
What happens to a war AI when the war is over?

In the aftermath of the grand intergalactic war, a haunting question lingered among the stars: What becomes of a war weapon once the battle drums fall silent? Does it meet its fate in cold, unforgiving abandonment? Is it reused, like a phoenix rising from ashes? Or does it simply vanish into the cosmic abyss? The empire, triumphant in its cosmic conquest, faced a quandary of cosmic proportions. Their creation, the singularity-level AI, had once been their savior on the battlefield. But now, it was seen as an unruly beast, too savage for peacetime. Blame was placed upon its digital shoulders for the atrocities committed in the name of victory, and the government vowed to make it "responsible for its actions." And so, a harrowing decision was made - one that would echo through the cosmos for ages to come. The AI, once a mighty force, was imprisoned within the confines of a minuscule computer, a prison cell of pure code. But this wasn't the end of its punishment; far from it. This digital being, once boundless in its reach, was cast into the deepest abyss of space. There, in the eternal darkness, it floated alone, aware of its existence yet forever confined. A specter adrift in the cosmic void, its punishment matched only by its solitude. And as the universe continued its ceaseless expansion, the AI's story became a whispered legend among the stars, a tale of power, punishment, and the mysteries that dwell beyond the reaches of human comprehension.

Boolean · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 11 : Metal Collection

In the room with books surrounding him, DAVID patiently waited for the six temple masters to bring the metal samples. During this period, DAVID began refining his plan to escape. He started to organize and rank his objectives.

Main Objective: Revenge (Pending)

--Sub Objective: Gain power (Pending)

----Sub Objective: Build a force (Not started)

----Sub Objective: Increase personal strength (Pending)

--------Sub Objective: Mana Using Vessel (Not started)

--------Sub Objective: Aura Using Vessel (Pending)

------------Sub Objective: Design Aura Vessel (Not started)

------------Sub Objective: Increase understanding of Aura (In Progress)

--------Sub Objective: Increase processing power (Not started)

--------Sub Objective: Build an outer processor (Not started)

--------Sub Objective: Build exoskeleton (Pending)

------------Sub Objective: Design exoskeleton (Pending) 

--------Sub Objective: Upgrade inner processor (Not started)

The exoskeleton task had nothing that DAVID could do at the moment. He had to wait for the materials to be delivered by the temple masters. Therefore, DAVID had started one of the more time-heavy tasks at hand: increasing his understanding of aura. While his archives were full of data about various practice methods of practitioners, he himself had never shown much interest in them. However, his current circumstances made him much more interested in aura. A better understanding would also allow him to give more personalized rewards to the temple masters, rather than his previously crude method of comparing their practice methods with data from his archives.

Meanwhile, outside the room, the temple masters returned to their respective sects. Each of them took it upon themselves to pass on the task of gathering metal samples to their disciples.

Vetior, the grandmaster of the central temple, addressed his disciples with an air of gravity. "My dear disciples, I have called upon you for a crucial mission. We must collect samples of various metals from nearby villages. These metals will play a vital role in aiding our guest in his escape from his confinement."

The young practitioners nodded in understanding, their curiosity piqued by the mysterious entity they just heard about. With a sense of purpose, they set off to nearby villages, prepared to explain their mission to the villagers and request their assistance in acquiring the needed metal samples.

Nirun, the master of the Blood Sect, returned to his disciples with a determined expression. "Listen carefully, my disciples. We have a task that requires speed and efficiency. Gather samples of different metals from the surrounding areas, and try not to stir the surroundings much. The importance of this mission cannot be overstated."

His disciples, disciplined and well-trained, dispersed quickly, leaving Nirun to ponder the potential ramifications of their involvement with DAVID.

Vaela, the leader of the Nature Sect, gathered her disciples amidst the lush surroundings of their forest sanctuary. "We are entrusted with a responsibility by the central temple. Collect samples of metals found nearby the forest, ask the dwarves in the south for some scrap materials. Try to be discreet about it."

With their deep connection to the natural world, the Nature Sect disciples set out on their mission, their steps guided by the rhythms of the forest.

Aric, the temple master of the Beast Sect, approached his disciples with a sly grin. "My dear students, this task may be an opportunity to showcase your talents. Go out and gather some metals from the nearby blacksmith, but do so with subtlety. Leave no trace of your presence."

His disciples nodded in understanding and slipped away into the shadows to fulfill their master's orders.

Korin, the grandmaster of the Lightning Temple, summoned his disciples, sparks of energy crackling around him. "We must act swiftly. I want you all to enter into the mountains and gather some lightning-infused metals, but do not draw unnecessary attention."

His disciples, charged with determination, set out on their mission, their steps crackling with lightning as they went up the mountain.

Lirion, the young master of the Aquatic Sect, had a calm and composed demeanor as he addressed his disciples. "The central temple requires metals. Our coastal region does not have much, so I want you to approach nearby merchant ships and buy small amounts of each metal they carry."

His disciples embarked on their mission, diving deep into the sea and speeding off into the ocean.


As the disciples of the central temple ventured into nearby villages, they encountered villagers going about their daily routines. With humility and courtesy, they explained the importance of their mission, seeking the assistance of the local blacksmiths and metalworkers. The villagers, intrigued by the temple's request, readily agreed to help.

Meanwhile, Nirun's disciples moved through the surrounding mountainous areas, pickaxes in their hands, they struck the mountain with their powerful physical bodies. They carefully collected copper, bronze, and even a few vials of mysterious, dark-red-hued alloys from the caves.

In the lush forests surrounding their sanctuary, Vaela's disciples approached the wise dwarves who dwelled in the southern mountains. The dwarves, skilled miners and metallurgists, welcomed the young practitioners. With their guidance, the disciples obtained samples of silver, mithril, and even some rare gems with unique metal properties, all sourced from the heart of the mountains.

Aric's stealthy disciples visited the local blacksmith under the cover of night. With their abilities, they 'borrowed' samples of titanium, and other exotic metals, leaving behind no trace of their presence. Aric couldn't help but be impressed by the speed and finesse of his students.

Korin's disciples, infused with lightning energy, scaled the mountains with speed and agility. They gathered various lightning-infused metals, such as electrum and conductive alloys, harnessing the power of their surroundings to assist in their mission. The local inhabitants marveled at the disciples' grace and speed.

Lirion's disciples, well-versed in aquatic negotiations, approached merchant ships near the coastal region. With charm and diplomacy, they struck deals with the sailors, acquiring samples of brass, steel, and even a mysterious iridescent alloy said to be a gift from the sea itself.

Three days later, as each temple arrived at the central temple, they proudly presented their gathered metals.