
What do you Desire?

This is my book and English is my third language so expect some sentence, grammar and spelling error. A headstart for everyone, the MC may have absorbed Aizen and Dr. Gero's soul but that doesn't mean he will become like them. I am creating a character that is different to them so please excuse me is I offended some people. [Synopsis] A man was transported in a dark place where ball of light lights appear and disappear from time to time. He approached one and devour one ball accidentally. He discovered that it is also a soul and he obtain all of its knowledge. He is in glee and starts devouring everything in his vission. Who would have though that a devil was watching him with interest. Disclaimers: The Picture I used in the cover is not mine. I found in google and all of the credits for the cover is all to him/her. I also don't own the anime characters in this book. They belong to their respected creators, only the originals I created was mine. Thank you for reading this before opening my book. Have a nice day guys!

TheDiplomat · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 31

--- A/N ---

Hello guys, How are you now? I hope everyone were doing great!

Damn, I never thought that Depression and anxiety hits you when your guard is down. Almost killed my self yesterday due to it hahaha. Anyway, I hope everyone were doing great. I am starting to hate myself again and might drop this if my depression became worse. Yeah, don't want you guys to hope for another chapter when I die hahaha.

It is a short chapter today so I hope that everyone enjoy? Anyway, for those who would like to take my novel, they can do so. Just DM me in my d i s cord. My d i s cord account is TheDiplomat#2272. While waiting, I will still upload but depends on my mood hahaha.

By the way, I Thank you all for all of your support. if you have any suggestions or ideas, Just drop it on the comment section and I will select from it. Thank you again and Have a Nice day guys!


Kong came out of the smoke in his adult form (that is around two and a half meters in height) as motor sound intensifies on the background. The metal gauntlet on his hand turned into an oversized gauntlet that is the size of his own torso. Metal tubes sprung out on the elbow of the gauntlet which steam comes out of. On the back of his gauntlet, A fan, almost 75% in size of the gauntlet, was sucking air and chakra furiously as the gauntlet started to turn red due to the produced heat.

Kong grinned and said "Come on!"

Aki's face suddenly turned pale and jumped to a tree on his left. On his previous location, the ground exploded with some steam coming out of it. He looked carefully at his position again on his location with the use of his Sharingans when he saw a 2 feet deep giant fist shape imprinted on the ground. He looked again at Kong's smirking face and gulped down.

Kong said with a grin "Hey P*ssy! Why are you dodging like a little girl! Be a warrior and take my attack like a man!"

Aki dodged again as the branch he is stepping on where shredded to pieces. He landed on the ground 10 meters away from Kong and said "I better become a coward and live than an Idiot you call 'Man' and die!"

Kong feels insulted so he excluded a big pressure with the use of his chakra as the steam produced on his gauntlet intensifies. Aki showed a face full of horror as he felt the scorching heat even if he is not beside the gauntlet.

Duy beside me asked "Say sensei, I am really curious about that weapon Kong have. It is really mystical and powerful! Did you created that or bought it from a mysterious person?"

I replied with a smile "I created it of course, I always take my subordinate properly."

Duy gave me a stinky eye and thought 'I doubt that for someone who treat his subordinate like a sand bag.' He asked "How does it work and how did you created it sensei?"

I replied "For how it works, Let's just say that it converts chakra it sucks in the surroundings and changes it to a boiling release attribute. as you can see, there are different bloodlines in this world that can change the nature of a chakra by instinct. I experimented if I can do the same by using some secret technique and viola you have his gauntlets. As for how it was made, That is a secret Duy. Telling others your secret bluntly will give away your own advantage to your enemy. We might not know if someone is lurking in the shadow."

I smiled as I looked thousand of meters aways from our location. My eyes change to red then back to normal in just a millisecond while looking at that direction. A shadow would like to escape but he was caught by a strange insect that entered the sole of his feet and started sucking out its chakra while climbing inside his body. The man died when the insect reached and ate his brain. I thought 'He is really becoming bold and impatient now a days, Maybe it is time now to visit him huh?.'

*Inhale* *Exhale*

Aki inhaled air deeply before exhaling it all. He calmed himself before showing a serious face. He is been dodging attacks from Kong and started adapting to it. He learned many things from their exchange especially counterattack a miniature pressurized long range attack from Kong. He raised two of his hands in the air and shouted while maintaining his serious face "I forfeit!"

Kong laughed proudly and said "Hahahaha, That is how it should be for I am supreme! Know your place idiot! This form of mine can give Tsunade and a Giant lizard a run for their money! No one can stop me with this except for Boss! Hahaha-guh!" (A/N: Damn, Are you guys excited about the upcoming movie of King Kong and Godzilla? I am going hype when I looked at the trailer. I am seeing Thor with his big axe against Thanos with his gauntlet. That fight would be lit!)

Suddenly, a shadow jumped out of a ground and punched Kong in his chin. Kong fainted as The shadow started kicking him on his crotch even if he is incapacitated. The shadow said "Know your place idiot! I am not a weak ass troublemaker like you!"

I smiled awkwardly as I see Tsunade ambushing Kong and hitting him without mercy. I thought 'Damn, Her mastery of Zetsu is so high that I only sensed her a Minute after she settled on Kong's position. But the most interesting about her is her growth in you know.' I walked to her as I look at the changes Tsunade have today.

Tsunade wears a sleeveless kimono with a tight leggings that emphasizes her thick thigh. She wear a green jacket style kimono to cover the side of her breast that will be exposed even if she covers it with bondages. Her breast is still in development but they can rival any model in my previous world. if I were to estimate it, it is around C to D cup. That is quite promis- I mean Big for a 12 year old kid! How the hell is that possible!?

She have a brown leather gloves on her fist that doesn't cover her fingers. On her gloves, A emerald and ruby gem were embedded on the back of her gloves with strange black marking that makes her gloves mysterious. Her blonde her were tied by a brown ribbon into a pony tail that increases her beauty by a notch. Her body shows her curves that was made due to my trainings, letting her do excessive trainings that can help her make every good points of her more high lighted.

I moved closer to her and said "Good morning Tsu-chan, Its been a while!"

Tsunade, that is still mad and busy is beating Kong, suddenly turned to me with a sweet smile. She walked to my direction and replied "Ohayo Haru Nii-san, I miss you so much!"

She jumped to me and hugged me with her bear hug. She started suffocating me with her breast which I like but also hate since I will die due to suffucation. Even if my physical strength is much higher than her, her strength bypasses mine in an unnatural way. The powers of woman is really to strong for me.

(A/N: Yes, women are scary especially if it is your girlfriend. They become crazy when mad but turn sweet when happy. Even if you are physically stronger than them, you will suddenly feel weak when with them. It is crazy but it is quite interesting seeing them like that. It is worth it even if your mostly beaten up by them hahahaha. By the way, I am not battered okay?)

Tsunade loosen her hug and said with a mysterious smile "Ne~, Ne~ Nii-chan. Can you see something different from me?"

She started posing awkwardly in front of me as I remain calm even if my body started shivering from that question. I thought 'F*ck! The most messed up question a girl can ask to a man! What the f*ck should I answer!? If I answered this wrong, I might die!'

Bullets of cold sweat started falling down my back as I remained smiling. I observed her nervously from head to toe and noticed that she is emphasizing her head. I got an idea and said "Oh, that haircut really suit you so much Tsu-chan! You became more beautiful that before. Say, Who cut your hair? I might book a schedule from him, that nice cut of him is my thing!"

Tsunade pouted and said "Oh nii-chan, I do not have sometime to cut my hair. That is wrong Nii-san. Guess again Nii-chan!"

"Is that so? Hehehe~. I am sorry, I am just mesmerized by it. By the way, Nice earrings you have Tsu-chan!" I awkwardly laugh at her as I started panicking inside me and answered again in random. I can see that she pouted more indicating I am wrong again. I thought 'I activated a Trap Card!!!! It's not her hair or her earrings!!!!!! I might die if I didn't answer this right!!!!! Come on Haru, Think! I know that you are a smart person so answer this Right!!!!!!!'

I looked at her and saw her starting to sulking. I thought 'I must answer immediately or else I am dead! Number One rule in a relationship, Never make your girl sulk or she will be kill you! I am still young to die! I have more things to achieve. Come on, Think!'

Kong suddenly appeared beside me in his teenage form (Around 1 meter in height). He caress his chin intending to help me. He is looking at her breast that bounces with every movement she made and said "Hey brute! I just realize that you grow bigger now!"

I looked at kong while thanking him in my mind. I though 'Thank you for the save Kong! To being my faithful subordinate and sacrificing yourself for a better good! I will not forget it!'

As I am thanking him, Suddenly Tsunade flickered on his back with a dark and menacing aura surrounding her. She clenched her fist and coldy said "Die!"

I saw a light happening before my eyes as Kong was blasted into the sky. I saluted him for a very job well done. She looked at me pissed and said "Geez Nii-chan, You are smart but still slow in relationship. Grow up Nii-chan."

I embarrassingly said "Ahahaha, My bad."

As I am laughing, a light that came out of her forehead glared my eyes. I thought that it might be her forehead but I dismissed this thought since that is scientifically impossible. I become curious about it so I looked at intensely.

She noticed my as she showed the biggest grin she have. She showcased her forehead protector to me and said "What do you say nii-chan, It looks good on me right? Hahahahah!"

I looked at her forehead protector with a serious face and made a 'I get it now'. I said "Oh, I thought it is a prank again. So it is real now. By the way, how come your protector is upside-down?"

She is busy showcasing it on my face when she suddenly stopped after hearing my words. Her face started getting red so she immediately fixed it. After fixing it, she said to me while her back is straighten with her face still red "Ahem! H-how do you like it now N-nii-chan!?"

I smiled to her and congratulate her "Congratulations Tsu-chan! You really impressed me by staying inside the academy for 4 years even if you are eligible to graduate in your first year!"

Tsunade pouted to me and said "Haru-Nii, You are really insensitive. Why do you never consider what I want. Anyway, I stayed there to enjoy life. You always forces me to train like there is no tomorrow! We are at peace, it is not like we are going to war right?"

'You never know.' I thought. I said sweetly "Oh come on, You want to become the strongest Kinoichi in the world so I am making you one! No need sulk okay Tsu-chan?"

Tsunade pouted again and said "ohhhh, Idiot!"

She kicked the shin of my feet and hit my nerve pain in my shin, aka Tibia. The pain made me yelp as I am jumping while holding my shin. She angrily said "I Never want you to always train me like that dumb Kong!"

'Awe, She is still cute even if she is angry.' I thought. I calmed down and replied with a curious face "Well you never told me that. Anyway, what do you want?"

She paused and blushed intensely. Imaginary smoke comes out of her head she started to fantasize what she wants. She is hiding her face behind her hands while mumbling gibilesh words. I poked her cheeks and said "Tsu-chan to earth, Tsu-chan to earth."

She recovered and looked at me with a blushing smile. I thought 'Damn, Can't understand why woman changes their mood so fast. She is mad then become shy then she turned into a cringe yet cute looking expression.' (A/N: Yup, Our MC Have a super high IQ that surpasses everyone in that world but it also means that he have a low EQ. By the way, Having High IQ doesn't mean he is smart. I am saying this so there will no more confusions about him doing some stupid acts.)

Tsunade came out of her little episode and thought 'Kyaaa~ Did he notice? I know we are fiances but being with her makes my heart doki doki' (A/N: I know it is cringy but please let this slide guys. I just want to add some japanese words to my work sometimes hahaha. Just let me know if I should remove it in the proceeding chapters or not but I will still retain this chapter hahahaha.)

Kong appeared again on my side with leaves and twigs on his body. He angrily said "Hey brute, What the f*ck was that!"

Tsunade came out of her own world and started bickering again with Kong. I smiled to them as I am sensing two unknown Genin ninjas in the sideline. I looked at them before approaching. I heard the increased heart rate of the ninja on the right while the other one is calm.

I said "Ain't it rude to spy on others especially when they knew that they knew your presence?"

The one on the left stood up as the one on the right whispered "Hey Orochi, Don't approach him, he will kill you!"