
What? I Was Reborn As A Dragon At The Time Of Spiritual Awakening!

Di Tian was a guy with a little sadder than normal life, of course that was only until he was struck by lightning and died in a rainy day. Even though his life was supposed to have ended right then and there, the fate had something else stored for him. He was reborn in another world that too as Dragon Egg. Just when he was thinking that he will be able to live with a peace of mind and sleep without a single care in the world, he was mercilessly brought back to reality. The world he was reborn into wasn't like his old world, even though both share some similarities, they are two different worlds. The most troublesome difference being the fact that this world was about to awaken its sentience, in another world the spiritual energy of the Heaven and Earth was about to be awakened. And of course, that wasn't Di Tian's only concern. Di Tian first had to worry about safely hatching, after which he had to become strong in this new world so that his life won't be at somebody else's mercy. He also had to find out how did the egg of a dragon which could be considered as a creature of myths appeared in this world, in this journey of getting strong and finding his origin he will have many fateful encounters as well, but the question is... Will his journey end after finding out where he came from, will his path end after he finds about his origin? Let's find out what happens. --- The world setting although similar to the real world, still has a quite a few changes, so plz don't use your extraordinary yet ordinary brains and tell me geography, I'm already having at it anyways. And this is Xianxia novel, wow I don't need to waste hours thinking about all those flashy, magic with no logic abilities, seriously I'm still regretting writing my first novel on magic with no logic, I'm already out of ideas. I'm a human so I will definitely make mistakes, so if you find any spelling mistakes or anything you are free to point it out, don't worry you won't lose your valuable money for doing this. Lastly any update regarding upload dates or anything will be known on the discord server including the reference images, and if you have any suggestions then feel free to talk about them on the [#suggestions] like previously you won't lose money to perform this action either. discord: https://discord.gg/kw7JDBuwa8

Dark_Sovereign_28 · Urban
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38 Chs

Chapter 25: The Guardian's Lair: A Formidable Foe

Di Tian gracefully hovered a few inches above the ground, his serpentine body moving with elegance and precision. With his draconic eyes, he could see every detail clearly, even in the dense darkness of the cave.

"And this is another benefit of being a dragon, I guess," he mused quietly, trying to find some comfort in the unique advantages his form provided. The silence of the cave hung heavily in the air, and Di Tian remained vigilant, careful not to make the slightest noise that might alert the powerful guardian within.

His instincts were on high alert, warning him of the formidable presence that dwelled deeper within the cave. He was certain that a powerful beast, having cultivated for decades, was guarding the precious magical herb he came for. The foreboding aura grew stronger with every passing moment, but his determination remained unshaken.

Every movement was deliberate, every breath measured. The atmosphere seemed to thicken as he ventured further into the darkness, and the weight of anticipation bore down on him. The promise he made to save the injured white snake propelled him forward, regardless of the challenges that lay ahead.

Hovering just above the ground, he slowly glided through the dimly lit passageways, the shadows of the cave seeming to dance around him. Each second felt like an eternity, but he dared not rush. The journey through the darkness was an art of caution and patience.

The passageway stretched far into the depths of the cave, just as vast and impressive as the entrance. With each passing second, Di Tian descended further into the underground haven, his serpentine body gliding with silent grace. The darkness seemed to envelop him, but his draconic eyes pierced through the obsidian veil, allowing him to navigate the labyrinthine passages.

The air grew cooler and more humid as he delved deeper, hinting at the underground realm that awaited him. He couldn't shake the feeling that he was entering a world hidden from the surface, a sanctuary guarded by formidable creatures.

The silence remained unbroken, amplifying the tension that hung in the air. Di Tian remained vigilant, his senses alert for any sign of movement or sound that might indicate the presence of the guardian beast. Every moment was calculated, every turn taken with utmost care.

The journey through the underground cave passage seemed endless, and Di Tian's determination was tested with each passing moment. Doubts and fears crept into his mind, but he quelled them with unwavering resolve. The white snake's life depended on him, and he couldn't afford to falter.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of descent, Di Tian found himself standing before a vast chamber. The vast chamber stretched before Di Tian, its expanse seemingly endless. Despite its size, there was an eerie aura of stillness and quiet, as if the very air held its breath in anticipation. The darkness that had shrouded the passageway seemed to recede slightly in the chamber's expanse, revealing the hulking shadows of ancient stalactites and stalagmites that adorned the cavern walls.

Yet, any sense of relief he might have felt was quickly overtaken by solemnity, for within the heart of the chamber, a pair of human fist-sized red eyes glared at him from a distance of a few tens of meters away. These eyes seemed to be imbued with emotions that struck a primal chord within Di Tian—an overwhelming sense of savageness, fierceness, fury, and coldness combined.

He knew instantly that these fiery red eyes belonged to the powerful guardian beast, the beast who had been guarding the herb while also using the spiritual energy released by the herb to cultivate. This being exuded a heavy presence.

Di Tian hovered in the air, his serpentine body tensed, and his keen eyes locked onto the glowing red orbs. The silence in the chamber was oppressive, the weight of the moment suffocating. Every fiber of his being screamed at him to turn back and flee, to abandon the quest and seek safety.

But he knew he couldn't, not when the white snake's life was at stake. Determination fueled his resolve, and he held his ground, meeting the guardian's fiery gaze with unwavering determination.

As his eyes gradually adjusted to the dimness of the chamber, Di Tian finally beheld the creature that had been staring at him with those fiery red eyes. The sight sent a shiver down his spine, and he couldn't help but feel a mix of awe and trepidation.

Before him stood a massive black bear, towering on its hind legs to a staggering height of roughly three to four meters. Its entire body was covered in sleek, midnight black fur, and its formidable form exuded power and strength. Bulging forearms adorned with sharp, deadly paws conveyed the bear's predatory nature.

However, what set this black bear apart from any he had seen in his previous life were the unique characteristics that adorned its powerful frame. On the ends of its elbows and knees, hard, pointy rocks protruded, seemingly enhancing its natural weapons. Half of its body, including the vital areas and chest, was armored with thick, 3cm (about 1.18 in) rock plates, providing a formidable defense. Even more striking were the pointy rock spikes that ran along its spine, extending from its head to the area of its tail.

As the creature opened its mouth, Di Tian could see the gleaming, sharp fangs, promising devastating bites. It was a true manifestation of primal strength, a living embodiment of nature's fierce and formidable creations, Di Tian hurriedly checked the status panel of the bear at the same time he asked <Wise One> to analyze the creature.



[species: Giant Earth Bear]


Vitality: 1,489

Stamina: 1,120

Agility: 500

Attack Power: 1,232

Strength: 1,657

Defense: 1,576]

[Skill(s): Crushing Maul | Rending Swipes | Terrifying Roar | Dominant Lunge | Unyielding Grapple | Earthquake Slam | Roaring Rampage]

[Initiate Ability(s): Adamantine Hide | Rampaging Fury | Meteoric Impact]

[Remark: The Giant Earth Bear stands as a formidable enemy, its savage prowess, coupled with its mysterious initiate abilities, makes it an implacable force.]


As Di Tian took in the staggering might of the guardian black bear, a sense of trepidation overwhelmed him. The sheer difference in strength and power between them was immense, and he couldn't help but feel a mix of fear and awe. The bear's stats appeared to be almost if not double his own, and its vast repertoire of powerful skills and abilities left him feeling dwarfed in comparison.

"Damn, this monstrosity is what I must face?" he muttered under his breath, his heart pounding with both fear and determination. He understood now why the quest had been ranked as 'S.' This guardian was no ordinary opponent—it was a formidable force of nature.

Di Tian couldn't help but feel a flicker of doubt. Could he really stand against such a powerful adversary? Was he truly prepared for a battle of this magnitude?

As he looked at the bear's stats and abilities, he couldn't shake the feeling of being utterly outmatched. The bear's strength and defensive capabilities seemed otherworldly, and its array of skills hinted at a mastery of combat that left him in awe.

"Stats almost double than mine, and those huge amounts of powerful skills and innate abilities…" Di Tian mused, his voice trailing off. It seemed like an insurmountable challenge, one that could cost him dearly—or even his life.

Despite the fear that gripped him, Di Tian knew that he had come too far to turn back now. The white snake's life depended on him, the magical herb held the key to the creature's survival, and he couldn't afford to back down, he can only ready his claws and fight.

As <Wise One> revealed the data on the Earth Bear's skills and abilities, Di Tian's eyes widened in astonishment and concern. Each skill seemed more fearsome than the last, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of dread as he realized the extent of the bear's formidable combat prowess.

"Crushing Maul, Rending Swipes, Terrifying Roar, Unyielding Grapple, Earthquake Slam, Dominant Lunge, Roaring Rampage..." Di Tian repeated the names of the skills, trying to memorize them, but each one sounded more menacing than the previous. The Earth Bear was truly a force to be reckoned with.

[The bear's jaws can crush bones, its claws can tear through armour and flesh, and its roar can induce fear and disorientation in its foes. It's a master of close combat, able to ensnare and render enemies helpless with its powerful paws,] <Wise One> summarized.

As Di Tian absorbed the information, he realized that facing the Earth Bear in direct combat would be nothing short of suicide. His own abilities and skills paled in comparison and taking it head-on would be a fool's errand.

A shiver ran down his spine as he contemplated the consequences of a direct confrontation. He knew that his survival depended on outmanoeuvring and outsmarting the Earth Bear, using his speed and agility to his advantage.

"I can't take it on directly. I need to be strategic and find its weaknesses," Di Tian mused, his mind racing with possibilities.

Taking a deep breath, Di Tian steadied himself. He had to remain focused and composed, analysing the situation and planning his approach carefully. The Earth Bear was powerful, but it had its own vulnerabilities.

"Alright, partner, I need your analysis on the Earth Bear's weaknesses and patterns of attack," Di Tian requested, turning to <Wise One> for guidance.

<Wise One> nodded in acknowledgment. [I will provide you with real-time analysis during the battle, Master. Remember, your speed and flight advantage will be crucial in this fight. Use hit-and-run tactics, exploit its blind spots, and keep your movements unpredictable.]

Di Tian nodded, absorbing <Wise One>'s advice. He knew that he had to stay light on his feet and constantly adapt to the changing circumstances. Every movement, every decision would be critical in this battle.

He took a moment to calm his racing heart and steady his nerves. The Earth Bear was a formidable foe, but Di Tian was a true dragon, and he would not be deterred.

With a newfound sense of determination, Di Tian focused his mind, readying himself for the imminent clash with the Earth Bear. He knew that the white snake's life hung in the balance, this was his first 'S' ranked quest and he couldn't afford to falter now.

As he stood there, facing the colossal guardian before him, he summoned every ounce of courage and strength within him.

The stage was set, and the battle of a lifetime was about to unfold. The Earth Bear's imposing figure loomed large, but Di Tian was determined to face it head-on, relying on his intelligence and cunning to emerge victorious. As the seconds ticked by, the tension in the air mounted.


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