
What If fanficts

A series of small chapters with the potential of becoming full fanficts based on how you receive them.

TrapcardD · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Lamia Scale's Water Dragon Slayer

Name: Ryuma Shirahama

Age: 17

Height: 5'11

Eye color: Blue

Hair color: Short spiky blue hair.

Magic: Water-make, Water, and Water Dragon Slayer magic

Ryuma Shirahama was born in a fishermen's village. Unfortunately, when he was just a baby his village was wiped out in a battle between dragons. When the smoke cleared, Ryuma was discovered by the only remaining dragon, Mercurion, The king of the Water Dragons. Seeing that the child was now alone, Mercurion, feeling contempt for the actions of his brethren took the boy in and raised him, until one day he disappeared. Eventually, Ryuma stumbled upon a small guild known as Lamia Scale. Now, in the year X791, upon hearing the return of Fairy Tail's elite members, including their respective dragon slayers, Ryuma decides to take part in the tournament. 


The Capital of Fiore, Crocus.

" Wow, this place is as lively as ever, wouldn't you say, Jura?" Ryuma asked the older man.

Ryuma was a young man, with short spiky blue hair. He wore a pair of dark blue shorts with green painted on the bottom that looked like seaweed. On top he adorned a simple blue jacket, with a blue sash wrapped around his waist, that looked like it was made of scales. 

" Ah, yes, not much has changed. After all, this is a festival." Jura told the young man.

" Now, now Jura, Ryuma. Remember why we're here today." Lyon said to the two.

Jura and Ryuma both gave a slight smile.

" It's been seven long years since we've last seen them. Fairy tail..." Lyon muttered.

" Alright, then boys. You remember the goal, right? Jura, Ryuma, you two are Lamia Scale's special trump cards this year. So don't let me down, or I'll make both of you spin."

" Right!"

" Yes Ma'am." 


The first day of the Grand Magic games get off to an amazing start.

The teams all had made it through the qualifying rounds and now, it was time to finally see just who it was that was going to be participating in the Main Event!

" Now, it's time to meet our competitors! Coming in at 8th place, an old school bunch of rowdy wizards from Magnolia! They had luck in the prelims and now they're raring to take back first place by force. It's FAIRY TAIL!" Lola exclaimed.

The team of Fairy Tail, Natsu, Erza, Gray, Lucy, and Elfman, were greeted by a loud shout of boos from the people of Magnolia surprising the team quite a bit.

" Next up the team that came in seventh place in the prelims, the rowdy hellhounds! QUATRO CERBERUS!"

" WILD!"


The team of Quatro Cerberus stormed the arena with their patented war cry.

" Coming in at sixth, filled with members of the fairer sex, the dancers of the great blue sea... MERMAID HEEL!" Lola announced the arrival of the all-female guild, Mermaid Heel led by Kagura Mikazuchi.

" Entering in fifth place! The Glimmer in the darkness is Blue pegasus!" Lola shouted.

The members of blue Pegasus led by Ichiya sprang into the arena showcasing their manliness! HMMM!

" All right, time to put on a show guys."


A torrent of water exploded from their entrance in the arena.

" Next in fourth place! The Goddess of love and strife! The sacred destroyer! The Serpents! LAMIA SCALE!

The water cleared away and the members of Lamia scale Led by Jura tempest stood proudly in the ring. 

" Whoa, whose that guy?" Gray wondered as his eyes darted towards the young man standing in front of Jura.

" I don't know, but he smells like sea water." Natsu complained. 

Ryuma's eyes wandered over to the Fairy Tail team and locked directly onto Natsu. And then he smirked. 

" He's staring at you, Natsu." Lucy stated.

" Oh yeah?"

Natsu returned Ryuma's stare. 

" Alright then. Bring it." 

Natsu raised his hand, issuing the challenge and Ryuma laughed.

Although, a quick hand to his back quickly jostled the young man and when he turned, he saw Jura shaking his head.

" Remember, not to go overboard. After all, the days only just started.' Jura told the boy.

" Yeah. Don't worry, Jura. I know not to go overboard. I just can't help it sometimes. I've been looking forward to this day for quite some time, and I'm not gonna waste my chance." Ryuma told the man.

Jura smirked a little and nodded. He understood the excitement that Ryuma was feeling all too well. He was feeling it as well, after all.

" Yo, Lyon who're the new guys?" Gray asked referring to the new young man and the younger lady behind him.

" This young lady is Sherria. She's Sherry's younger cousin." Lyon explained.

" That makes sense." Natsu spoke up.

" And this is Ryuma. You guys never met before, but he's been a member for a long time." Lyon explained.

" Oh yeah?"

" Yeah." Ryuma spoke up. " I grew up in Lamia Scale, so I often heard about you guys, and I've wanted to meet you all for a while. Especially you Natsu." Ryuma said to the man.

" Oh yeah?" Natsu asked with his toothy grin.

" Oh yeah. I can't wait for the battle rounds. I can't say much, but I will say, may the best fighter win." Ryuma raised his hand up in the air.

* Clap!

" You betcha!" Natsu responded by clapping hands with Ryuma. Both men smiled at one another. It looked as though this friendly contest had gotten just a bit more interesting. 

However, lyon was distracted with a more... Personal agenda.

" Don't forget our deal, Gray. If we win, then Juvia joins Lamia Scale." Lyon told the man.

" I don't remember making that deal, and even if we did it wouldn't happen. Cuz we're gonna win, Lyon." Gray told the man.

It seemed as though another interesting rivalry was beginning to spark. 

Out of nowhere, Ichiya suddenly appeared next to Erza.

" Then if we win, I'll take miss Erza as my one and only!" Ichiya exclaimed.

" You will do no such thing you troll." Erza exclaimed. She was utterly repulsed by Ichiya's very presence.

" Mhmmm, your parfume is potent to my nostrils!" Ichiya exclaimed as he sniffed Erza's body.

Joining in on the fun was the rest of blue pegasus with ren going straight for Lucy.

" I guess, I'll choose you. Though it's not like I like you or anything." Ren said as he wrapped his arm around Lucy's shoulder.

" It's good to see something's haven't changed. Thank you, Ren." Lucy muttered in annoyance.

" And I'll pick Wendy." Eve spoke up. He ran over to the last team member of Fairy tail, however, what he got wasn't what he expected. " Wow, you've really sprouted, haven't you? That's cool. I'm into thick chicks." Eve stated, not knowing that it was Elfman he was speaking to and not Wendy.

" Laugh it up." Elfman exclaimed.

" Hey boss, if we lose, I want to be given to this guild." Hibiki exclaimed, pointing to the members of Mermaid Heel, the all-women's guild. 

" That's what I was gonna say." Toby shouted, his jealousy being apparent.

" Have you ever seen any of those Cerberus guys before?" Lucy leaned over and asked Erza, who was still shook from Ichiya's presence.

" And who's that guy in the fur suit?" Elfman asked as he stared at the last member of Blue Pegasus' team. 

The overall atmosphere was quite pleasant, the teams all seemed to be on relatively good terms with one another, even though they were competing against each other. 

However, it was time to finish introducing the remaining members of the competion. 

" And now coming in at third place!" Lola shouted. " Swooping in from a midnight dreary, this dark and lonely bunch are making their debut in this years games. Give it up for, Raven Tail!" 

Raven Tail, a guild created by the son of Fairy Tail's guild master Makarov, is a guild designed specifically for bringing down fairy tail. Their members marched to the ring, led by their leader Alexi. 

" What the heck are they doing here?" Natsu exclaimed in disbelief. 

" Why is a dark guild participating?!" Makarov asked the judges. He knew all too well that his son was here and certainly up to no good.

Many of the people in the crowd seemed to share the same surprise that Makarov had.

However, much to his surprise it seemed as though Raven Tail wasn't considered a Dark guild. Though they certainly had the air to them, they hadn't actually done anything wrong... Yet.

" Well, their records appear to be in order. They're an old guild and their records say they've been active for over seven years." Lola explained. " But they were only recently approved for guild status by the magic council."

" Hmm. If they have official status, they are technically not a dark guild and are allowed to compete." Yajima, a former member of the magic council himself, explained to the crowd.

" That doesn't sound good. Seems like you guys got some history, hey Natsu?" Ryuma asked the young man.

" Yeah, big time. Raven Tail was a guild formed by the master's son. They've been trying to get back at us for quite some time." natsu explained. " Agh, but we can take them. After all, we're much stronger than we were all those years ago." Natsu exclaimed proudly.

" Heh! Well, you're certainly confident, I'll say that much. Just make sure not to drop your guard around them. I'm getting a funny smell coming off of them."

" Yeah, no kidding."

" Fairy Tail." Alexi spoke up. " I trust your friend is recovering." He said.

The little spriggan that the raven tail team had with them turned into an image of wendy, seemingly taunting the team.

It was then that it became apparent to Ryuma that Something had happened to a member of team Fairy Tail, and Natsu's reaction was more than enough to confirm that.

" You were the ones who attacked, Wendy?!" Natsu exclaimed. His veins pulsed with anger. " I'm gonna make you regret it."

" Hehehe, the festivals just getting started." Alexi muttered.

" Hold on folks! We still have two more teams to announce." Lola spoke up.

" Our first place runner up is... OH WOW! What a surprise! Thos years competition just got a whole lot more interesting folks!" Lola exclaimed.

Ryuma and Natsu both turned towards the entrance to the arena, and suddenly a shroud of lightning flashed in their eyes. 

" WHAAA?!" Natsu exclaimed.

The lightning turned into the fairy tail guild mark before suddenly disappearing and revealing more members of Fairy Tail. Laxus, Mystogan, Mirajane, Juvia, and Gajeel.

" This is Fairy Tail Team B!" Lola shouted out loudly.

" What the?!"

" Juvia."

" Gajeel."

" Mira."

" Mystogan."

" And Laxus?! How is that fair?!" Lucy asked.

" Well now, Jura. Things just got a lot more interesting. I didn't expect them to have two teams!" Ryuma said to the man. " And look who it is. Laxus. Now that's a monster I wouldn't mind reeling in." Ryuma exclaimed.

His excitement had just gone through the roof. Another big fish for him to sink his hook into had just arrived.

" Yes. Although, I must admit, I am somewhat hopping to face off against him myself." Jura stated. 'Hm, it would be nice to see how strong the blood grandson of Makarov is.' Jura said to himself.

" Hey, hold on I'm gonna need some answers. Would someone explain how Mystogan is even here?!" Natsu asked.

" Hey! How come they're giving Fairy Tail two teams?!" One of Quatro Cerberus' men asked. " is it because they suck so much?"

" Hm, it would seem our new rules have confused quite a bit of people. Would you like to explain it to them Mr. Yajima?" Lola asked the former council man.

" Certainly. The committee in charge of the grand magic games permitted each guild to enter two teams, which they figured would make things more exciting." Yajima explained simply/

" Man, it would have been nice to have two teams for us. Why didn't we know about it?" Ryuma asked.

" Because you didn't read the rule book, where it was explained." Lyon told the man.

Ryuma dropped to the ground face first. " Oh man, I forgot about that."

" Wait hold on." Lucy spoke up. " Why didn't you tell us this was your plan, master?" Lucy asked Makarov.

Makarov burst out into a fit of laughter.

" HAHAHAHA! You like that?! This is how Fairy Tail takes care of business baby!" Makarov shouted.

" I'm not sure the committee really thought this new rule through. I mean this is a team-based competition, wouldn't having two teams from the same guild really stack the competition?" Lola asked Yajima.

" You worry too much if you ask me. To be honest I don't think it'll be a problem." Yajima told the man.

" Well, it's totally unfair if you ask me." Jenny spoke up. " Let's say there's an event where each team chooses a member to compete against each other in a battle royale. There's nothing stopping Fairy tail's members from just joining together and ganging up on the others until they're the only ones left." Jenny said to the man.

" It does give them an advantage, but I guess that's their reward for being the only guild out of a hundred who had two teams participate in the games." Lola spoke up. 

" Hahaha! You certainly have the upper hand. Way to go Maki." Yajima exclaimed. 

" Well, when you put it that way, I guess it does make sense." Ryuma muttered. " Looks like we're gonna be-

" Naaagh! This is a load of crap!" Natsu yelled, cutting Ryuma off as he was speaking to Lyon and Jura.

His sudden declaration, and his angry attitude over the advantage his team held seemed to leave the audience quite stumped. After all, who in their right mind would complain about an advantage at a time like this. 

" Being in the same guild don't mean jack. If I'm fighting against any of you I'm not pulling my punches, as long as we're in this tournament your my enemies got it!" Natsu exclaimed.

" I wouldn't have it any other way." Gajeel told the man. " I'm looking forward to making you eat dirt salamander." 

" Hey now, I get first crack at Natsu, Black Steel." Ryuma told the man.

" Oh yeah."

" Damn straight. You want to fight?" Ryuma asked the man.

Ryuma and Gajeel stared each other down. 

" Oh great, there goes our battle hungry shark, ready to start a fight with another wizard. You better go get him, Jura, before he ends ups going wild." Lyon told the man.

" Let him have fun. After all, this is his first year participating in the games, and it isn't often we go against wizards of such high caliber. After all, I can feel my own warriors spirit starting to rumble." 

Lyon looked past Jura's gaze and noticed he was staring at two of fairy tail's strongest. Their S-Class wizards known for being powerhouses, Laxus and Mystogan.

" And finally!" Lola spoke up once more gaining everyone's attention. " Last but certainly not least, the team that took first place int he preliminaries. That's right, you know them, you love them. Now get on your feet and scream for the most powerful guild in fiore-"

[ Sabertooths Ost]


The faces of the guilds around Fairy Tail all changed as they anticipated the arrival of the last team.

Leading the charge to the field was none other than Sabertooth's twin dragons Sting and Rogue, followed by their celestial spirit wizard and newest recruit, Yukino, and behind her was their powerhouse, the God Slayer Orga, and finally Rufeus. 

The tension was practically filling the air that you could cut it with a knife. 

" Well, it looks like we have quite the lineup this year. Any comments Mr. Yajima?" Lola asked.

" Yeah, Mermaid Heel makes me pine for my youth." Yajima muttered absent mindedly. 

" That's not exactly what I meant. "

" Huh?"

" We've kept everyone waiting long enough. It's time we finally revealed the official schedule for this years tournament." Lola exclaimed.

" Alright, about time." Ryuma muttered.

Suddenly a giant stone tablet rose from the ground announcing the rounds that were going to be held each day during the tournament.

" Each one of the rounds will begin with a contest, the competitors will then be ranked from first to eight place. Then teams will be rewarded points depending on how well they ranked in the contest. Additionally, the teams are allowed to select which of their members they want to compete. After that we have battles. Each bout should come as quite the treat to you loyal fans, since it was your suggestions that created these matchups." Lola explained to the crowd.

" Interesting. It sounds like they decide who fights who. So, if you aren't careful with how you manage your magic, you could be thrown into a battle right after one of the contests. That could certainly be tricky." Ryuma muttered.

" Yes. Indeed." Jura stated.

" That shouldn't be a problem for you two." Lyon muttered.

" Not quite Lyon. Depending on the task they have us complete as well as the condition of our opponents. We could be placed in situations with next to no magic power remaining, at that point it's not very hard to see how things would go." Ryuma told the man.

" I see... Yes, that could be problematic."

" The battle rules are simple. Each team will square off as shown here. The winning team will be awarded ten points, while the losing teams get jack squat. In the case of a draw, both teams get five points." Lola finished explaining. " With that said, are you ready to get to the action? Let's get things started with the first contest of the grand magic games with a little contest called hidden." Lola spoke up. " Each team pick a member to represent you in the contest, and I will explain the rules."

" Alright, who wants to go first?" Ryuma asked.

" It sounds me like the key to winning will be the smaller, so that leaves me and Yuka." Sherria spoke up.

" No." Lyon muttered. " We shall take the lead from the start. Just leave it to me." Lyon exclaimed.

" And with that we have our match ups. Representing Quatro Cerberus, we have Yeager! From Mermaid Heel, we have Beth Vanderwood! From Sabertooth, Rufus Lore. From Raven Tail, Nalpudding. From Blue Pegasus, Eve Tilm. From Lamia Scale, Lyon Vastia. From Fairy Tail Team A, Gray Fullbuster. And From Fairy Tail team B, Juvia Lockser." Lola called out each wizard that would be competing in the round. " Alright that's it folks. If I were you, I'd grab a drink and get your snacks ready because we are about to begin!"

" Alright, Lyon. Give it your all." Ryuma told the man.

" You know it."

Ryma and Lyon clapped their hands together and Ryuma along with the rest of the Lamia Scale team retreated into their own personal seats in the stands. 


Hidden wasn't the best outcome for Lamia Scale. Thankfully Lyon managed to score a decent six points for the team.

" Damn, Lyon. Way to go. Third place isn't bad, considering what you were up against. Though I gotta say man, you getting dropped by Juvia from above... That was pretty funny." Ryuma said to the man.

" Yeah, well...." Lyon muttered; his face turned slightly red as he remembered seeing up Juvia's skirt just before he was knocked out. " Well, up next are the battle rounds. We should get ready." Lyon muttered.

" Yeah."

" Alright folks. We're moving on to the battle rounds. But this isn't a tournament set up." Lola exclaimed.

" The matches are decided by the organizers, right?" Jenny asked.

" I'm sure they'll display a miraculous event of magic and skills." Yajima stated.

" And I have just gotten the official line up. So, we'll find out how spectacular those will be." Lola exclaimed. " Going first we have Fairy Tail's Zodiac Wielder Lucy Heartfilia against the crimson intensity Raven Tail's Flare Corona!" Lola exclaimed.

" Oh wow, A celestial spirit wielder. Haven't seen many of those around. This should be fun!"

Ryuma watched as the girls stepped into the ring. It was quite obvious to him that, while Nervous, Lucy from Fairy Tail was more than ready to face her opponent, especially after finding out they hurt one of their friends and targeted another during the last event. 

" You see that, Jura?" Ryuma asked the man.

" Oh yes. She's got the intensity of a warrior alright. A drastic change from the meek woman I met seven years ago." Jura explained.

" Good. I'm looking forward to seeing how she performs. But... There's something about that other girl that I can't shake. And I don't like it." He muttered.

Jura nodded his head and then, it started.

" OPEN GATE OF THE CHARGING BULL! TAURUS!" Lucy shouted. She summoned forth her celestial spirit and the battle began.

Taurus swung his giant axe at Flare, who dodged out of the way.

Next was scorpio.

" Two celestial spirits at once! That's amazing!" Ryuma exclaimed.

Quite an accomplishment for a celestial wizard.

Flare let out a maniacal laugh and then spun her hair around in a circle releasing a giant wave of fire right towards Lucy and her spirits.

" She blew away the sandstorm with her fire. Impressive." Ryuma muttered.

" Go Taurus, keep it up!" Lucy yelled.

" You got it!" Taurus shouted. He and Scorpio worked together and launched a combined attack of wind and sand. 

" Sandstorm Axe!" Taurus shouted. He blasted Flare with a sandstorm that filled the entire arena, blowing her away.

Flare, not ready to give up, counterattacked. " Hair Shower! Wolf fang!" Flare turned her hair into the shape of a wolf and launched it at Lucy.

" Wow, that's some wild hair." Ryuma muttered.

" Yeah, no kidding. She can do some crazy impressive things with it." Sherria stated.

" Woof. I'd chase those locks and that caboose all day long." Toby exclaimed.

" Her hair is intriguing." Jura said, being the only one without hair.

As the Hair came closer, Lucy quickly opened her next gate. The gate of the golden crab: Cancer.

Cancer quickly used his scissors and cut Flare's hair down to size, stopping the attack dead center.

" Oh, that's messed up. You never cut a woman's hair." Ryuma muttered.

" Yeah, no kidding." 

Flare, having her cut, snapped.

" HOW DARE YOU!" She yelled. She tunneled some of her hair into the ground. She used it to snatch Lucy up by her legs and started slamming her around on the ground like a ragdoll. " How's that? Your spirits have nothing on my free-flowing hair."

" Oh yeah? Flore detau might disagree." Lucy exclaimed. She summoned her celestial whip and hit flare on her arm sending her flying with a lash. " How's that for free flowing." 

Although she managed to hit Flare, Lucy was still entrapped within her hair, meaning she went flying along with her. And to make things worse, Flare ignited her hair, burning Lucy on her legs.

Lucy and Flare both slammed into the ground hard, kicking up a large dust storm.

" These ladies are magnificent." Ryuma exclaimed. " But she's gonna have a hard time standing with those burns on her legs now. What will you do, Lucy?" Ryuma wondered. Ryuma was expecting Lucy to struggle now that her legs were injured, however, he watched as Lucy quickly jumped back to her feet and continued on as if nothing had happened at all. " Amazing. She shook it off like it was nothing. She's nothing like what you guys used to tell me about." Ryuma exclaimed in excitement.

Flare once more stuck her hair into the ground, however, this time her target was something no one could have expected. 

And suddenly, the flow of the match took a turn. Lucy, who had been confident and excelling in the match before, was suddenly being completely overpowered by Flare.

" What's going on? She's not fighting back." Sherris muttered.

" Something's happening." Ryuma muttered. " I feel an odd presence of magic. Jura, what do you think?" Ryuma asked the man.

" Yes. I feel it too. But I don't know where it's coming from." Jura told the man. " Nor can I understand why Lucy has just given up."

Ryuma and the others all watched as Flare continued to abuse Lucy, eventually bring her up and raring herself to end things. However, before Flare could deliver the coup de grace, Natsu shouted to Lucy.

" You're in the clear, Lucy!" Natsu shouted.

" Thanks, Natsu." Lucy exclaimed. " GEMINI!" And like that Lucy was back in the fight, smashing Flare with both of the twins and freeing herself.

Things had turned once again. Flare was being beaten down.

" We're doing the big one!" Lucy told the two spirits. 

Ryuma watched as the two spirits transformed into Lucy, who was dressed only in a towel.

" What is she doing? That pose?" Ryuma muttered. 

" Oh, stars far and wide that embody the heavens. By thy radiance reveal thy form to me. I implore you. O Tetrabiblos eternal ruler of the stars, let your unrestrained rage flow. I ask that you lend your power to me, with the eighty-eight heavenly bodies, shining." Lucy chanted.

" This is incredible! The flow of magical power!" Ryuma was grinning from ear to ear, his eyes locked closely on the battlefield.

" URANO METRIA!" Lucy cast her ultimate attack, and a barrage of stars began raining down towards Flare.


" WHAT?!" Ryuma shouted. For just a moment he could see it, One of Raven Tail's members attacked Lucy.

However, the light and dust from Lucy's attack kept him covered from most of the people in the arena.

And in moments, Lucy started to wobble.

" Well... I expected something bombastic. But her spell was a complete dud." Lola muttered. " Mr. Yajima, any thoughts?"

Lola looked over to Yajima, who was completely angered.

" Sorry, I asked." Lola exclaimed in fear.

A few moments later, Lucy hit the ground.

" And she's down! I guess that's it for miss Heartfillia." Lola exclaimed as the bell rang. " And you know what that means folks, the winner is."

" HOLD UP! RAVEN TAIL CHEATED!" Ryuma shouted angrily.

" What's this? Ryuma of Lamia Scale is claiming that Raven Tail cheated during the fight." Lola exclaimed.

Jura leaned down and placed a hand on Ryuma's shoulder. " Ryuma."

But Ryuma wasn't listening, he brushed it aside and continued his rant.

" It was during Lucy's attack. That long nosed bastard over there used the bright lights and the dust from her attack to dispel her magic. He interfered and therefore the win should go to Lucy from Fairy Tail." Ryuma explained.

" Let's roll the tapes back folks. If it's true then, the match point will instead go to Lucy and Raven Tail will have points deducted from their team." 

Lola and the commentators brought up a replay of the final moments of Lucy's match and slowly started rewatching the moment, Lucy cast her spell.

Unfortunately, even though Jura and Ryuma and the members of blue pegasus could see the moment it happened, neither the people nor the commentators could truly make it out. Not even Yajima who had suspicion as well could fully declare an interference.

" It is unfortunate folks, but it appears as though the Lacrima could not quite catch the final moments of the match, therefore Flare retains her victory." Lola explained after careful consideration.

" WHAT?!" Ryuma shouted.

Jura placed his palm on Ryuma's back. " I am sorry, Ryuma. But there's just no way to prove it at this point. My heart bleeds for Fairy Tail, but this is still only the first day of the events. There will be time to properly repay debts at a later date. For now, rest. There are still many battles to come." Jura told the young man.

Ryuma grit his teeth and turned away from the field, not wanting to have to continue staring at the members of Raven Tail, who gloated over such an embarrassing victory.

In that single moment, three things happened.

One, The other guilds around the arena, were completely shocked over Ryuma's outburst. Some of them were surprised, some laughed, and some applauded. 

Two. Raven Tail's sights were set firmly on taking him out.

And three, He gained a friend in the Fairy Tail wizards. A debt of gratitude they surely would not regret.

Lucy sat in the arena fields, crying tears of pain and embarrassment, however, a soft and gentle hand suddenly touched down on her shoulder.

When she looked up, it was Ryuma.

In mere moments, he had vanished from his stands and had landed right next to Lucy, a surprising showcase of speed, that not many could follow.

" Hey, there's no need to cry. You fought well, and with honor. In my book you are winner here." Ryuma told the girl.

" Damn right, Lucy. That was an amazing fight." Natsu said as he approached the two. " You got nothing to cry about."

" I can't help it. It's just not fair." Lucy cried.

" No, it's not. That's why we'll pay them back a hundred times over." Natsu told the woman.

" Damn right, you were." Ryuma said in agreement. He placed his hands over Lucy's shoulders and a light blue hue flowed out of his hands.

In moments, Lucy could feel the soft gentle, cool water beginning to trickle its way across her body, healing her wounds from the battle.

" Hey, Ryuma, thank you for sticking up for us like that." Natsu said to the man.

" Don't mention it. If there's one thing, I don't like. It's a bully. Don't worry, Lucy, I promise you guys have a friend in this contest, if Raven Tail tries something like that again, I'll get'em. For now, you rest. You've earned it." Ryuma told the woman. 

" Now, let's get started on our epic comeback!" Natsu exclaimed.

Lucy looked up at the two with a smile on her face. " Yeah... I'm all fired up now." She muttered through her tears.

" That's the spirit." Ryuma muttered. He and Natsu both looked at her and smiled.

It was strange, looking at the both of them, it was almost like they were brothers.


After tending to her wounds for her, Ryuma bid Natsu and Lucy goodbye and returned to his stands, with a frown on his face.

The rest of the matches went along fairly quickly with Ren facing off against arana and winning. Orga defeating War Cry from Quatro Cerberus in one strike. 

And now Finally, they were on the final match of the day with Jura taking on Mystogan from Fairy Tail Team-B

Ryuma and the others watched as Jura and Mystogan stepped into the arena.

" That Mystogan is quite a mysterious man. This should be interesting to see how Fairy Tail's man of mystery fights." Ryuma muttered.

" Yeah, but he doesn't have a chance at defeating Jura." Lyon spoke.

" Maybe. Maybe not. Nothing in this world is ever a given, Lyon. You of all people should know that." Ryuma stated. " Now watch."

[ Mystogan Ost]

Ryuma turned his attention to the ring, where Mystogan unlatched his staffs and charged Jura.

Jura responded by summoning multiple rock pillars and trying to smash Mystogan. Mystogan, however, dodged each and every single pillar thrown at him and launched his staffs right at Jura.

" Sleep! FIVE LAYERED MAGIC CIRCLE: SACRED SONG!" Mystogan chanted. Suddenly five large magic circles appeared above Jura and blasted him with heavily concentrated magic.

" Impressive." Ryuma muttered.

" Oh no, Jura." Sherria exclaimed.

" Calm down, Sherria. Jura's not going to go down that easily." Ryuma told the girl.

" Hm. That's an understatement. I don't mean to put down Juvia's team, but I truly believe Jura is the greatest wizard in all of Fiore." Lyon told the girl.

A moment later, a giant rock fist emerged from the dust and headed straight towards Mystogan.

" THREE LAYERED MAGIC CIRCLE: MIRROR WATER!" Mystogan placed his hands together and made three magic circles in front of him.

" Hey, that' the same as my move." Ryuma muttered under his breath.

He watched as the rock fist rebounded off of the magic mirror and traveled back towards Jura.

However, Jura returned the fist once more with a wave of his fingers, striking Mystogan from his perch on the rock pillars and knocked him to the ground.

This brought a smile to the faces of his teammates.

Mystogan, however, wasn't ready to give up. He stood back up and crouched down. " METEOR!" He exclaimed. Mystogan exploded forward in a blinding flash of light.

His speed was impressive. 

" He's fast!" Ryuma exclaimed. " I can barely keep up with him." Ryuma muttered.

" What? You can still see him?" Sherria asked. " All I see is a ball of light. What about you, Lyon?"

" Nothing. It's like watching light itself travel. This is incredible." Lyon told the young girl.

Jura's face turned dead serious, and he raised a giant wall in front of him to block Mystogan, however, Mystogan managed to redirect himself and traveled around the wall, slamming into Jura. 

Jura jumped backwards and thrusted his hand forward, causing the rock wall to explode and sent multiple flying rocks at Mystogan as he flew threw the air.

Mystogan dodged many of the blocks, however, Jura finally managed to hit his mark, slamming one of the bricks into Mystogan and knocking him from the sky. 

" He got him!" Sherria exclaimed.

" No, look at the sky." Ryuma told the girl.

Sherria and Lyon looked up and were shocked at what they saw. 

IT was seven bright magic circles formed neatly in the sky.

Mystogan landed on the ground and brought his hands together again.

" Be judged by the seven holy stars! GRAND CHARIOT!" Mystogan exclaimed.

The Magic circles lit up like stars in the sky and shortly after a barrage of energy blasts came pouring down from the heavens themselves.

" ROCK TOMB!" Jura exclaimed, clapping his hands together, he summoned a giant statue made entirely of stone. 

The release of Magic power from the two men, nearly blew everyone in the crowd away.

Ryuma, found himself quite enamored by the performance of the Man of mystery named Mystogan.

However, before another thought could form in his mind, Mystogan took up a strange stance. Twisting his arms around in weird directions, an ominous aura emitted from the Fairy Tail wizard, an even darker aura than that of the Raven Tail members.


[ Fairy Law ost]

The people in the arena were immediately shrouded in a dark cloud of magic and the feeling of dread completely filled the arena.

However, Mystogan suddenly dropped to the ground... Laughing?

" What is going on? Why did he stop his attack? And... Why is he laughing like that?" Ryuma wondered. 

There were no words that could explain. No thoughts or reason. But Mystogan suddenly dropped to the ground and the fight ended, resulting in an embarrassing loss for Fairy Tail.

" In a surprising turn of events, Fairy Tail team B-s Mystogan has suddenly been knocked out. Meaning that the victory goes to Jura Neekis!" Lola exclaimed.

The entire Arena suddenly burst into laughter at the embarrassing act that Mystogan displayed. It was so bad that the man was laughed out of the arena completely. Even his teammates were shocked and appalled. 

When Jura got back to his stands, he had a look of confusion still plastered to his face.

" Jura... What was that?" Ryuma asked the man.

" I... I have.... I have no idea." Jura told the man.

The members of Lamia Scale looked amongst themselves and they all simply shook their heads.

" Ugh.... Fairy Tail." They all muttered in unison.

And with that ended the first round of the first day.


Later that night.

After being dismissed for the day, Ryuma and the rest of the members of Lamia Scale all went out to enjoy themselves in the city.

" Wow! What a day." Ryuma muttered as he walked through the streets of Crocus. " So much has happened in just those few short hours and I can't tell if I should be pissed or excited." Ryuma said, thinking back to the earlier foul play that Raven Tail committed. That was still fresh in his stomach. " But there was still so much other stuff that he enjoyed. " Agh, I'll drop it for now. Best to not let those guys ruin my mood. Besides, they'll get what's coming to them." Ryuma rubbed the back of his head and suddenly felt himself bump into someone.

" Oh, Excuse me- miss." Ryuma spoke as he looked down at the young woman in front of him.

" Nah, pardon me, sir.... Oh, hey Ah know you. Yer that guy from Lamia Scale! Ryuma right?" 

" Yeah... Wait a minute, yeah, you're from Mermaid Heel. Beth, right."

" Yup that's right!" Beth responded.

Beth was a young girl, just a yar younger than Ryuma. She had long orange hair twisted up into two long pig tails. She wore a pair of blue overalls over a black t-shirt with a white collar and brown sandals almost similar to Ryuma's blue sandals. What stood out to Ryuma the most however, were Beths eyes and her beautiful smile. Her eyes were this radiant Greyish-blue and her smile was warm and radiated a feeling of innocence that Ryuma couldn't even begin to comprehend.

It was actually embarrassing, as he found himself staring directly into her eyes for a solid moment, before the blush on her cheeks alerted his mind.

" Oh, uhm. Hm... Sorry. You... You have beautiful eyes. Ya know." He said nervously.

Beth's cheeks turned a bright rose pink. " Oh, why thank you." She said with her thick country accent. 

" Yeah... So, uhm what are you doing out by yourself? I thought you and the rest of Mermaid Heel were staying on the other side of the city."

" Oh we are, Ah just wanted ta get out and see the city a little more, ya know. We don't have many places like this in the country. So, ah try to get as much exploring in as ah can." Beth explained.

" Ah, I see. Yeah, I know how ya feel. Back home there isn't much either. And the only exciting thing we have happen is the annual parade."

" That's right! Lamia Scale does a yearly parade similar to Fairy Tails Fantasia parade, right?"

" Yup that's our Thanksgiving day parade." Ryuma told the girl.

" I've always wanted to go."

" Well, why don't you come this year? We're really going to go all out, especially with Fairy Tail back. It's going to be the best we've ever done, and that's a fact. We haven't put much of it together yet, but we've already begun talking about what we're going to do. And I'm telling you, it's going to be one heck of a time."

" Ah think Ah will take you up on that offer. Ah can't wait to see what you guys can do. And Ah can't wait to see what you can do in the tournament." Beth told the man.

" Oh yeah, that's right. We're still technically enemies... Well not enemies, but more like rivals." Ryuma muttered. " But hey, that's during the games. Right now, we're just two people." Ryuma explained. " So, how would you feel about joining me for dinner? I was feeling pretty hungry, and I hear there's a pretty good seafood restaurant nearby."

" Sure, I'd love to." Beth replied with a smile and a clap of her hands.

" Alright then. Let's go."

Ryuma and Beth began walking together and chatting about their first day in the games, all the while a figure watched them both from the darkness, ready and waiting to strike. 


At restaurant Chef de fritz

Ryuma and Beth had settled in at a nice seafood restaurant in downtown crocus, the southern part of the city near the ocean. A nice restaurant that sold top of the line seafood cuisine.

They had already placed their order and were well into their meal of salmon and potatoes with steamed broccoli. 

" So, Beth tell me more about yourself, I know you use vegetation magic, but why?" He asked.

" Well, my family always grew up on a farm. So, it was only natural that ah would too. Plus, ah really love farming. I mean like Ah said it's been a part of my whole life."

" I know how ya feel. I could say the same thing about fishing for me. My family came from a fishing village. And when I was old enough my father taught me how to fish myself, and ever since by the ocean is where I've been. Every single day I'm out in the water with all the little critters."

" That sounds amazing, Ryuma. I 've never really been good with fishing maself. But Ah still love it so much!"

" Hey, you know, if you want, you can come visit us at Lamia, we have a beautiful river nearby with many wonderful kinds of Fish. I'm sure it'd be a blast to have you, and maybe if it wasn't too much you could show me how to grow my own vegetables. I know we were having some trouble with that last year for Thanksgiving day."

" Really?"

" Yeah, we ended up running out of certain ingredients because Toby ended up having a fit. I will tell you; I have never seen Jura or old lady baba so mad in my entire life."

" Really?" Beth asked the man.

" Oh yeah. It was..." Ryuma shivered a little. " Scary."

The look of fear on his face, caused Beth to shiver as well.

" You're scaring me." She whined.

" Oh, sorry dear. I didn't mean it. "

" It's fine. But is that Jura guy really that scary?" Beth wondered.

" Jura? No, I was just kidding... I mean a little bit. He's a really nice guy. He's kind and caring to everyone. And he's really wise to. The only time you have to worry about him being scary is if you hurt one of his friends or commit a crime. Then you better watch out, because Jura is the strongest man I've ever faced."

" Really?! Wait, you've fought with Jura before? One of the Ten Wizard Saints?!" Beth asked in disbelief.

" Of course, Who do you think trained me when I joined Lamia Scale when I was a kid? Jura has been my mentor for quite some time, and he's the reason I'm so strong today. He's the only one in the entire guild that can beat me in a straight up fight. Though, I have to admit, and I don't usually blow my own horn, but I'm getting stronger every year and in our last fight we ended up tearing up quite a large part of the forest near our town." Ryuma told the woman.

" So, you mean... Wow. You must be pretty powerful."

" Well, yeah, but.. Strength isn't everything if you don't have people to share it with, ya know. And frankly, I don't see a point in pursuing strength alone. I mean yeah, I enjoy a good fight, and I like getting stronger. But I mostly just like getting to meet new people and learn about them. And to be honest I enjoy that and having fun more than I do fighting. I mean this right now... By far the most excited I've been all day. Even during the games." Ryuma exclaimed happily.

" Well, I'm glad ta hear it. I'm actually having fun maself. It's been a long time since; I've had a chance to sit down and make a new friend. I usually hang out with the girls in ma guild and some people are so scared of Kagura they won't approach us." Beth explained.

" Oh, well, I understand why. She's beautiful, strong, fierce. She exudes this aura of confidence. She's dangerous. I'd definitely hate to fight her."

" Yeah, you should. Kagura may very well be the strongest wizard in the games today." Beth exclaimed.

" Whoa now, Beth. Don't go counting out those Fairy Tail guys. They're strong." Ryuma told the girl.

" Oh yeah, Fairy Tail? What happened with those guys? Today was bad."

" Yeah, no kidding." Ryuma sighed. " The first fight they were cheated and the second one the guy just dropped in a fit of laughter. I'd say that's worse than bad." Ryuma explained. " But hey, there's still four more days of games left. I'm sure they can pull it back. If I can be honest with you, Beth, I want to win sure. But I'd prefer to lose to Fairy Tail. I remember being a little kid looking up to those guys. It would be nice to see them get their glory back after their tragedy seven years ago."

" I know how ya feel. It was so sad to hear what happened to them. Especially when I was a kid." Beth muttered.

" Yeah... But, we'll see right?"

" Right!"

* DIng! Ding! Ding!

" Uh-oh that's the curfew bell. We should probably get going. We don't want to get in trouble."

" Yeah, you're right." Beth muttered. " Hey, I had fun tonight. Thank you for inviting me out to dinner."

" No problem, Beth. I had a pretty good time getting to talk to you. It'd be nice if we could do this again sometime. Maybe tomorrow night, or maybe after the games."

" Definitely. To both."

" Awesome! Now, what do ya see I walk you back to the Mermaid Heel in? It's late and I would feel pretty bad about letting you go alone. Would you mind?"

" Not at all. Please." Beth exclaimed.

Ryuma took Beth's hand and walked with her all the way back to the center of the city, to a decent sized hotel where the Mermaid Heel guild was staying during the games. Once there, Ryuma bid Beth a farewell, and quickly retreated back towards his own hotel, all the while Beth's teammates watched and teased as the girl came home from her "Date" They called it. 

Beth denied the accusations while also blushing heavily, however Ryuma wasn't around to see it.

On his way back to Lamia Scale's lodging, he suddenly stopped in the middle of the street.

The town had grown quiet in the night. The wind was blowing ominously. And suddenly Ryuma spoke.

" I didn't say anything earlier, because I didn't want Beth to be concerned. But now, I don't have to worry about protecting her. So, listen carefully. You better just walk away, because if you don't, I will kill you."

The figure watching Ryuma in the dark suddenly felt a heavy weight fall upon his shoulders as Ryuma's magic energy started rising.

Ryuma's head snapped around and locked right on the shadowy figure following him, and a moment later the man was gone.

' That can't be good. I should probably tell the others about this... Or maybe... Maybe it would be smarter to keep it to myself for now.' " Hmmm."


The next day and things are off to a thrilling start. The Chariots!

" It's day two of the grand magic games and the crowd if full of excitement! Joining me once again is Former Councilman Yajima, as well as our new special guest, Jason from Sorcerers weekly." Lola explained. " Let's get back to the action, as our competitors take on the Chariots! The object of this game is to reach the final goal without falling off. Simple right? Wrong! The chariots are in constant motion, and while at a slug's pace, even one wrong step could cause you to fall. Which team will survive this rough and tumble sightseeing course and cross the finish line?!"

" COOL!" Jason yelled.

" You've seen a lot in your days, but have you ever seen anything like this?" Lola asked Yajima.

" Well...." Yajima muttered.

Over in the Lamia Scale balcony, Ryuma was watching the event with a face of relief.

" Man am I glad I didn't take this event on." Ryuma muttered. 

" Yeah, no kidding." Lyon said to the man.

" What's going on?" Sherria asked as Natsu, Gajeel, and Sting were all left dead last and barely moving at all.

" Keep it quiet, Sherria, but being dragon slayers, our bodies have enhanced senses. Our semi-circular canals aren't used to handling vehicles." Ryuma told the girl. " So, whenever we get on one, be it a train, or a ship we get motion sickness to the extreme."

" OHHH! SO, that's why you always walk everywhere and why you hate train rides."

" Yeah." Ryuma nodded quietly. " Though with a name like Chariot, you would have thought those three would have guessed it involved some kind of moving object."

" You are severely overestimating how smart those people from Fairy Tail are my friend." Lyon said to the young man.

Moving back to the action, the spectators were all graced with those leading the front of the pack.

" Up front is Black Snake from Raven Tail. Followed closely by Blue pegasus' Ichiya, Lamia Scale's Luca, and Mermaid Heels Risley." Lola explained.

" Huff! Huff! Huff! Feel the burn!" Ichiya muttered.

" I'm surprised someone with your figure can run this long." Yuka said to Risley, making fun of her plump body.

" Don't underestimate chubby." Risley told the man, not allowing his obvious attempt to slow her down to affect her.

" Coming in behind them, is Quatro Cerberus' Bacchus!" 

Bacchus was running behind the front group at a sluggish pace, due mostly to his heavy drinking from the night before.

" Man, that guy is loud." Bacchus groaned. " Can't you let a man work out last night's booze in peace?" Bacchus asked the announcers.

At this point things were pretty close between the competitors. That is, until Yuka used his weight boosts and started propelling himself forward on the Chariots at a faster rate.

Seeing this, the others began using their magic as well. Risley used her Gravity magic to run along the side of the chariot, avoiding Yuka's shockwaves. Ichiya used his manly parfume to increase his running speed, and Black Snake used his sand to carry him even faster.

Seeing the competitive spirits of his foes, struck a match within bacchus.

" Oh man, they're really wild..." Bacchus muttered. " WELP! Guess I better put a little effort into this race too! CHECK THIS OUT!" Bacchus exclaimed. Springing to life, he raised his leg off the ground and slammed it back into the Chariot, releasing a large amount of magical energy and throwing the chariot completely off track.

" Amazing. That Bacchus guy did all that with brute force alone. He's pretty strong." Ryuma muttered.

The force from the explosion threw some of the other's racers around, and even knocked Risley, who had lost all her weight due to her gravity magic, to the back of the pack. 

It was with this sudden burst of energy that Bacchus sped ahead of all the competitors and ended up taking first place.

" WOOHOO! I'm SHAKING AND STIRRED BABY! WHAT ARE WE?!" Bacchus asked his guildmates.

" WILD!" The members of Quatro Cerberus screamed as they celebrated their first, first place victory.

Following behind Bacchus in second place was Black Snake. Behind him was Risley. Coming in at fourth place was Yuka. And in Fifth place was Ichiya.

That unfortunately left a three-way battle for last place. And all of them were dragon slayers.

" AGHHH! I gotta keep moving! Not gonna lose like this!" Natsu exclaimed as he continued pushing himself forward.

" Talk about uncool." Sting joked. " Anyone can see you got no strength left. You're just making fools of yourself."

" HGNNNN!" Natsu groaned as he continued pushing. He wasn't about to give up. Not now. Not after all these years.

And neither was Gajeel.

" Fine, whatever. I didn't need this win, so I'll let you guys have it." Sting said to the two men. " Sabretooth's just gonna keep racking up the points after this. In the end one measly point isn't gonna change the outcome."

" One point is nothing to scoff at, kid. Don't you ever forget that." Gajeel exclaimed.

" I don't get it; can't you explain something to me?" Sting asked. " Why did you even bother entering the tournament? Seriously. I mean you're nothing like the fairy tail I knew growing up. You're obsessed with how tough you are and what the world thinks of you. What happened to the Fairy tail of my childhood? The guild that did whatever the hell it wanted. Whenever it wanted? They never cared what anyone else said or thought of them." Sting asked.

" The reason we're here... IS for our friends. The ones, who waited for us. For all the years we were gone. The ones who fought through the pain and the heartache. They were humiliated. But even so, they stayed strong, and they kept our guild together." Natsu spoke. " We're doing this for all of them! And we're gonna make sure everyone here knows... The FAIRY TAIL GUILD NEVER GAVE UP! NOT FOR AN INSTANT! So, THERE'S NO WAY I'M GONNA GIVE UP NOW!" Natsu exclaimed with a heart full of passion.

" Listen to that guy. He hasn't changed in seven years." Lyon muttered.

" Is that such a bad thing, Lyon?" Jura asked.

" No, I suppose not." 

" Hahahahaha! Wow, what a guy." Ryuma laughed. He found himself being moved almost to tears by Natsu and Gajeel's brave performance.

He, and everyone else in the arena, watched as Natsu crawled his way all the way to the finish line.

" Natsu Dragneel of Fairy Tail team A takes sixth place, securing two points. And Gajeel from Team b takes seventh place, securing one point!" Lola exclaimed.

The entire stadium gave the men from Fairy Tail a rousing round of applause. 

" Damn, they really did it. Now that's impressive." Ryuma spoke.

" Yes, it was. But what's even more impressive is that." Lyon stated. He raised his hand and pointed to the points screen. 

" With Sabertooth scoring zero points, that leaves them tied for second place with Lamia Scale and leaving Raven Tail in first place." Lola explained to the people.

" Ha! We got second place. That's pretty sweet. But now comes the Battle rounds. This should be fun." Ryuma muttered.

And right on time, Lola came on air to announce the first match.

" Alright folks, with the exciting Chariot match out of the way, it is time for the Battle Rounds!" Lola exclaimed. " And I must say, we have quite the first match. Two first year competitors. Please report to the Arena Black Snake from Raven Tail and... Ryuma Shirahama from Lamia Scale!"

" Did you hear that? Looks like you're up, Ryuma." Sherris said to the man. The excitement on her face was palpable.

" Hm." Ryuma scoffed. " Good, I've been looking forward to paying these guys back."

" Well, just make sure you don't go too far. Remember, this is still just a competition. No extremities. And please, don't destroy the arena." Lyon told the man, in fear of having to pay for the property damage.

" Nonsense! Ryuma you go all out, out there understand?! If you lose, I'll make you spin!" Old lady baba told the young man.

" OF course, Master. Don't worry. I've got this." 

Ryuma disappeared from the stands and reappeared down in the arena in a pool of water. 

" Here we go." Gray muttered.

" It's that guy from Lamia Scale. So, he's fighting now? Let's see what he can do." Elfman stated as he peeked down at the arena.

" Yes, indeed. This will give us a chance to study two of our enemies. Pay close attention." Erza told the rest of her team.

" Two of them? Don't you mean, one Erza?" Lucy asked.

" He seems friendly, but don't forget Lucy. Everyone here is our enemy until the games are over. Including Lamia Scale." Erza explained. " Now hush. They're about to begin."

" I expect to see a great fight out there understand?" Yajima said from the commentator's box.

" Wow, Ryuma is so cool! Let's see what the king of the deep can do. WOW!" Jason, being a writer for sorcerers weekly, had quite the informative knowledge on the wizards from each guild. But still, seeing them in person was always a great experience.

Down in the Arena, Ryuma stood across from Black Snake. While his focus was placed on his opponent, he also found himself staring up at Raven Tail's balcony.

He was watching for any signs of interference, after all, he had seen them do it before. However, he watched as one of the members from Raven Tail viciously grabbed the young woman from the other day, Flare. 

She was covered in bruises and had tears in her eyes. 

Ryuma narrowed his eyes.


The gong signaling the start of the match suddenly rang out loud. However, instead of attacking Ryuma turned towards black snake.

" Hey, you... That girl up there... Flare was her name, right?" Ryuma asked.

" Yeah. What about her?" Black Snake wondered.

" Those bruises... They're new. She didn't get those during her match." Ryuma spoke.

" No, I guess she didn't."

" I see. So, is that how you guys play? First you cheat and then you beat up your own teammates? Is that the kind of guild you guys are?" 

" Heh, why does it matter to you?"

" It's simple. One thing I don't like is a bully. Especially one that beats up women." 

" What are you going to do about it?"

" Let's make a deal then. Add on some rules of our own to this little dance. IF I win, you point out who was responsible for those bruises. What do you say?"

" What do I get if I win?" Black snake asked.

" Whatever you want. Money, Items. You name it." Ryuma told the man.

" Alright, deal."

" Wow, did you hear that folks? It looks like our competitors just added some real life stakes to this event. This is bound to be a real showstopper." Lola exclaimed.

" Hm, there he goes going overboard again, making a careless bet." Lyon muttered.

" But can you blame him? Those Raven Tail guys are real jerks." Sherria stated.


Black Snake rushed Ryuma, turning into a haze of sand. This sand magic immediately gave Black Snake the advantage, since the rest of the arena was filled with sand already.

The sand started circling Ryuma, who stood still calmly with his hands held together.

" Standing still, your guard is down." Black Snake exclaimed. He emerged from the sand, ready to strike at Ryuma.

" Water Wall!" Ryuma opened his mouth a large rushing wave of water shot forward, throwing Black snake away with ease.

[ Sound ninja five battle theme 2 flute version]

" Wow! What an impressive water spell." Mavis, the first master of fairy tail, exclaimed. 

" Yeah, no kidding. That wave shot out like a cannon, and it's still going. To cast such a high-level spell in a place where there is no water... It goes beyond being remarkable." Makarov stated.

All the members of Fairy Tail watched closely as the water mage continued his attack, clapping his hands together.

" Explosive Water Shockwave!" The Jetstream of water turned into a surging riverbed that exploded from Ryuma's mouth. The amount of water quickly swallowed Black Snake up in its rushing waves and fille the entirety of the arena. 

" WOW! Would you look at that folks, the entire terrain of the arena has changed completely. What an impressive display of water magic!" Lola exclaimed.

" Yes, Ryuma Shirahama, Lamia Scales master fisherman and water wizard. He has quite the track record going for him, having been trained by Jura since he was a child it is no surprise, he has reached this level." Yajima explained to the crowd.

" You gotta be kidding me!? No way, this goes beyond anything I've seen from a water wizard." Gray exclaimed. 

" I don't even think Juvia can handle this much water all at once." Lucy exclaimed.

" Ryuma... Lamia Scale where have you been hiding this one?" Erza wondered.

Over on Fairy Tail's B-Team balcony Juvia was left completely awestruck.

" I don't believe it. I've never seen a water Wizard summon so much water, so easily. Let alone from his body like that." Juvia muttered.

" Are you saying you can't defeat him, Juvia?" Mirajane asked the woman.

" I... Don't know." 

Back in the arena, Black Snake managed to find his way back to the surface of the water, breeching the top of it gasping for air. 

" What's going on?" He asked in a panic.

" It's feeding time!" Ryuma growled from below him.

Black Snake looked down, to see Ryuma circling him underneath the water almost like.

" A... S- Sha.... SHARK!"

" Water Make! SHARK BOMB BITE!" Ryuma clapped his hands together and formed a giant shark, that swam up and breeched the water below Black Snake, swallowing him as it jumped into the air.

The moment the shark closed its mouth, the entire water make creature exploded.

" WOW! What an amazing display!" Lola exclaimed.

" That is Ryuma's legendary water make magic. He uses it to form creatures known for being predators within the sea. His famous trademark creature is the great white shark, often regarded as the king of the sea." Yajima explained.

" COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!" Jason exclaimed. His excitement was through the roof. Seeing the water wizard up close was unbelievably COOL!

" And it looks like Black Snake is out for the count." Yajima spoke.

When all the water in the arena quickly cleared away, Black Snake was left, lying on the ground, a wet mess and gasping for air. 

" And the victory goes to Lamia Scale! Placing them firmly in second place and moving Sabertooth down to third place." Lola explained as the new rankings were updated.

Ryuma, walked over to Black Snake and knelt down next to him. " i went easy on you there, pal. So, now I think it's time you answered my question. What happened to the girl?" Ryuma asked the man.

"Cough! Our leader... Alexi... He doesn't like it when we look bad. Especially Flare. He's the one who beat her up. I swear... I didn't do anything."

" Yeah. But you didn't help her either, did you?" Ryuma asked the man.

Ryuma stood up and walked away from the defeated fighter but stopped in the middle of the arena and stared directly at Raven tail's leader dressed in gold, Alexi. And he pointed.

" I'm gonna drown you in the depths of the blue abyss."

" We'll see about that, child." Alexi muttered under his breath,

Ryuma glared up at the stadium's balconies with a new storm in his eyes. In the days to come, he would see Raven Tail taken down a leg or two. 

As he exited the arena to return to his team's own balcony, there was a common theme going around the other guilds.

Be on the lookout, the king of the deep is on the hunt, and it's a feeding frenzy!
