
What If A Thief Gets Reincarnated.

I was the greatest thief ever. I did crazy stuff. I was a super skillful and successful person. The police did not catch me not even once and one day I got myself caught for thrills and now I'm dead. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Now I got reincarnated for my sins Can I survive? Can a thief survive in this new world? They tell me I should be a good boy but what is the meaning of good. I don't think that a king and a crazy person is a great combination. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Looking for something crazy and weird. Well, here's one for you. Enjoy going into this world of fantasy and weirdness.

Gifty_Kelvina · Fantasy
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28 Chs

The Slums.

<p>The slums are the best place to know about a country's poverty. The slums face a lot of problems no shelter, food, no electricity, no technology, and mainly<br/>discrimination but in this world, there is no technology (it is so hard without technology), the slums would be the hell of this place.<br/><br/>When I went to the slums, the place was really hell, the gutters were not cleaned properly the smell was all around, when people saw me they ran away, Desmond said ' let's leave my king this place is not something for you I said ' I don't care I saw that Desmond was frustrated, but he came with me (the power of the king is great).<br/><br/>I went into the slums and knocked on a door of a house, the house was at its worst it was going to fall off, a woman came out and said ' I will pay the money soon don't take away my son' she was trembling. After she saw my face she fell on my foot, I said ' get up '(I am a thief I don't deserve respect) she got up immediately. She said ' I am so sorry for not paying your taxes', taxes what for one year just one year the king was gone and the kingdom is in chaos.<br/><br/>I went to Desmond, I was so angry, I asked him about the taxes, he was so scared to talk about them, probably he was the one who issued the taxes, I walked away from him, I went to the woman and said ' you don't have to pay taxes anymore'. I heard a message ' you are Kind' phew, two more people to be kind to.<br/><br/>Suddenly a little boy came and punched in my stomach, he said, ' don't be so happy just because you helped a person'<br/><br/> I was in pain, it seems like I was so weak or he was so strong .<br/><br/>If I get angry and say something to that boy my quest will not be fulfilled, my guards held that boy.<br/><br/>Desmond raised his hand to hit that boy I said stop, Desmond was angry because I stopped him, in all that pain, I said the guards to leave the boy.<br/><br/>I put up a smile and said ' its alright,say your problems I will solve them' the boy was not looking at me (I am a king you punched me in my stomach and I am kind to you now you are looking away, what a brat)<br/><br/> He said ' I will say about the problems but you gotta take a tour around the slums with me ' well that's what I was planning for, Desmond tried to stop me I don't care(he is a traitor).<br/><br/>After this, I heard a message (system upgrade)<br/>__________________________________<br/>HP:100<br/>Strength:10<br/>Agility:50<br/>Intelligence:74<br/>Stamina:20<br/>Luck:75<br/>Status:Normal<br/>Endurance:0<br/>__________________________________<br/>Huh, this system is the worst. It did not show endurance first. After the upgrade endurance Zero, I am gonna kill that God one day. I am stuck in a useless place with useless people and system, I'm gonna die.<br/><br/>We went around the slums. The boy said his name was Giro. we traveled around the slums; it seems like after Cerdia took a part of them and; the taxes have been increased in the slums only; I know how hard it is to earn money while you are in the slums, after finishing high school I tried to apply for college, none took me in it was devastating, a college finally took me in and people in there looked at me differently, there are sometimes I wished to die well after studying I became a world-class thief and people respected me (they did not, they killed me).<br/><br/>Giro said that his family suicided because they couldn't pay the taxes, he said that he hated me so much. <br/><br/>I have a very big problem to solve and it is about the taxes, there are a lot of moles in the kingdom. I gotta start stealing the money from them soon.<br/><br/>We came across different streets I saw a lot of ceremonies for the dead, I asked Giro about It, he said, ' there is a serial killer on the streets, for some reason he only kills women and he stopped after 5 kills. what this sounds familiar, argh come on brain think you know this guy, I give up I felt like I know him but I forgot I am sure it will come to me.<br/><br/>I promised Giro that I will take away the poverty from these slums, Giro was so happy on hearing that, after this, I went to the market I still had to finish that quest; I helped an old man take his load (my back hurts) and I named a little girl's dog (I named it Oreo) I finished my quest I was so happy on receiving the stats points.<br/><br/>I went to my palace, sat on my bed, and opened the stats window.<br/>__________________________________<br/>HP:100<br/>Strength:10<br/>Agility:50<br/>Intelligence:74<br/>Stamina:20<br/>Luck:75<br/>Status: Normal<br/>Endurance:0<br/>Remaining status points:3<br/>__________________________________<br/><br/>The stats points were at their worst, I wanted to give the stats points for endurance, the punch still hurts, suddenly I was somewhere else.<br/><br/>I know this place it was heaven, where is the God I wanna kill him.<br/><br/>I heard a voice saying you can't kill me dummy' I was so angry, God said ' enjoying your punishment '<br/><br/> I said ' not at all'<br/><br/> he said ' I see ',<br/><br/> I wanted to ask him something but before i could start he interrupted me and and 'bye' and left I really hated this guy.<br/><br/> eh I remember the serial killer it is him 'Jack The Ripper', the most notorious serial killer of London, oh no this is the biggest problem, did he get reincarnated as a punishment like me too? How can I stop him? How do I find him? What am I gonna do? Oh no<br/> <br/> To Be Continued...…...</p>

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