

Childhood.... brings a strange sense of nostalgia for many people who think of the past. And to me along with nostalgia it brings back endless memories both good and bad some of which were the best and many worst which makes me want to go back in time and make up for my regrets and correct my mistakes and stop some bad beginnings.... if only... if it was possible.

The young me was quite a happy kid and this time I am very honest about it. I didn't know much about everything going around us... looking at the world with a child's eye it is very beautiful and very simple.... but now is it so? It is beautiful even today but not so simple anymore.... and may be at this time it can be said that the ignorance is a bliss when the knowledge is damn frightening...

These are the times when I am truly envious of all the Female lead characters of those reborn / go back in times novels... I am envious how they get a chance to live a life they want to live all over again.... to start all over again.... from the beginning .

Although it sounds too good to be true I am also sensible and awake enough to know these things only happen if  I was in a fictional world or may be if I was day dreaming.

Most of us ordinary people aren't given a second chance to correct our once made mistake. And life doesn't give a second chance to repent it.

My childhood...… if I were to rate out of 10, then I would give myself 7.5 well some marks should be cut because I didn't get a stable childhood.

Due to nature of my dad's job and transfers we had to move every now and then as a result I don't really remember who was my first friend who was not from my family. I don't get to say that I have a  friend whom I have known all my childhood.

Then, my dad was always busy in his work, we have had only few family trips then which I can count on one hand.

And the last reason maybe when I look back and think of that time.... I always remember most of the happy memories overshadowed by unhappy memories.

The most important thing I remember when I look into the mirror is that how I have become unlike myself.... the extrovert and the most confident young me has become an introvert who hates noisy places, parties and an escapee who only wants to run away from home.

But  I have to say my most beautiful memories which I can remember today are still from that very small place in Goa.

I have read many childhood quotes growing up.. many of which I can remember even today... one which I can quote is  --A happy childhood is perhaps the most fortunate gift in life...

Children are magic ... because they look for it...---Christopher Moore

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