
What If A Thief Gets Reincarnated.

I was the greatest thief ever. I did crazy stuff. I was a super skillful and successful person. The police did not catch me not even once and one day I got myself caught for thrills and now I'm dead. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Now I got reincarnated for my sins Can I survive? Can a thief survive in this new world? They tell me I should be a good boy but what is the meaning of good. I don't think that a king and a crazy person is a great combination. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Looking for something crazy and weird. Well, here's one for you. Enjoy going into this world of fantasy and weirdness.

Gifty_Kelvina · Fantasy
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28 Chs

A Change Of Heart.

I have arrived.

I have arrived at the palace after my exhausting trip to the party town.

The moment I stepped into the palace, my advisor disappeared, appearing quickly to do something he has been craving for a long time.

Paperwork, eww, saying that word makes me tired.

I was born to be a creative, hard-working man without a plan and lazy.

While blade was born to be working hard, working for justice, being truthful never, breaking rules ,proper good, kind, helpful and a thief.

I remembered my last moments in the party town, people crying, cheering and screaming long live the king.

I went to my room, took an apple from the basket, and thought about my plans for myself.

Then I got up and went to see my advisor for the next important plan.

As soon as I got in, he said 'get out I am not taking you to the magic academy so that you could learn magic, nor to the black market, nor to my childhood house, nor to the dungeons, nor to the house of the richest man in this town.

Oh my goodness, my mind is blown. Someone please call the Guinness World Records, this man just predicted my entire life, nearly.

What am I going to do now? He will not cooperate with any of my self-care goals.

Then the idea struck me, the worst and the best thing I am ever going to do in this life.

It was kind of embarrassing and silly, but this idea was about to change my life and my personality.

I walked near to blade took a chair and sat next to him and said, 'I have a deal'

He let out a deep breath, looked at me and said, I 'you can say the deal if it does not include me telling you my childhood'

What an impossible situation !

Yet still I gave it a shot.

I said 'look, what I'm about to say to you is going to make history, it will only make history if you accept this deal'

Blade ignored me and kept working.

I said 'hey don't ignore me, please look at me and hear me'

Looking at the paper, he said'(sarcastic)whoa, the great king of Casentonia begging for his advisor's attention at exactly who-cares-what time glorious moment in history bravo'

I said 'ugh, please listen to me, I promise I won't waste your time(begging)'

Blade dropped that pen and looked at me with a surprised face.

It made me uncomfortable. I said, 'why are you looking at me like that?'

He said 'oh it's just that those words which you said made me realize you were really going to say something important but if you are going to say something stupid, I will haunt you in your dreams forever (scary) '

I took a deep breath, made my mind and words clear because this is going to be something exotic, something which I never thought I would do.

I said 'Here's what I am going to do, I understand the economic crisis of this country, so I am going to make this country rich and glorious, in exchange…'

He stopped me and said, 'I have to tell you about my past.'

I put out my hand and asked, 'do we have a deal?'

He thought about it and said' what the sudden change of mind'

I chuckled and said, 'it was so boring to sit around and do nothing, so I thought that changing this place would be a significant challenge'

He shook my hand and said," I don't care what you do, but if you are solving all the problems of this kingdom, you are lifting a heavy burden off my shoulders'

He stood from his place. I took his place just before he left the room. He stopped and looked at me and asked, 'do you know economics?'

Eh, wait, do I know economics? I took a moment and meditated. I looked through my memories and recalled something I did when I was on earth.

I studied different works: fashion designer, hacker, economist, make-up artist, architect, professional artist, etc.

I studied different types of jobs because it helped with my primary career, thieving.

And while studying these, I created different alibis (yes; I was involved in identifying thefts. If I remember correctly, the alibi I created for learning to be an economist was:


Name: Mr. Ethan Smith.

Nationality: American.


Appearance:Black hair, brown eyes, tall, looks like he's a king.

Background: Father is a filthy rich entrepreneur who wants his son to succeed him.he has the worst manners, people who mess with him face terrible fate. He is the top of his class.

After "Mr. Ethan Smith" finished economic studies, he made his father's company the greatest one of all time.


All these alibis I created were solely based on my mood, but these served a great purpose.

I said 'yes, yes I do and another important note for two days lock me in this room, do not worry about what to eat of drink and remember Do not knock the door of this room of you do well i'll stop working'

He said 'okay but after two days if you have not finished all that paperwork, I will lock you in this room with no food for 3 more days, bye'. After he said that, he closed the door behind him.



Quest assigned

Job: finish the paperwork and save the kingdom

Reward: +3 points in all stats, 100 experience points.(and blade's past, maybe he'll show you childhood photos.😜)


Finally, I am going to take my first step in taking over this world.

To Be Continued…

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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