
what happened?

Natasha Lee was known to be the "Queen of Hearts" by her school because of her lovely look. She received countless love letters, chocolates, flowers, and even a bouquet of flowers on her school desk or her school locker or from someone who had the guts to give it directly. But she didn't reciprocate because she wanted to think of her studies and her future first and foremost and besides she didn't want to get tangled with the word called love. On a peaceful afternoon, after school, she went to the nearest McDonald's around her school to meet with her best friend, Cassie Sanders. But she didn't expect to encounter a senior from her school, Lawrence Price, who was forcing her to hang out with him. She was ready to fight back with a technique that her mother taught, but Baker Cinnamon stepped in, introducing himself as her boyfriend!? Gold Tier Winner of Writing Formula Practice (WFP) #9 - Female Lead - Bad Boy Love Interest Discord: daydreamtowrite#2736 Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/daydreamtowrite

daydreamtowrite · Teen
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51 Chs

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Margaux was thankful she managed to return to her home without raising suspicion when she escaped earlier. She could only hope no one saw her came in and out of her window.

She started to wonder what school did Noah attend. She hoped it wasn't far away from where she attended.

If she were to meet him again, she wouldn't waste her chance to befriend him.

"Sweetheart!" she heard her mother, Bianca Foster, called her.

She stood up from her bed. "Coming, Mama!"

She opened the door of her room, but she smelled a sweet aroma. She concluded Bianca baked muffins.

"Come and sit beside your father, Sweetheart," Bianca tapped the chair beside her father, Kade Foster.

She did as she was told.

"How's your day, Sweetheart?" Kade asked.

She knew lying was bad, but she couldn't talk about her escape earlier. She would talk about the books she read instead.

"I'm glad to read the books on the shelf, Papa," she answered.

Kade patted her head. "And I'm glad you're enjoying those books."

"Eat this muffin, Sweetheart," Bianca handed her the muffin on her palm.

She smiled at Bianca. "Thank you, Mama!"

She finished eating the muffin and then returned to her room.

She wondered what book she should read today while she would lie down on her bed. She didn't see suitable books to read because she read all of the books on her shelf. She considered asking her parents if both of them had new books to read.

She opened the door of her room, but she opened it abruptly when she heard her father asked— "I think we should let her out, Sweet. I feel bad our sweetheart uses books as the form of her entertainment."

"Let her out!?" she saw how scary Bianca was. "I don't want that, Sweet!"

"Goodness, Bianca!" Kade couldn't believe Bianca still acted like that. "It's all in the past, so stop being too protective to Margaux!"

"Past? You want me to relax if there's a danger? Is that it, Kade?" Bianca asked.

"That's no what I mean, Bianca!" Kade didn't know why this ended up as their argument again.

Her spirit of wanting to ask her parents about new books depleted once she witnessed her parents argued. She closed her door discreetly, hoping her parents wouldn't notice she heard their pointless talk.

She lay down on her bed and tucked her blanket to cover her whole body. She hoped she wouldn't hear the voices of her parents, but that didn't work. She looked around if there was anything she could use to cover her ears.

She failed, but she saw her window where she made her escape earlier. She contemplated whether she should stay here until the noises dispersed or go out where she couldn't hear the noises.

She couldn't stand the noises, so she decided to go out of her room through her window. She didn't care if someone saw her outside. All she wanted was to get away from the noises.

She didn't want to get lost if she wanted to return home, so she went to Faith Park. She sat down on the bench and curled up. She hoped the noises would be over soon.

"Hello?" she heard a familiar voice.

She looked above to see if her suspicion was right. "Noah!?"

He didn't expect he would see her once more. "Hello, Margaux."

She tried not to cry, but she did burst out crying. He panicked and wondered why she cried all of a sudden.

"Am I scary?" he asked.

She shook her head. "No, you're absolutely not!"

He was relieved she didn't find him scary. "If so, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

She couldn't bottle up her feelings. "I escaped from home because I didn't want to hear the noises."

"Noises?" he wondered what did she mean by that. "Is it dangerous? Did something happened at your home?"

She shook her head. "It's not dangerous, but I don't want to hear Mama and Papa fighting over me."

He experienced his parents fought. Indeed, he found it scary. He didn't know what he should tell to give her solace, but he patted her back.

"I know that," he didn't want to witness any fights from his parents again. "I hope it will end soon and both of them would reconcile."

Somehow his words and a pat on her back gave her solace. "Thank you, Noah."

"I don't know when it will end, but I hope it will soon," he said.

He recalled he had Hershey's Kisses in the pocket of his pants. He fished those chocolates and offered them to her.

He smiled. "Here, eat this."

She accepted it. "Thank you so much, Noah!"

He wondered if he could be friends with her or not. He was shy to ask, but he thought he wouldn't have another chance if he let this go.

"Margaux?" he called her.

"I also have something to tell, Noah!" she recalled she needed to ask him if she could be friends with him.

"Go ahead," he let her talk first.

"Is it all right if I can be your friend, Noah?"

start of season two!

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