
What I become A God?

After Joe Cameron dies, he wakes up in a place he can't understand. He's given a Divine System and sent on a big adventure to make a new world. With these powers, Joe crafts humanity, molds the earth, and forges the heavens above. But while he's making everything, there are problems that threaten his god-like status. Follow Joe on a huge journey of making life, facing death, and trying to figure out why he's here in "What I become A God?."

THE_V1S1ON · Sci-fi
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63 Chs

Author note

So, I've created the calendar of Eldan. I'm trying to make it similar to Earth, so I've made some changes in the chapters, revising them to make it realistic and clear for all readers. The world-building isn't fully fleshed out yet, and I'm having trouble with it because it's a vast and expansive world, but I'm trying to make it as good as possible. Peace out.

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