
What do you Desire?

This is my book and English is my third language so expect some sentence, grammar and spelling error. A headstart for everyone, the MC may have absorbed Aizen and Dr. Gero's soul but that doesn't mean he will become like them. I am creating a character that is different to them so please excuse me is I offended some people. [Synopsis] A man was transported in a dark place where ball of light lights appear and disappear from time to time. He approached one and devour one ball accidentally. He discovered that it is also a soul and he obtain all of its knowledge. He is in glee and starts devouring everything in his vission. Who would have though that a devil was watching him with interest. Disclaimers: The Picture I used in the cover is not mine. I found in google and all of the credits for the cover is all to him/her. I also don't own the anime characters in this book. They belong to their respected creators, only the originals I created was mine. Thank you for reading this before opening my book. Have a nice day guys!

TheDiplomat · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 19

--- A/N ---

Hello guys, How are you days?

Damn, Been to busy this days that i almost forgot about creating this novel hehehe. I will try creating another chapter in a much faster rate and post it later on.

If you found any errors in this chapter, just put a comment to it so i can fix it. Thanks for the cooperation guys!

I apologize for my late chapter guys hehehe. Have a nice day!


She jumped and hugged me tightly upon reaching our position. I catched her but Kong was accidentaly thrown to the ground by Tsunade. He said "Watch out you f*cking brute!"

Tsunade excitedly said to me "Brother Haru! How are you? Are you doing well? By the way, how is it going!?"

She must have been talking about that huh? Well it will take some time creating that though. I hope i get that last material right for it to be successful. I petted Tsunade and said "Its been a while Tsuna-chan. I am doing great and as for you question, it is already on process and will be created two - three weeks from now."

She chuckled sweetly and hugged me. She said "Awe, Thank you brother! You're the best!"

Kong became irritated and kicked Tsunade's feet. He said "Oy! I am talking to you, YOU BRUTE!"

"Oh, sorry about that Kong. I didn't see you there" Tsunade chuckled as she picked up Kong on the ground. Kong looked at her in tantrum and said "Yeah, yeah, You stupid Brute!"

Tsunade is a very strong Ninja that can destroy boulders and more with just her brute strength. I always remember tanking her full strength which almost broke my whole chest ribs if not for my Experience and Techniques in my disposal. Since that day, i always redirect her force or even outsmart her when we spar together.

Tsunade became desparate to show me how strong she was after her every defeat she experience from me. That changes when i introduced kong. Kong is the only one she can spar and defeat without outsmarting each other. She started to treat Kong like a pet and a buddy because Kong is her only friend she knows that can take her brute strength head on without backing out. Well i also started to spar with her head on last year after i absorbed some animal's perks and parts.

She dusted him off and said "There, all clean now!"

She lifted Kong by his armpit and looked at his eyes. Kong, in his baby form, asked in irritation "What!?"

She found him cute and hugged him tightly which made kong to suffocate in her arms. Kong tapped Tsunade's arm and struggled with all his might. He said "B*tch, I can't breath!!!!!"

Tsunade didn't stop until she smelled Kong. Well Kong doesn't like bath because he likes to sleep and laze around in his free time. I don't really mind him not taking a bath because i never go to the bathroom. I am always too focused on my laboratory work everyday since i created a Lifestyle Jutsu that uses different elements to help in my daily need. I always use that to clean my self but i can't do it to Kong since he always dodges my technique and started to throw tantrum when i successfully landed my Jutsu to him.

Even my mother was having a hard time to take him for a bath. She resorted to use force on Kong to take him for a bath because of the stubbornness of Kong. Kong, since then, was really afraid of my mother's pan because of this. That is the reason why he likes to hang around with me cause i am always outside and away from my mother.

Tsunade's face turned ugly and slam him hard on the floor. She angrily asked "Oy, Monkey. Since when did you take a bath!?"

Kong coughed and started celebrating after coming out of her hands but when he was slammed, he stopped. He said "Ugh... Watch out you dumdass!! What bath are you talking about!? Bath is for the weak! I am a king so i didn't need that pathetic Bath you are tal-!!*SMACK*"

Tsunade smacked him which caused them to brawl on the street. They strated to cause damages in this area so I intervene with them. I strictly said "Stop this fight!"

They immediately stopped and obediently sat straight on the ground. I said "Settle this fight in our spar later on. I don't want any of you to cause trouble while i am in care of you two. Uncle also wants to see me now so i am in a hurry. If you two would like to continue this fight, you can do so but remember that you two will pay for every damages you made in here."

Tsunade and Kong immediately said "We will stop now Brother Haru (Boss)!!!"

I nodded and they followed me to the Hokage tower. I didn't met any restrictions or problem on the way except for the prying eyes of the Anbus guarding this place. I knocked on Toborama's office and waited until i am invited inside.

I saw Tobirama seriously sitting on his chair while talking to my Idiot Uncle Danzo and Hiruzen. Tobirama saw us three and said to them "Everyone here are dismissed until further notice. I will talk to my friend here while he is here."

My Uncle Danzo immediately said "He is not that important Niidaime! What is important is the organization that i am talking about! This organization will protect this village from the dark and will help us in intels! This will also help us from every wars we are in!"

Tobirama was pissed off and slammed his table. He said "Do you really think i am that stupid! That will only bring damnation to our village and to our next Generation Ninjas! *Sigh* You know what is stupid? It is talking about you! I do not want you to bring this topic more in the future. You are dismissed, Go out of my office now or I will be forced to bring you out of my office myself!"

Danzo's faced turned ugly before flickering out of Tobirama's office. Hiruzen next to my uncle walked near us and waved to us goodbye. I nodded to him while Kong and Tsunade waved back. He exited on the door, leaving only us four on the office.

I said "That is quite intense. I never thought that stupid Uncle of mine will say something like that hahaha. That useless Root organization will only bring destruction to the lives of every orphans he take. I am sure that he will only use his authority to give much benefits to him."

Tobirama Sighed and lean his back on his chair. He said "What would you do if you were me?"

I said "I would do exactly what you did. I will even kill him if he is really forcing his way to me. That kind of organization will only bring more problems in the village than Benefits. I am sure that if you chose Hiruzen as your successor, He will dumbly accept my Uncle's proposal without batting an eye. He is too soft to his friend. Hiruzen's soft attitude will kill him in the future if he continue that kind of attitude but that is the person that this village need. This village need an understanding and flexible Hokage that listen to his people but being to soft will only be used by some people, especially my Uncle Danzo, to their benefits."

Tobirama agreed to my analysis and wanted to ask the question he really wants to ask me next but he became irritated to the two on my back.

*Giggle* *Giggle* *Giggle*

Tobirama is ready to bash my companion's head out of this room so I told him to relax and faced my two companion. Tsunade and Kong are freely playing on the couch in a situation like this. I calmly smiled to them while hiding my irritation too. I caught them on their head and grip it hard. They started to trash from pain and threw them outside the door. I said to them "Go play outside while you wait for me. Here take my money so you can also eat anything you want."

I gave them money so they can go out of this tower. Money is something every childs want so they can buy anything they want, I know they will like this so i gave it to them. The two looked at each other before giving each other a mischevous smile.

Tsunade have a much faster hand than kong and took the money from my hand before bolting out of this place. Kong angrily chased her without looking at the damages he did on his way. I really hope they doesn't destroy everything in this village that much. I do not have that much money to pay every establishment in this village.

I sighed and put some seals on the whole office to prevent some people listening to us. I moved to the chair opposite to Tobirama's chair and sat in comfort. He said "*Sigh* Thank you for that."

He stood up and asked "Care for a tea?"

I shook my head and replied "Yes please, I want to drink Milk Tea. Please add some sugar and possibly any add-ons you have in your stockroom."

He glared at me so i chuckled and said "No need to be serious Uncle. I am just joking with you hahaha. normal tea would do hahaha"

He sigh and gave me a tea. I drank it while he moved to the window look outside. He said "Let's get straight here then, What did you created Haru?"

I smiled and sipped some tea. I showed my arm guard and transformed it to a metal bug. I said "You mean this?"

He nodded sat on his chair again. I smiled to him and said "This is my self-created weapon that I created as my Back-up plan to counter something. I do not want to die so easily without any fight. How was it? Is it up to your standard uncle?"

Tobirama glared at me and asked "That is a very strange and deadly weapon you have created, Haru. Why do you always create a weapon for mass destruction? First is Kong, Second is your self-created Jutsu and now this!? Have you thought of the consequences of your creations? And what Back-up plan are you talking about haru? Do you think this weapon can't protect you throughout this world? That weapon is so powerful that it can wipe out different villages in a blink of an eye! I am even afraid of fighting it! This weapon will only bring destruction to everyone in this world!"

He sighed and continued "I am thankful that it saved me and i know that you can perfectly control it but to also use someone dead as a medium is something morally questionable in this village. Why sacrifice your morals to create something like this. I am starting to question myself whether to treat you as a friend or a foe now."

I smiled at him and sipped at my tea. I savored it for a while and asked "Say Uncle, Do you know that knowledge, when given so much, is a curse?"

Tobirama frowned and asked "Curse? Why ask a strange question to answer my question Haru?"

I replied "I was given with a bright mind in this world and i thought to use it for the better good! I read book and scrolls to gain more knowledge but what i saw blown me out that i am starting to see things that it shouldn't be seen."

I stood up and put on a serious face. I exclude a mature and serious aura that intimidated Tobirama. I moved to the window and faced the whole village. I said "I am starting to see what is real or not in this world due to the knowledge I haved obtain and gathered all this year. Every questions i have in my mind were answered yet for every questions answered brought more questions to me. The more questions answered on my mind, the more i question what is real or not until something clicked on me. I started to hate my plan of gaining more knowledge so much that i didn't know if i am part of this whole farce or not."

He asked "Something you shouldn't see? Farce? What do you mean by that Haru?"

I smiled to him and asked seriously "Say uncle, Do you know why i am so focused in history when i trained in your Clan's compound?"