
What? I Was Reborn As A Dragon At The Time Of Spiritual Awakening!

Di Tian was a guy with a little sadder than normal life, of course that was only until he was struck by lightning and died in a rainy day. Even though his life was supposed to have ended right then and there, the fate had something else stored for him. He was reborn in another world that too as Dragon Egg. Just when he was thinking that he will be able to live with a peace of mind and sleep without a single care in the world, he was mercilessly brought back to reality. The world he was reborn into wasn't like his old world, even though both share some similarities, they are two different worlds. The most troublesome difference being the fact that this world was about to awaken its sentience, in another world the spiritual energy of the Heaven and Earth was about to be awakened. And of course, that wasn't Di Tian's only concern. Di Tian first had to worry about safely hatching, after which he had to become strong in this new world so that his life won't be at somebody else's mercy. He also had to find out how did the egg of a dragon which could be considered as a creature of myths appeared in this world, in this journey of getting strong and finding his origin he will have many fateful encounters as well, but the question is... Will his journey end after finding out where he came from, will his path end after he finds about his origin? Let's find out what happens. --- The world setting although similar to the real world, still has a quite a few changes, so plz don't use your extraordinary yet ordinary brains and tell me geography, I'm already having at it anyways. And this is Xianxia novel, wow I don't need to waste hours thinking about all those flashy, magic with no logic abilities, seriously I'm still regretting writing my first novel on magic with no logic, I'm already out of ideas. I'm a human so I will definitely make mistakes, so if you find any spelling mistakes or anything you are free to point it out, don't worry you won't lose your valuable money for doing this. Lastly any update regarding upload dates or anything will be known on the discord server including the reference images, and if you have any suggestions then feel free to talk about them on the [#suggestions] like previously you won't lose money to perform this action either. discord: https://discord.gg/kw7JDBuwa8

Dark_Sovereign_28 · Urban
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38 Chs

Chapter 3 Level up


As the roar sounded a fierce shadow leaped out of the bushes and pounced on the rodent.

Chu! Chu!

The rodent tried to flee, but to no vail.

In the next second it was eaten alive.

'What the hell is that?!' Di Tian was frightened, not even daring to move a single inch.


[species: Corsican Wild Cat]

[stats: Vitality 50/50| Stamina 48/60| Agility 28| Attack Power 15| Strength 14| Defence 16]

[Skill(s): Fury Fangs| Slash| Sixth Sense |High Jump]

[Remark: Extremely Dangerous, only go in front of you wish to commit suicide]

'Damn are you for real, of course I won't go in front of that monstrosity, the stats difference between us is like cloud and mud'

Fear began to plague his mind as he watched the creature through his energy waves.


Suddenly the wild cat growled as it began to look around with vigilance.

'No way, did the guy felt my energy waves? But that's impossible'.

It's impossible for a creature with no spiritual energy to feel your energy waves emitted by <Lesser Extra Senses>

It's more likely that the creature felt like someone was staring on it because you were watching it for too long.

'Heck what sharp instincts does this guy has?!' Di Tian stopped emitting energy waves and stopped his movements completely, behaving as through he was nothing more than a slightly bigger rock.

The Wild Cat walked around without making any sounds, it observed the surroundings for even a slight movement.

Maybe because of sheer luck the creature didn't get close to Di Tian's hiding spot, after searching for a while it went away.

Di Tian remained silent and unmoving even after it went away, he didn't even dare to emit any energy waves to check his surroundings because of fear that the creature might return.

'Sight looks like it's really gone' after almost an hour passed Di Tian emitted energy waves, knowing that there was no creature in the surroundings he sighted in relieve.

'I guess I had enough heart attacks for today, let's return to the cave for the night' thinking that he began to walk towards the cave.

<Ding! +0.5 exp>

'Wha?' Di Tian was startled by the sudden system notification.

Di Tian looked around only to find that he has accidentally crushed some ants under his feet, the better thing was that there was a whole bunch of them around his feet.

'Seems like there is an ant colony here'.

'No matter how small, meat is still meat' he looked at the ants as he said.

<Ding! +0.5 exp>

<Ding! +0.5 exp>

After that started the most comical war an ant colony vs walking egg.

<Ding! +0.5 exp>

<Ding! You have levelled up>

<Current Level 2>

<Additional Stats: strength +2| Defence +2| Attack Power +2| Vitality +3| Stamina +3| Agility +1>

The level of skill hard shell has increased.

<Hard Shell 1àHard Shell 2>

Hearing all the system notifications, Di Tian finally saw the long-awaited message.

The past two days felt like two years to him who didn't level up, the pressure to survive and get even stronger coupled with the danger of the wildlife nearly made him lose his sanity.

'If it weren't for wise one keeping me accompany. I would've died because of lonesome'.

No need to thank me, it's my duty to accompany you.

"I wasn't really thanking you".

The moment he levelled up, his whole body began to heat up and he was filled with newfound vigor, all the previous tiredness from the whole day of scouting, hunting, and trying to survive went away.

Feeling the changes in his body he hastily called out his status, he was very much exited to look at his status after the first level up.

Host status

[Name: Long Di Tian]

[Species: Unknown Egg Monster]

[Level: 2/5]

[Stats: Vitality 8 | Stamina 8 | Agility 6 | Attack Power 3 | Strength 4 | Defence 4(+2)]

[Skill(s): Lesser Extra Senses (1) | Hard Shell (2) |Shell Bash (1)]

[Unique Skill(s): Wise One (Unknown)]

[Remark: Well, you've gotten a few points stronger, I guess]

[(lvl:2) (Passive) (Name: Hard Shell) (Description: passively increase your defense by +2 points)]

Indeed, compared to before his attributes shot up, his vitality and stamina directly went to 8 from their prior 5, rest of the attributes also increased by 2 points except for agility which only got increased by 1 point.

On that note his skill <Hard Shell> also levelled upmaking the bonus stat he got from it 2.

Just looking at his current status, Long Di Tian had an impulse to hunt more powerful prey and quickly level up.

'On second thought let's not got to far' he was having second thoughts because he knew that the wild cat from before might be still lurking around somewhere, and who knows there might be even more powerful creatures near the vicinity. If even one of them found him he will scramble egg for them to feast.

"Yep, I will hunt more prey tomorrow, for now let's go back to the cave and rest up for today" thinking that Long Di Tian chose to stop hunting for today.