
44. Mirage 2

The woman in the car looking at the two figures who just jumped out of the burning building, She was excited upon seeing this but because of her excitement about finding the one he is looking for, she forgets to monitor her surrounding properly.

'The mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind'

Max mumbled this quote, While he successfully sneaked into her car's back seat. These are the most fitting words for the current scenario. Max already disabled this car's security system before he even get close to it. This is the bad thing about connecting it to an Internet server. Even though it was a private server and has a very high level of security but for Max who had the advanced level of hacking skill, it was a piece of cake. Now he just has to wait until she gives her closing statement on the radio before he makes his move.


There was the sound of a gunshot coming from a jewelry store where Bob and Lucius landed and the next Moment Bob and Lucius come running out of it got into their car and runoff without wasting a single second. When Max heard their car going away he knows that it was his time to make a move soon.

"Verify you want to switch target? Over"

"Trust me, This is the one he is looking for."

Someone asked her over the radio phone if she wanted to switch the target and of course, she wanted to change it. The man she working for is obsessed with him.

"How can you see in the night wearing those glasses Mirage?"

After she hung up her phone Max knows now is the time to move. He sat comfortably on the back seat before he asked her playfully. He did wonder how she was seeing things wearing sunglasses.


Mirage was startled by Max's voice. She couldn't able to figure out how can someone sneak into her car, She was ashamed of herself how could she let her fall into this disadvantaged situation but she couldn't figure out that even if she got careless just now but this car security system would have alerted her. Her mind thinking of this but her reaction wasn't slowing down because of it, The moment she heard Max's voice her first reaction was to duck down and wanted to go outside of a car to make some distance between them.

When Max saw what she wanted to do, He has an appreciative smile on his face. She chose the best option in the current situation, Max knows there is a gun in the glove compartment but going for the gun was the worst option. Not only that would make the intruder alert and aggressive but in the current position she can't even use that gun at all, Ducking and going out of the call will be better because not only that take away tactical position from the intruder but once you go outside you don't have to worry about locking yourself in a close environment. If someone is stupid enough to choose to fight in this overwhelming disadvantage he is either fool or suicidal. There is no alternative between.


Mirage opened the car door and just as she was about to go outside, Her view darkened and she collapsed on the front seat passing out. Max smacked the pressure point back of her head to make her unconscious. Then he looked at the departing car of Lucius with an evil grin. All of this happens in less than two seconds.

———Parr House———

At this time house was in total darkness, The only source of light was the little starlight coming from the windows.

Bob sneaked into the house using a backdoor near the kitchen. He then grabbed cake from the kitchen top and walk towards his bedroom in a relaxed manner but right as he passed by the hallway he see someone's figure seating on the recliner chair from his side vision, He quickly changed to his karate fighting stance.

Figure lighten up the lamp before turning around to face him.

"I thought you are back by 11:00."

Helen was seating on this seat waiting, Well she was mostly waiting for Max to come back home to explain the situation to him. That all that happen was a mistake but now Bob come before him, She at first little panicked to face him but she quickly calm herself down.

"I said I will be back"

Bob responded in the most careless ways possible. He takes a lot of shit from his boss at work he didn't want to be the same at home but he failed to realize how much damage his actions caused to others. If those events do not happen in the movie this couple will probably end up in divorce and was in a street.

"I assume you will be back later, If you come back at all, You be " Back later".

Helen was pissed off by his nonchalance attitude. The guilt she was feeling was decreased a lot in an instant. She felt worthless, She gives up on her idealistic for her love for him and what she received in the end? Nothing not even a little bit of respect from him.

"well, I am back now, Okay?"

He still answerd in the same tone, He failed to realize how much pain he was causing her, If Max was here he should hug him because his actions are equivalent to pushing her off in Max's arms.

"*Sigh* Thank you for coming back, Now go to sleep it is late, I don't want kids to wake up."

After saying this she relaxed her body on the recliner. She was so tired today, She can't deal with this right now. This is the beginning of a change in movies event.

"Are you not coming with me?"

Bob asked in confusion. For the past few years, they often fight like this but never once did they go to bed alone.

"I will come when I calm down but for now let me stay alone."

Helen answered in the same tone as his. This was clearly a sign was not to leave her alone but our muscle head genius didn't catch that and go to bed thinking that she just need to calm down. Seeing him going into the room and closing the door make her very disappointed in him. She couldn't find the shadow of a man in current Bob that she had fallen in love with. That man was strong, brave, and most important of all he was caring towards her. She is not unreasonable and wanted him to care for her 24×7, simple word of concern will be enough for her.

An unconsciously scene of Max helping her with plates emerges in her mind. Even if she coldly told him to leave her alone he didn't let her be alone. Even when she didn't ask for it he lends her a helping hand. He was trying to make her happy while still bearing that much pain. She couldn't imagine being in his shoes yet the smile on his face never faded. She was thinking of this and suddenly the memory of her kissing Max appeared and with it the sensation she felt at the time. Remembering that she blushed, she was ashamed of herself as the mother of three children she was blushing because of a kiss but she knows that kiss was something different, She never felt anything like that.

Her one hand slipped into her nether region, while the other grabbed her one boob. At this time she was just wearing her nightgown, So it became very easy to do this thing, She just pull aside the gown over her neither region to reach it to do a deed. She was carvings to be released since the evening.

"Uhha ummm Uhha Yes Uhm"

She started moaning softly, her fingers speed also increased.


Suddenly middle of it she slapped herself on the cheek, She did want to be released and feel the euphoria but halfway she realise she was pleasuring herself imagining Max. This was so wrong, not only because she was married but also because Max is still minor. She also realize the fact she kissed a minor. She quickly changed her materials to her and Bob's best memories.

"Ahhhaa Why I couldn't able to reach the peak?"

Helen give up trying to pleasure herself because even after trying for half an hour she couldn't able to reach her peak to get off. She needs a real deal. After she thinks that she looked at her bedroom door and after some hesitation, she stands up and went into it. On the way, she was trying to convince herself that this is all they wanted, They just need to release their sexual tension, They can still work on this marriage if not for them but for their children. They can rekindle that old flame.


After gathering enough courage she finally called Bob, Who was sleeping on the bed.

———Secluded Area Little Away From City———

"How long you are going to pretend to be unconscious?"

Max looked at the "unconscious" Mirage lying on the park bench. Max didn't tie her or anything, Even her gun lying on the ground a few meters away from her. It's not that Max is stupid but to tame someone like her you have to beat them in their own game. Crush them in the field they are good at that way not only you will receive their respect but also their loyalty.

"Hey I know you are awake, If you don't wake up now I have to use extreme measures."

Mirage didn't respond at all to Max's first comment, So he has to say it again but the result was the same, She didn't even flinch at his threat. She was lying in her current position seemingly unconscious.

When Max looked at her actions, His appreciation for her increased more and more. This is a fully trained spy who should act like, She didn't move when she became conscious but stayed down to assess the situation, Even though her sight was compromised she can analyze her current conditions through other senses.

———POV Mirage———

'Why I am not tied?"

When I come back to my senses I find out that my abductor didn't bother to tie me at all, This will be good news for others but for me, it is a bad one. This action clearly here to mock me, To show me that I am not his opponent and no threat to him, This really annoyed me but I also know he was right, Anyone who can bypass my surveillance and sneak into the advanced defense car will not be normal person, She determines that her abductor is super. There is no way he will be a normal person but why he is after me? Isn't that obvious? I just wondering how could he find out about it and who else knows this, If this leaks out we are done for, even if we run off to the end of the world people will hunt us, Killing super is not a small thing, Although people now hate them but there is still their die-hard fans present do this day and they are not someone to mess with, They are the reason why superhero protection program not ended yet.

"I have to find who that rat is in our base and thoroughly investigate him."

There is only one conclusion I can come with, Thats there is a rat in our organization, Otherwise, how could you explain our plans leaking out, Our plans were foolproof. I just have to find a way to escape from here right now.

I heard my abductors threat but I don't care about it because if he wanted to kill me he already will, I am still alive means he wants something from me, Which means he will not go too far, I just I have to wait until help arrive. They should have found out I didn't go back to the hotel room yet, They will be searching for me, Its easy they just have to track the tracker implanted in me. I just don't understand why I am lying on a park bench?

"They don't know you are missing, For them you at your hotel resting, I redirect your location to your hotel."

My delusion broke by man's voice, Yes how a person who planned all of this didn't consider my backup, *Sigh* I have yet to learn a lot. Now I don't have any other options than to face him, Which is the worst, In this case saying nothing was the best option but I don't have that luxury, In the end, I stopped pretending and opened my eyes but what appears in front of me render me speechless.

(A/N: Before you guys come at me don't you guys think Max didn't think of a plan to stop what Helen wanted to do? Why do you think he gives an evil grin when they are departing from the alley? Just wait for the next chapter to know the reason why she failed yes she failed to do with Bob.

Like always thanks for reading and have a good day.)