
What does 'destructive midfielder' mean?

Li Kang traveled to the year 2015. With the help of the Super Star System, European football unleashed an incredibly aggressive and destructive attacking midfielder! Scene after scene of terrifying long-range shots demolished the most formidable home stadiums in Europe. He shone in the UEFA European Under-19 Championship, turned the tide in the battle for the Bundesliga title, and consecutively defeated football giants in the UEFA Champions League. Messi: "..." Cristiano Ronaldo: "..." Pep Guardiola: "..." José Mourinho: "..." Mario Balotelli: "A bunch of fools, why are you using sign language? Li Kang is mute, not deaf."

DaoistShido · Celebrities
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20 Chs

Chapter 16 : UEFA Champions League Qualifiers?

After the surprising victory over Bayern Munich's youth team, Old Topp generously gave all players a day off.

Back at the Trent training base, Henrisis couldn't wait to lead his teammates to May 9th Park.

Everyone changed into casual clothes, ready to leave the locker room.

They turned back to look at Li Kang standing in place.

"Li, come with us! My treat!"

"Don't refuse this time!"

"Otherwise, we'll have to question your sanity. Well, not that you can't. May 9th Park has everything."

While they spoke, Henrisis picked up a football from the rack and tossed it a few times.

"Vulgar! Li and I are respectable people. How could we go to such a place with you guys!"

"Get going, we still have training to do!" Havertz hurriedly ushered everyone out.

A moment later, he took out his phone, approached Li Kang mysteriously.

"Li, I've got a date with a girl at the library tonight. Join us! Her mom will be there too."

"I'll show you a picture of her mom."

Li Kang: "."

[Ding! The reward for dopamine release has not been generated. No need to suppress it!]

Li Kang, of course, did not join his teammates' recreational activities. He stayed put.

Back at the first-team dormitory, he poured a glass of water.

The system notification sounded again.

[Ding! Settlement of the German Youth League is in progress.]

[Personal rating: SSS+]

[Mission reward upgrading]

[Congratulations, host, on obtaining: Bronze Chest → Bayern Superstar Bronze Chest!]

The reward upgraded?

No additional mission prompts. This should be the normal reward for game settlement.

On the system panel, a bronze-colored small chest emitted a faint white light.

Li Kang glanced at the prize pool.

[Bekenbauer's love letter.]

[Neuer's bicycle seat.]

[Robben's hair tonic.]

[Kahn's Viagra pill.]


What on earth?

Is this what the bronze chest gives?

[Reward opening]

[Congratulations, host, on obtaining: Low-level attribute point *1!]

[Usage condition restrictions: This point can only be used for attributes below 70!]

Fortunately, it's not some random stuff.

Li Kang thought for a moment and added it to ball control.

[Ball Control: 69 → 70!]


Enrique wearily returned to his office in the Camp Nou.

Assistant coach Wensuay handed him a report, saying, "You might want to take the time to understand our loaned-out youth players. The deadline for the summer transfer window is approaching, and also, their recent match recordings."

Enrique checked his watch, opened a folder on the computer desktop.

After a while, he seemed a bit impatient.

"They're outstanding, but not what I want. The roster for the La Liga next season has already been registered."

Two months ago, 35-year-old Xavi left Barcelona, exiting the stage of European football.

The media unanimously believed that Barcelona's dominance would completely disappear with Xavi's departure.

The question was, could one find Xavi's successor in this world?

Since coaching Barcelona, Enrique deliberately sought to transform their style of play.

This led to a wave of criticism.

Some fans felt he made Barcelona lose its soul.

Even though Enrique led the team to win the Champions League last season.

People still referred to him as the "Leashed Dog."

Having MSN and players like Iniesta and Busquets, even if a dog were tied to the coaching seat, they could win.

Wensuay smiled, "There's one last video clip; I suggest you watch it."

Enrique slid the mouse reluctantly.

The black-haired youth on the screen seemed somewhat familiar.

Turns out it's Sofia's adopted son.

Unconsciously, Barcelona's coach got absorbed.

He kept moving the mouse, repeating several segments of the video.

His eyes were full of admiration.

After a long time, he snapped out of it, "Why is he wearing Leverkusen's jersey? I remember Barcelona and Leverkusen rarely had cooperation in the past."

"No problem, let him come back and then send him to the reserve team or loan him to other Segunda División clubs. He's only 17, and if he performs well in the next few years, he'll be a good helper for Barcelona on multiple fronts!"

Wensuay was about to explain why this video appeared in the document.

Enrique slapped his head, interrupting, "Over a month ago, Robert seemed to have mentioned this to me."

"No matter, let him come back. Then send him to the reserve team or loan him to other Segunda División clubs. He's only 17, and if he performs well in the next few years, he'll be a good helper for Barcelona on multiple fronts!"

"Leverkusen's strength cannot match any champion."

"And Barcelona is not just pursuing championships."

"When the dog is hungry, it will come home."

Munich, Germany.

Allianz Arena.

Guardiola and the coaching staff sat in the meeting room.

In the final stages of the meeting, the big screen began to replay the youth team's game footage.

Unlike Enrique, Guardiola cared a lot about the club's youth training.

During his time coaching Barcelona, he knew the characteristics of every La Masia young talent very well and could provide them with opportunities in the first team.

As the game progressed, the coaching staff couldn't help but exclaim.

"His passing timing is too reasonable! It's like the result calculated by AI intelligence!"

"And his positioning sense!"

"What kind of game-reading ability is this!"

"He fits perfectly into our current tactical system!"

A technical assistant couldn't help but pick up a small blackboard from the corner, constantly scribbling.

"Unfortunately, besides passing and long shots, his technical abilities in other aspects are quite average."

Snap! Guardiola didn't say a word throughout.

He recognized Li Kang.

During his coaching tenure at Barcelona, he admired this young dragon-descendant player's awareness and vision.

It was almost identical to his own when he was young.

He didn't express any opinion after pondering for a while.

Slowly standing up, he signaled to adjourn the meeting.

The coaching staff looked at each other: Usually, the head coach would praise a certain player vigorously during this session.

A highlight reel of a youth league match wouldn't cause too much sensation.

The Dragon Country.

Leverkusen spent big again, buying the trending topic.

Few likes.

Zero retweets.

The comment section was full of mockery.

"He's just barely making it. But a youth team game won't prove anything."

"Remember Barça's super genius Boyan? The one who broke Messi's record in the youth academy? Haha, he's long gone!"

"Leverkusen, stop wasting money, always buying trends. Prepare well for the Champions League qualifiers!"

"There's still a Champions League qualifier?"

"Yes, Leverkusen finished fourth in the Bundesliga last season, not directly qualifying for the Champions League. They have to play an additional match."