
What I Seek Is To Truly Rule It All

The elder twin son of the Dragon God,cannot cultivate due to his seemingly incurable disease.But with his matchless intelligence,he became a legendary figure in the world.At the end of his life,he finally found the means to cure his disease but it was too late.He was also not able to know everything in the world,which was his dream.Dying filled with regrets,he never expected that he would be reborn into his own descendant,that too afflicted with the same disease.Would he be able to fulfill his dream now?Read to know more. (Under construction)

drunk_reader123 · Eastern
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3 Chs

Chapter I:Reincarnation

The Dragon Race

One of the strongest races of the martial world,with unbelievable amounts of power and wisdom.

They lived in the God Realm,a place where only gods inhabited.

And among the dragons,one individual was so strong that even the Heavenly Emperor feared angering him.

That man was none other than the Dragon God,Long Tianshang.

And today,his wife gave birth to twins.


"Sage Venerable,how are my children?Are they in perfect condition?What about my wife?",spoke Long Tianshang in a worried expression.

"Fret not,Lord Dragon God.Your wife and children are in perfect health.Your younger twin in fact has released a huge surge of yang qi the moment he came out of the womb.This is a sign that he is blessed by Yang.",replied the old man with a long white beard.

"I could not have been happier my whole life.Thank you Venerable.But.....what about my elder twin?",asked Long.

"Your elder twin....in a word cannot cultivate.His body lacks even the slightest bit of yang qi,instead it contains an unbelievable amount of yin qi.His dragon physique barely kept him alive,and I had to spend 100 years of my life to block his flow of qi.Otherwise,his body would explode due to the overload of yin qi.",replied the old man with a streak of blood flowing down his mouth.

"Are you okay?!",shouted the Dragon God in shock.

"*cough*I am fine.I have lived long enough,it wouldn't hurt to give a few years of life to an innocent child.But more importantly....",said the old man.

"I will be forever indebted to you for this Venerable.And what is it you want to say?",asked the Dragon God.

"Your elder twin also seems to have an unbelievable talent.He can.....talk.He repeated everything we said.In my whole career,I have never encountered such a child.I can only describe this as an anomaly.",said the old man.

"At least he is alive.Nothing else matters.I shall meet my children for myself now.",said the Dragon God.


Approximately a year had passed since then.The elder twin was named Heian Tianshang and the younger twin was named Bai Tianshang.

The Sage Venerable had finally found records of the strange disease of Heian.It was the Void Yang Body,something that appeared during ancient times only once.The affected person had died within a month of his birth,with the doctors then never figuring out any cure to this.

Nothing more could be found much to his dismay.While Heian would be able to live fine,he could not cultivate.This was a curse for someone living in a world revolving around cultivation.

Heian was lucky,his background was there to support him.Otherwise,he would be abandoned by the world itself long ago.

While Bai was still drinking breast milk and walking around like any other child,Heian could talk,read and write.

He spent most of his time in the library and he was antisocial.As absurd it was for a child to be like that,he exuded the 'stay away' vibe for some reason.

He had a normal relationship with his parents but other people avoided talking to him due to his aura.

He also had black hair and red eyes, completely opposite of his family.The Sage Venerable said it was a result of excessive yin qi in the body.

But Heian couldn't care less.He only cared about his family and.....books?

And like that,many years passed.

Bai Tianshang was now a powerhouse in the God Realm itself,surpassing all individuals within his age group.He commands half the army of the Dragon Race and has accomplished many legendary feats in the war against the Heavenly Emperor.

As for Heian Tianshang.....he is no powerhouse but he was single-handedly responsible for the destruction of almost half of the Heavenly Emperor's total army.His matchless wits and tactics made him almost as feared as Dragon God himself,even earning him the title 'The Puppeteer Who Manipulates The Battlefield'.

He still spent most of his time roaming the world and writing cultivation techniques of all kinds.He created a technique that allowed one to communicate with others directly inside the mind,regardless of distance.The technique used for secret communication previously limited the distance between the people.

However,Heian's technique had no limits of distance,and could use mental power instead of qi.

And it was the reason he could conduct warfare despite him constantly roaming the world.His mental power was beyond understanding,almost limitless.

At a certain time of the war,the secret affair of the Heavenly Emperor's daughter Shen Qing Yue and....Bai Tianshang was revealed to the public.

The two parties were already seeking a peace treaty,hence The Dragon God and The Heavenly Emperor decided to use the affair as a means of a peace solution.

Of course,the general public of the two sides were not satisfied at this,but eventually came to accept it with both parties swearing an oath with their cultivation as a condition.

As for Heian Tianshang,he was still roaming the world in search of knowledge.His knowledge already surpassed all kinds of sage and venerables.But he had yet to satisfy his thirst.

In his pursuit of knowledge,he finally found means to artificially inject yang qi inside the body and preserve it.

He was overjoyed as he could finally ascend from his status as an eunuch.He accepted the confession of the Nether Empress herself,someone who ruled the whole of The Nether Realm,finally after delaying the answer for years.The Nether Empress also turned out to be a simp,who would wait even forever.

Due to Heian Tianshang not being able to cultivate,his life was not forever.He lived for 200 years due to some life extension pills.

He had found the cure to his disease approximately 10 years before death,and it was way too late.

And so died the greatest sage of the world,creating many legends.

He had some regrets though,not being able to cultivate being the biggest of them all.His wife would have to live with a burden on her heart,and Heian was too possessive to have his wife remarry.

His whole life flashed before his eyes.


Why do I see my surroundings lighting up despite my eyes being closed?

Is this perhaps.....reincarnation??

I had heard about it in my travels.You see your surroundings light up suddenly despite your eyes being closed.

Then....you lose the feeling of your body slowly,like it has begun to fade.

And then,after you open your eyes,you find yourself in a brand new body.

That's exactly what happened.

What is this uncomfortable feeling?

It feels just like the time I got out of mother's womb.I was well conscious then,it was a talent of mine*chuckles*.

And in fact,I was reborn as a baby.

But something is wrong.

This is clearly not the Dragon God Palace.

And the surrounding people,including my new parents are not my original ones.

But....why does my body feel so damn cold?It's just like how it felt in my first life after being born.Zero feeling of yang qi in my body,feeling terribly cold.

No way,did I actually reincarnate in a body afflicted with Void Yang Body again?

This is.....


If I cure the disease this time around,I may have some unexpected benefits.My sagacious

instinct tells me so.

And with the plethora of qi cultivation techniques I have stored in my mind,I am confident that I can create a technique suitable for my constitution combining my knowledge with the techniques.

Yes....this time....I can finally learn about everything!I can finally ascend to the Boundless Di--oops,I leaked some secrets of mine.Keep reading my story to know more about my secrets.

For now,farewell.