

LOVE DID NOT HURT YOU YOUR CHOICE DID The story love life of a successful bachelor name Fred, he has his idea girlfriend well sketch on his imagination and soon he finds her but it all turned out to be his worse nightmares as he was faced with difficulty and challenges in his life... Please take out time to find out by reading and also vote for me. Note: English is not my native language, so you will find some errors, feel free to correct me by commenting, the more you read the better I become. I really appreciate your efforts for reading this far. Please continue to support me...

Austin_Fidelis · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 26

"Here we go, your house looks beautiful from the outside, I wonder how it looks from the inside"

"Don't even think about it, all I can say is, my house looks accommodating that's all" Isa responded

"Should I walk you to the entrance?"

"You are a gentleman, by the way, who defines a gentleman as one who will walk you to your doorpost?"

They both laughed out loud

"Thank you for coming out today and am sorry for the embarrassment," I said looking at her eyes like I want to stare into her soul

"You don't have to be sorry, and thanks for bringing me out, it's been a while I stepped out," Isa said giving a milky smile

Fred steps out of the car and turned around to help her open the car door.

"I had fun, you think we can still do this sometime soon?" I asked

Wind whistling, the weather is very cold from the heavy downpour of rain from earlier in the day. Distance sirens wailing, incest stridulation

"Hope you are not trying to kiss me unexpectedly?" Isabella asked

"Would you want me to?"

"No, I don't accept kissing till your intentions are pure, I can't go about kissing everyone taking me out on dates?" She said "and....talking about another time soon, I will make myself ready, I had fun so we can do it again but make sure you come to pick me with your car, I mean your own car" she added

"Lol, how did you know this is not my car?" I asked

"Hmmm...you are running late and it looks like it's going to rain again, I think you should start going. Good night and thanks for being a gentleman " Isa said then hugged me with her side, I stood there as I watch her take one step at a time walking towards the entrance of her house, she missed her step "oops...are you ok?" I asked narrowing my gaze and clipping my teeth together

"Am fine don't worry and stop check out my ass, I guess you are big enough to fit in "

My eyes got wild open, did she just say that, did I hear her correctly "wow she is a naughty girl" I said to myself then turned back to the car

Wow! What a day, I needed to call Annie now so I can know if she was still at Khloe's place but she was not taking my call "shit! I guess I kept her waiting for too long, I should hurry down. When I get there I can explain to her " I said to myself not really worried cause I never told her the time I was going to pick her up so anytime is fine, the agreement is for me to pick her up when I finish.

On my way going I noticed am running out of petrol and I need to make a turn to the nearest gas station but it's going to take more time, the gas station is on the left side and am going in the right direction.

I got to the gas station after filling the tank I brought out my card to pay and it showed insufficient funds, I tried again and it showed the same.

'I have enough money in my account when I paid for the repair of my car just yesterday '

I had to call Alex and ask him to help me do a wire transfer to the cashier which he did before I was allowed to leave

'Maybe my account is having a network issue but this is embarrassing ' I thought to myself what if she did not have any money what would have been the possibility?

I will have to make a complaint to my bank first thing in the morning, this is so humiliating having money in the bank and not being able to spend it.

It took me almost an hour before I got to Khloe's house, I parked the car at her entrance, I tried calling Annie again but she is not picking up, I had no option than to go inside myself

I got to the door and knocked, no response when I knocked again, a voice from the inside asked me to wait but the voice was masculine and that's not Khloe's voice, I never knew she was married or have a boyfriend. I waited for a minute but no one came out, I knocked again when I heard the sound of a key unlocking


"Yes, how can I help you?" The dude asked

"Sorry am looking for Annie, I am supposed to pick her up," I said when I heard Khloe's voice from the inside

"Baby who is it?"

"Hmmm some dude asking after you homegirl " he yelled

"Fred is that you?" Khloe asked

"Yes...whare is Annie?" I asked yelling too

Then she came forward wrapped in a white towel, looks like she just got out of the shower

"Hi," I said to her with a perplexed look on my face

"Hi, where are you coming from?" She asked, I got confused why she is asking where am coming from, I don't hold her any answer or what so ever

"Well I went out and Annie asked me to pick her up and I have been calling her she is not picking, is she here or she has gone?"

"Why will she take your calls, did you bother replying to her message? She waited for you a long time and you are just showing up" Khloe said with a pissed off face but it's not new to me, she carried this same face the first time I saw her maybe she doesn't like me or she is upset Annie is hanging out with me more often.

"Fred! Annie cares about you and she tries her best to always be there for you but you don't do the same for her " she continued but I could not take more of her irrelevant talks

"Khloe, I will appreciate it if you just tell me, if she is inside or if she had left"

Ok if you must know "she has gone home, she is really disappointed you kept her waiting "

"Honey is everything already?" The dude asked from inside

"Yes baby am coming" Khloe responded

"Ok I will be taking my leave now, it will rain soon. Thank you and goodnight" I said and walked out on her not wanting to hear her nag likewise

Immediately I entered the car it started to drizzle, thunderstorms in the clouds and the gusty wind started, I don't like driving when it's raining and dark, I was a bit frightened as the gusty wind hits a tree and uproots it. The rain was so heavy, I paid all attention to the road, I can barely see. I squinted my eyes, drive slowly and carefully too

It's freezing, I had to turn on the heat in the car, I turned off the stereo so I could hear the sound of a car horn behind me

The downpour was much that it teems down in a biblical deluge, flooding the rivers, drowning the fields, and overflowing the dams. It is a Noah's-Ark cataclysm kind of rain, an unending cataract of water sluicing from the sky. Trees are uprooted, I took my heavy foot off the speed pedal, when I noticed a car that broke down and the driver was standing inside the heavy rain asking for assistance

At first, I was scared to help but then he could wait for another 30 minutes - 1 hour before another car will pass by, I remembered I still have my gun with me and I wore my bulletproof vest, I parked by the side leaving my traffic lights on and I waited for him to approach me.

He came and knock on the passenger side front window, I rolled it down

"Hello sir, you need help?" I asked yelling

"Yes I do, my name is Gregory am a minister, I guess my car battery has failed due to the cold,

"Ok, do you have a jumper cable?" I asked and he nodded, he should be in his early 60s, what is he looking for at this time of the evening. I rolled up the passage windows and turned the car around facing his Volkswagen Jetta SportWagen's wagon

"Yes I do sir" Gregory replied

The cold weather can have huge negative effects on the durability of a car engine and the car battery. If you have a battery that is designed to last longer, there is a possibility of its durability shortening by the rain or cold weather. It can cause bloating, terminals corrosion, or even cause it to dry out. I always inspect my car battery or take it to my car technician during rainy days for periodic checks up to prevent issues like this but it will happen one way or the other, the engine can fail anytime

I turned off my engine and open the bonnet. I attach the red jumper cables first. I start by clamping one red cable to the positive side of Mr. Gregory's car battery that won't start. Then attach the other red clamp to the positive side of my car battery.

Then I clamp one black cable to the negative side of my battery. I attach the other black clamp on a metal component in Gregory vehicle's engine block where I can attach it safely then I asked him to turn his car on, I went inside my car and turned it on, put it in park, and idle it for a minute and then I asked him to do same, he did and it started. He was excited, I quickly disconnect the cable

I asked him to drive in front of me, should in case his car stopped

I am dripping wet and shivering after following him behind for few minutes I drove pass him, he flashed his light as a sigh of goodbye...

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