, Carnelia was mesmerized by him.

The others were confused, but they didn't question it. "My lord, you seem to still be powered up," Strix pointed out.

"Oh, I didn't even notice, thanks for telling me, Strix." He said as his hair changed back to black along with his eyes. "I haven't seen that form before, my lord," she said, her curiosity showing.

Gohan nodded. "Yes, that form is one of my divine ones, nothing like Super Saiyan 4," he answered as a dripping sound echoed in the silence. Glancing down, he noticed blood was dripping from his nose.

"It seems your nose was affected, my lord," Vermont pointed out with a chuckle, about to pull out a handkerchief but surprised when the female princess beat him to it.

'That was fast...' He mused to himself. 'Who are you, Princess?' He made a mental note to check his staff at a later stage.

"Thank you," Gohan said as he wiped the blood away. "It must have been that cheap shot it got in when I powered down," he said, smiling at Carnelia, who nodded eagerly.

"It must have been very strong to make my lord bleed," she said. The Lou family just watched the interaction in silence. 'Lord hmm?' Oasa mused silently.

Lady Carnelia was certainly on the move; everyone except Gohan and Vermont knew what was going on.

'He can bleed.' Prince Derrick realized in silence. 'He is no god.'

"Not really, I was just careless," Gohan explained as he started eating, and quickly, more food started coming in because the table was emptying at a ridiculous rate.

Silence settled as the servants and the royals watched in disbelief as the food just kept depleting.

"Uhm…" Derrick cleared his throat and spoke to Gohan.

"I have been meaning to ask if it would be possible to discuss the price of your Folian servant," he inquired, but suddenly it got very quiet as Gohan stopped eating, and Augustus looked at Derrick like he grew a second head before he stood up and slapped Derrick harshly across his face.

"Are you daft!? How dare you ask such a question!" Augustus asked angrily, his heart pounding. Clearly, the Folian servant was important; she was the God of Destruction Candidate for Kami's sake! Everything from her clothes and casual tone with the destroyer god indicated that she was more than just a mere servant.

The servants were just as afraid; apparently, they had died and now they might just permanently relocate to the afterlife.

'I didn't raise such a fool, did I? I understand he is a lustful man, but can he not read a room!? Is he even my son? Eris's was a fool, but she would never put our legacy at risk like this!' Augustus thought to himself.

The Emperor's blood boiled; his thoughts racing as he considered the predicament. 'There is absolutely nothing we can do against this god,' he mused to himself, frustration evident in his face, gone was his famous poker face. 'And we need their backing. The north and south seem to be doing something in the shadows, and Vanetia is in a precarious situation; we are surrounded by enemies, we discussed this before we left! There was a reason we rushed to the east to absorb it, you bumbling FOOL.'

'No, not again, Evonia...' Triton mourned silently, along with all the other Loudians.

Augustus's gaze met that of the Destroyer God; a feeling of terror enveloped the proud emperor. Surely he never expected his visit to the weak Lou to turn into him groveling; no, he was a great emperor. If anything, the fool who created this would pay.

"You are no better than your useless sister!" He grabbed Derrick, who was stunned into silence by the slap, and threw Derrick down to the Destroyers' feet.

"Please do as you see fit for his outrageous words," Augustus said as Carnelia looked at Derrick. He was dumber than she expected. 'And this is the man father wanted to be ruler? Eris could do a better job; perhaps father isn't as smart as he likes to believe he is.' She thought as the corner of her lips lifted ever so slightly, her cold eyes hidden by her beautiful hair as she continued eating.

Gohan stood still, an ominous quiet enveloping the room. "Repeat your question," he demanded, his gaze piercing through Derrick, a pulsating vein marking the tension on his forehead. "You wish to covet what is not yours? My friend? My candidate? You wish to purchase her and strip her of her will?"

"Give me a single reason as to why I shouldn't reduce you to atoms right now," Gohan ordered. A purplish energy began to seep from him, the very ground trembling beneath the weight of his power.

In that charged moment, Gohan's inner struggle unfolded. 'I have to control destruction...not the other way around.' His fist clenched, knuckles cracking under the intense pressure, while red electricity crackled around him, casting an eerie scene that sent shivers through all who were present.

Derrick turned to his father, hoping for support, but Augustus regarded him with sheer disdain. The emperor's disappointment weighed heavily on Derrick; for a Royal, such disappointment bordered on a death sentence. His previous accomplishments seemed insignificant now, and all he could do was plead for mercy.

Summoning courage, Derrick took a deep breath and composed himself. He bowed, and the trembling ceased. "A thousand apologies, my lord. I had assumed you acquired her from a slave market."

"Even if I had, what is she currently wearing? What was announced as we entered?" Gohan asked. "I am struggling to understand your thinking."

Fixing Derrick with a stern glare, Gohan aimed his hand at him, conjuring a purple orb. "As the God of Destruction, I have the authority to remove you from the cycle of life. I can erase you completely for all eternity, and if I use magic, I can wipe every memory of you from everyone you've ever met." Derrick's face paled, and the guards, eager to intervene, hesitated as the emperor had explicitly ordered non-interference.

"I have a question for you, mortal," Gohan continued, his gaze unwavering on Derrick. "Do you own a Folian?" He warned; that question definitely sounded like a threat.

"Y-yes…I own seven," Derrick stammered.

"Let me rephrase," Gohan declared, extending his hand toward the other royals of the west. "How many Folians does your empire own? I will have you know that slavery is something I find ABSOLUTELY revolting. Any nation willingly partaking in this will be destroyed," he announced as he entered his Ultra Ego state, his destroyer markings appearing.

Thinking quickly, Augustus rose and bowed on one knee. "We have exactly fifty-seven Folian slaves, my lord. As you order, slavery will be abolished," he declared. Gohan relaxed, lowered his arm, his power receding as he took his seat.

"Good, I am glad you understand. Have all those Folian slaves ready for me to take. I will have the god of creation create a new world for them in a separate dimension, for some reason this universe is hostile towards them." Gohan instructed, attempting to resume his meal but sighing in irritation as he snapped his utensil.

"That spoiled my mood. I have a new order: arrange a meeting with the leaders of the north and south. I need to let them know who I am, and of course, I want you all to be there as well. I don't care where it is or what you all have to do to make it happen."

Vermont stood up; he could tell Gohan was angry.

"Let's leave, Strix, Vermont, I have a list of worlds in the west that have exceeded their expiry date." He said as Vermont nodded, and they all vanished in a bright light.

Augustus turned to Derrick with a face red with anger as he looked to his guards. "Hand me your sword! I'll end his life myself!" He exclaimed as Carnelia walked up to him.

"Father…" She said as he realized they were still on Evonia; he quickly recomposed himself, but his blood was boiling. How could his own son make such a dumb mistake? Was he blinded by lust and drunk on power?

Turning to Triton, Augustus spoke. "The Vanetian Empire will host this event; I trust you have no problem with this." He said as Triton nodded eagerly.

'Of course, this way any stupidity will not have direct consequences on Lou territory.' Triton thought in relief.

"We are leaving!" Augustus ordered as he turned and walked away. "We will see each other another time King Triton, Queen Arlen." He said as Triton said nothing but watched as they left.

'Seems you understand now; you want to host the event so that you look like you're on good terms with the god of destruction.' Triton thought. He had an amused expression on his face, turning to his family and servants.

"Great work, everyone; we managed to survive yet again." King Triton informed everyone. "You may all have the rest of the day off."

With Augustus:

'I comprehend why Triton and Arlen bend their knees now; this god is perilous… not perilous to adept individuals but to inept imbeciles, he's a calamity in motion. I must notify everyone not to provoke him at any cost; convincing those antiquated fools will be a torment, but imperial laws will be altered... that is a certainty.' As they boarded their warship.

"Emperor! We have news from home; over three thousand resource-rich worlds have vanished!" He said as Augustus turned to Derrick and backhanded him drawing blood.

"You are no longer heir to the throne; your actions weakened us," he declared, stunning the guards who had no idea what had transpired.

"Princess Carnelia is henceforth heir to the Vanetian Empire. She will be the next empress. Let it be known far and wide, and if those three beings are spotted, whether together or apart, do NOT disrespect them! Summon the nobles from all sections of the west, central or regional, it doesn't matter; changes are imminent, and they cannot give me an excuse, even if they are unwell. They will send a representative!" He exclaimed as Carnelia looked at Derrick with pity who was just broken.

'Now you understand how Eris felt when you betrayed her and turned your back on her,' Carnelia thought as a sinister smile appeared on her face as she made her way to her chamber.

"The yellow lanterns have recruited the leaders of Apokolips; intelligence reported that they have found a weakness of the destroyer god. The intel is credible, a yellow lantern was...persuaded," a voice whispered from her shadow.


'Perfect.' She mused as she took a sip of a wine glass nearby.

While flying through the universe, Gohan spoke to Vermont. "Find me a list of worlds of both the south and north empires. If there are worlds inhabited, make sure to include the ones with the gravest sins. I need to make a statement," Gohan said. "If I cannot balance the universe and make it a prosperous place for its people, then the mortal level will never rise. Is there anyone backing those empires that we have to be concerned about?"

"That is hard to say right now; I would have to do some research first," Vermont explained. "There are a few in the universe who would be a tough battle even for you."

While moving through space, Strix kept glancing at Gohan. "Don't look so surprised, Strix. I just do not want your people to continue suffering, not as long as I am here." She nodded as they reappeared back on Planet Gohan.

"Continue training for now; I'll return shortly." Gohan looked at Strix, who bowed before leaving.

"Now, where is Diana?" Gohan mused as she appeared beside him and Vermont. "Welcome back!" She greeted. "You are back earlier than I anticipated," she continued as Gohan nodded.

"Plans changed. Would you like to visit the earth for a brief period?" He asked. "I want to speak with Batman." As she nodded.


"Vermont, stay here and train the Saiyans and Strix until we return." Gohan ordered as the Angel nodded.

"As you wish." He said as he vanished.

Holding out his hand with slightly red cheeks. "Let's go." Diana nodded and held his hand as Gohan encased them in his Ki and took off.

Elsewhere in the universe, Granny Goodness sat forward with a shocked expression; the furies couldn't believe their ears, and Steppenwolf had a grin plastered onto his face. "So he has such a weakness…interesting."

"It sounds strange, but I don't doubt her words," Sinestro answered as he turned away from the giant screen with text.

"With my intellect, the plan will be full-proof. I can hide our presence while you enact the plan." A green man in purple armor said; he had multiple cables attached to him.

"Once the summoning is complete, it will be as easy as taking candy from a baby," a woman said as she stepped forward with a grin.

"Tell me, what do you get from this Enchantress?" Granny Goodness asked as she smirked.

"I have come across one destroyer god before, many, many millions of years ago, and to my surprise, they aren't insurmountable. Their weakness is by design; perhaps they would be too difficult to control if they didn't have such a leash, at least that's how I helped kill Goddess Perpetua." She answered as Granny Goodness nodded.

"So the previous Destroyer God was a being called Perpetua?" She asked as Enchantress nodded.

"The greatest being I have ever had a hand in defeating," Enchantress finished. "But now they have appointed a newer, weaker destroyer. Perhaps replacing gods of that caliber is harder than I imagined."

"Well, I don't really care, but if it's possible to humble that gnat, then I am in," Steppenwolf said with a grin. "You said the item needed for the ritual is on earth?" He asked.

"Yes," Enchantress nodded. "Specifically Themyscira. The moment we slaughter the Amazons and get the item, we have to immediately start. The sooner, the better; it would be catastrophic if he arrives before it can be done. Even if he is weaker than Perpetua, it would be unwise to underestimate him."

The yellow lanterns in the room just chuckled and smirked.

Gohan returned to Earth with Diana and floated outside the Watchtower, waiting for a few seconds until the hanger opened.

"Gohan! Diana!" Barry said as he made his way over to him. "How have you guys been? I thought you wouldn't come back so soon."

"Yeah, I was just busy, too many stuff out there threatening balance." As Barry nodded, another person entered.

"Gohan! Diana!" She called out as Gohan smiled.

"Zatanna, nice to see you again," he greeted.

"Good to see you again, Zatanna," Diana greeted.

"Is it just me or are you much stronger than before?" Zatanna asked as she eyed Gohan and Diana.

"Yes, we are stronger than before," Gohan explained as she nodded.

"Fascinating," she mused as she sensed their presence. In fact, Diana had a decent presence as well; it was leagues beyond where it used to be. "What kind of training did you do?" She pondered under her breath.

They made their way towards the monitor room where Batman was typing away. "You must have been busy," Batman started as Gohan nodded sheepishly. "There have been a lot of cosmic tremors recently."

"Yeah, there was a universe eater nearby, and I was training," Gohan explained as Batman stopped typing for a second before nodding and continuing again.

"There must be a reason as to why you visited," Batman asked.

"Yeah, actually, would it be possible to set up another meeting with the general assembly?" Gohan asked as Batman nodded.

"I have already submitted the request; it was approved yesterday. It can happen as soon as two days from now," Batman responded as Gohan's eyes widened.

"How did you know that?" He asked as Batman pointed at Barry.

"He mentioned that you want to hold another general assembly to clear any misunderstandings a week ago before you left." Gohan nodded; well, this was certainly a nice surprise.

"Awesome, that works. I am short on time as well; I have a meeting with the leaders of the universe soon." Gohan explained. "Too many inhumane actions have been occurring, and it has been directly affecting the peace of the universe."

"Would it be possible for us to attend as well? This meeting sounds like it will be quite important. We would like to be present as well," Batman said as Gohan nodded.

"That won't be a problem, but during that meeting, I will not be able to show favoritism. So please inform everyone that they cannot be friendly with me then, and that includes you, Barry." Gohan turned and smiled.

Barry shrugged. "Don't sweat it, I understand, work before pleasure," he said as he eyed Gohan and Diana accusingly before chuckling.

"Anyways, I'll see you later, Gohan!" Barry said. "Central city needs me, drop by if you have time." As Gohan nodded, Flash zoomed away.

Now it was just Gohan, Batman, and Diana present; there was an awkward silence that wasn't there before.

"I'll see you later, Batman," Gohan informed as the Bat nodded and continued his work. Gohan turned to Diana; this was his chance.

"So, dinner?" Gohan asked as Diana lit up at the mention. She nodded.

"I would be honored." As they turned and walked towards her invisible jet and left for Earth.

It was unbearably silent as Gohan tugged at his destroyer attire. Was it always so tight? Sure, they trained together, but that was different... right?



They both started at the same time, leaving an awkward silence between them.

'You have been on my mind since you left… it's strange. I am afraid to say anything. I do not want to make a fool of myself. Perhaps he views me the same as Lady Strix, just a subordinate, or someone to train with,' Diana thought to herself, and now, her chest felt unusually tight as her unbreakable confidence seemed to falter.

'It's strange, now that you are back, my heart just won't stop beating so loudly.' She thought to herself.

'How do I bring up my feelings... I don't want to make the same mistake I made with Videl,' he thought to himself as they exited the jet and made their way towards the restaurant from before. But soon, people started noticing who Diana was walking with.

"Lord Gohan! Wonder Woman." Many started to surround them as they called their names.

Gohan and Diana smiled and waved at them. Everyone wanted autographs and pictures; I mean, who wouldn't want a picture with a real god and the Wonder Woman.

They slowly made their way through the crowd of people. "Please, everyone, be calm. Lord Gohan is a guest on Earth for a short while," Diana interjected as most started to understand that they were probably being annoying, and no one wanted to be on the bad side of the God of Destruction.

"You saw what he did to Darkseid."

"Let's not crowd." Many more backed away, their survival instincts kicking in, and soon only kids and teens would shyly approach the two as they continued their walk to the restaurant with the crowd blocking off any people who wanted to pester them.

When they arrived and entered, the owner of the place quickly ran out and greeted them personally. "Sir, please enjoy your meal. Everything is on the house. Have as much as you would like to have; the government has issued a law with a special budget for you." He explained as Gohan nodded.

"Thank you." As they entered a section of the restaurant that was emptied out to give them privacy.

Outside, a bunch of camera crews and freelance journalists were waiting for a chance to catch him. "You have certainly become a superstar," Diana said as they sat down.

"I guess, I don't like it, but in order to accomplish my goals, I have no choice, I suppose," Gohan said as she leaned forward, curious.


"Yeah, I have to make the universe a safer place so that civilizations can progress and become stronger, producing stronger warriors," Gohan said.

"Is there a reason why?" She asked.

"To raise the mortal level, I need to become stronger, and this universe needs to become stronger as well. Most gods of destruction don't really care as long as no one tries to destroy the universe, but I want to be more involved. If I ever want to visit my home universe, I need to become one of the most powerful destroyer gods, and the mortal level has to be above average," Gohan explained as she nodded.

"Will you return?" She asked. "Once you achieve your goal? Or will you leave permanently and leave Lady Strix in charge?"

Gohan smiled, leaned forward, and placed his hand over hers. "Of course not, this is my home now as well." Just as a waitress walked in and bowed, Gohan retracted his hand, his and Diana's cheeks red. If she saw the scene, then she was excellent at hiding it as she handed them their menus before leaving, but Gohan could tell her Ki fluctuated, meaning the waitress was flustered and nervous. Maybe she was also just nervous to be serving a god of literal destruction; everyone was well aware that he was a god that sat among the apex.

Pretty fast update, huh? You can thank I_dont_believe_it; they motivated me, haha. Would anyone be interested in a Discord server for this story? You can get sneak peeks, and it'll be easier for me to give updates on how far I am with the next chapter.

If you find any errors or continuity issues, please let me know! As much as I love writing this story, there are a lot of moving gears, so keeping track of it all is a mission in itself.

Have an idea about my story? Comment and let me know. Thanks for reading, and until next time!

Percival_Blackcreators' thoughts