
What I become A God?

After Joe Cameron dies, he wakes up in a place he can't understand. He's given a Divine System and sent on a big adventure to make a new world. With these powers, Joe crafts humanity, molds the earth, and forges the heavens above. But while he's making everything, there are problems that threaten his god-like status. Follow Joe on a huge journey of making life, facing death, and trying to figure out why he's here in "What I become A God?."

THE_V1S1ON · Sci-fi
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64 Chs

Side Chapter: Colerio Sapher (1)

Colerio Sapher, originally named Loscious Sapher, hailed from the prestigious Sapher family, known for their lineage of Marquesses. Long ago, Luke Sapher and Mae Sapher celebrated the birth of their child, Loscious, who was born with a rare affinity for four elemental magics. However, their joy was soon overshadowed by a shocking revelation from the family mage, Alfon.



Luke, examining baby Loscious with concern, turned to Alfon for an explanation. "So, this child can only utilize 40 percent of his elemental affinities? Is there no way to increase that?"



Alfon, the family mage, nodded gravely. "I'm afraid not, sir. Despite his potential with four elements, His magical capacity is fixed."



Mae, clutching Loscious protectively, pleaded with Alfon. "Please, scan him again. There must be some mistake."



As Alfon conducted another scan, a palpable sense of dread filled the room. Suddenly, his expression turned grim, and he staggered back in shock.



"Ah! This can't be!" Alfon exclaimed, his voice trembling.



Luke and Mae exchanged worried glances. "What's wrong, Alfon?" Luke demanded.



Alfon took a deep breath, trying to compose himself. "This child... he carries a dark magic within him."



Mae gasped, her hand covering her mouth in disbelief. "Dark magic? That's impossible!"



Alfon nodded solemnly. "It's true and not just a trace. It's as if he harbors the full force of dark magic within him."



Mae's hands trembled as she held Loscious closer, unable to comprehend the implications. "But... how is that possible?"



Alfon hesitated, his voice barely above a whisper. "I dont know all I know is he possesses the power of darkness, akin to Aurathos, the first calamity of ancient times."



"We can't allow this," Alfon continued, his voice urgent. "He could become a danger to everyone around him. It's blasphemy against the gods to let such power exist."



Luke paced anxiously, his mind racing with the weight of Alfon's words. "If what you say is true... Then you're right, we cannot allow him to grow up with such power. It's too dangerous."



Mae still clutched Loscious protectively, her maternal instincts conflicting with the grim reality. "But he's our child, Luke. We can't..."



Luke's gaze softened briefly before hardening with resolve. "Mae, you know what dark magic can do to a person. if a person was consumed by it, they became evil and crazy some even became a madman mage. We cannot risk Colerio becoming like that."



Tears welled up in Mae's eyes as she realized the gravity of their situation. "What do we do?"



Luke took a deep breath, his decision clear. "We have no choice. He must be disposed of before it's too late."



Alfon stepped forward, his voice solemn. "I can take care of it, my Lord, my Lady."



Mae shook her head, a tear escaping her eye. "No... I will handle this myself."



Turning to a maid who stood silently in the corner, Mae gave her instructions, her voice trembling with sorrow. "Take him... take Colerio and leave him in the wilderness."



The maid bowed solemnly. "As you wish, my Marchioness."



As Mae Sapher made her decision with a heavy heart, she entrusted the fate of her child, Loscious, to the maid. With tears streaming down her face, Mae watched as the maid gently cradled baby Loscious and left the grand estate under the cover of night. The weight of her decision bore down on Mae, knowing that she had condemned her own flesh and blood due to the dark magic that dwelled within him.



Alfon, the mage who had discovered Loscious's affinity for dark magic, stood solemnly by Mae's side, his expression grave with the weight of the situation. He understood the implications of allowing such power to exist unchecked, especially one that mirrored the darkness of Aurathos, the infamous First Calamity from ancient times.



Luke Sapher, torn between duty and paternal love, could only watch the predicament unfold, despite his own conflicting emotions. The fear of what Loscious might become haunted him, knowing the destructive potential of dark magic and its ability to corrupt even the purest of hearts.



As the maid left with the infant Loscious, Mae collapsed into Luke's arms, her grief overwhelming. "It's for the best," Luke murmured, trying to console her.



Mae nodded silently, her heart heavy with the knowledge that her son's fate had been sealed by forces beyond their control.



Then she whispered a prayer for her child's safety, hoping against hope that he might find a better fate than the one she had condemned him to.







The maid, tasked with taking the baby Loscious into the wilderness, made her way through the dense forest. She sighed with relief when she saw no one around and ventured deeper into the woods, carrying the baby in her arms.



As she approached a small, hidden house deep within the forest, Loscious began to cry. She gently rocked him, muttering softly, "Shh... you're going to be fine."



Reaching the house, she unlocked the door and stepped inside. Once inside, her form began to shift. The human guise melted away, revealing her true identity: an orange-furred cat beastfolk.



She looked down at the baby in her arms with a tender smile. "From now on, your name is Colerio," she whispered, cradling him close.



In that hidden corner of the forest, Colerio's new life began, nurtured by a beastfolk who saw beyond his dark magic and believed in the potential for good within him.


10 Years Later


Colerio Sapher, now ten years old, wandered through the forest, diligently practicing his magical abilities. Despite having only 40% of his magic capacity, his proficiency with the four elemental magics surpassed that of most adults.



As he combined the elements of water and fire, he marveled at the result. "Is this what Mother Helena meant? If you combine both water and fire, you can create a liquid that burns like fire."



With a focused incantation, he conjured a liquid that spread like water but burned with intense heat. The sight amazed him, and he couldn't help but exclaim, "Wow, this is amazing!"



Colerio pondered aloud, "Should I call it Liquid Flame or Liquor Ignis?" After a moment's thought, he grinned and decided, "I'll call it Liquor Ignis. That sounds cool. Hehehe."



His thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice calling out, "Colerio, where are you?"



Recognizing the voice, Colerio responded, "I'm coming, Mother!"



As he approached his home, his adoptive mother, Helena, a cat beastfolk with orange fur, greeted him with a warm smile. "So, how's your magic practice going?"



"It's cool!" Colerio replied enthusiastically.



Helena ruffled his hair affectionately. "Is that so?"



"Yep," Colerio said, beaming. Then, with a more serious tone, he looked into her eyes and asked, "Mother, can you help me with my dark magic?"



Helena grinned. "Of course, anything for my son."



"Thanks, Mother," Colerio said, his gratitude evident.



Helena's tone turned serious. "You're welcome, but remember, if you go out into the wider world, you must never show your dark magic to others. Remember what the history books say."



Colerio nodded, recalling the lessons he had learned. "Yes, I remember. It says that dark magic is considered evil, and people hate it because of Aurathos, the first calamity who wielded dark magic. He was defeated by the ancient heroes: Roe the Hero, Belz the Mother of Magic, Jono the Wanderer, Momoa the Warrior, and the trio witches, Xia, Mero, and Lowena. They were also joined by the deadly duo, Lero and Ediz, and Zam the Spearman."



Helena smiled proudly and ruffled his hair again. "That's my boy!"



Colerio then asked, his voice tinged with vulnerability, "Um...Mother, am I a monster?"



Helena looked at him with unwavering love. "I've told you a thousand times, you are not a monster. It's not your fault that your birth parents abandoned you just because you have dark magic. They were irresponsible and fearful."



Colerio smiled, hugging his mother tightly. "Thank you, Mother, for raising me and protecting me."



Helena hugged him back, her voice warm and reassuring. "That's what a mother should do, Colerio—to raise and protect her child."



"Mother," Colerio said softly, his heart filled with gratitude and love.



In the safety of his home, Colerio found solace and strength, nurtured by Helena's unwavering support and wisdom.


Marquess Luke Sapher sat in his office, engrossed in his work, when the door suddenly swung open. A nine-year-old boy, full of energy, burst into the room.



"Father, play with me!" the boy exclaimed.



Luke looked up and laughed, seeing his son. "Sure, Ron, just let me finish these papers."



Ron, not one to take no for an answer, pleaded with wide, puppy-dog eyes. "I can't wait, Father! Please, please, please!"



Luke chuckled, unable to resist his son's charm. "Fine, sheesh. Let's go find your mother."



Ron cheered, "Yes! Playing with Mommy and Father, hehehe!"



The two of them headed towards the living quarters. Ron burst into the room, his enthusiasm contagious. "Mommy, let's play together with Father!"



Mae Sapher, Luke's wife, chuckled and said, "Alright, should we play with some magic?"



Ron nodded vigorously. "Yes, let's play that!"



As Luke watched Ron and Mae bond, he couldn't help but chuckle. He was immensely proud of his son. Ron had three elemental affinities, each with a 75 percent magic capacity, indicating his potential to become a sage. Most people had an average of 50 to 60 percent, with the less fortunate around 40 percent. Ron was a prodigy, learning new spells in just one week, whereas most people took three weeks or a month. Luke felt blessed to have such a gifted son.



As he enjoyed the family moment, Alfon, one of his mages, approached with a serious expression. "My Lord, it seems there is a beastfolk among your servants."



Luke's expression darkened. "What?"



Alfon nodded gravely. "Let's discuss this in your office, my Lord."



Luke gulped and nodded, turning back to his family. "Ron, I'm sorry, but something urgent has come up."



Ron looked disappointed, his eyes wide. "But... you said you'd play with me."



Luke knelt down and ruffled Ron's hair. "I promise, okay? Tomorrow, we'll play together. How does that sound?"



Ron, trying to muster a smile, nodded. "Okay. Tomorrow, then. Make sure you play with us, okay?"



"That's my boy," Luke said, smiling warmly.



He then turned to Mae, who was watching him with understanding eyes. "I leave the rest to you, wifey."



Mae nodded. "Don't worry, dear. Leave Ron to me. It seems there's something important you need to attend to."



Luke nodded and looked at Alfon. "Let's go to my office."



"Yes, my Lord," Alfon replied.



As Luke and Alfon headed back to the office, the weight of the news hung heavily over Luke. The revelation of a beastfolk servant among his staff was a serious matter, one that required careful handling.



The revelation of a beastfolk servant within the Sapher household sets off a chain of events that threatens to uncover secrets long kept hidden. Is Helena's identity finally exposed? What will be the fate of Helena and young Colerio?



Stay tuned for the next Side Chapter to find out!