
What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters!?

“Huh? Who am I? Where am I? Am I going to fight someone?” After waking up from his slumber, Li Yexing found himself transmigrated to the world of Resident Evil and became a cold-blooded mercenary?! He thought he was going to live a life of blood and violence, only to pick up a girl on his first mission instead! He thought she was just an ordinary cute girl, but she was actually a biomonster?! Huh? They are all biomonsters?! Li Yexing: This is overwhelming... === This is not my story and it was written by a Chinese Author, I'm just translating it. Thank you very much for reading! Author: Super Dark Dombara Raw: https://www.trxs.cc/tongren/4016.html === Support and read advanced chapters at: patreon.com/VALRRR

VALRRR · Video Games
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Chapter 8

Early in the morning, Li Yexing was awakened by the sound of his phone.

Pushing away Tililith who was on top of him, Li Yexing looked at the caller ID and saw it was Argo. After a moment of thought, he answered the phone.

"Hello, Argo."

"It's a shame you're still alive," Argos's voice came from the other end of the line, sounding a bit tired.

"The deal went south," Li Yexing cut to the chase, "You didn't tell me BSAA would be involved."

"I had no idea either. Our backer didn't tell me anything. I thought it was just a simple armed escort mission."

"So I won't be able to collect my final payment?"

"I'm afraid not. Our backer is extremely agitated right now. They think I sold the information to BSAA. Dammit, do I look like the kind of person who doesn't have professional ethics?" Argo complained, "If they want me to betray my employer, they have to pay double the price. That's the rule. BSAA won't give me that much!"

"Well, at least you have professional ethics," Li Yexing mocked. At this moment, a small, tender hand lightly rested on Li Yexing's chest. He lowered his head and saw Tililith, with sleepy eyes, looking at him.

"Li Yexing, it's so noisy..." Tililith complained softly.

"Wait, Li Yexing, why do I hear a woman's voice on your end?" Argo asked on the other end of the phone. "Just got back and already with a woman, you really live up to being a young man, full of energy."

"What's it to you? She's not your mare!" Li Yexing cursed offhandedly while reaching out to pat Tililith's head. Tililith was lying on Li Yexing's chest, making satisfied humming sounds.

"I suggest you wash your foul mouth with soap, you mad dog," Argo retorted. "But speaking of which, your convoy's cargo was taken by the BSAA, right?"

"It's more accurate to say they were wiped out by the BSAA," Li Yexing said. "They took two trucks of B.O.W., and as soon as I saw that stuff, I ran away. You know, it's best to stay away from that kind of thing."

"Stay away as much as possible? Me?" Tililith asked, raising her head.

"I didn't mean you," Li Yexing said, rubbing Tililith's head.

"B.O.W..." Argo murmured. "It's a good thing this happened outside. If Mr. Giovanna, that Italian mafia with the blonde hair, found out, I'd be in big trouble."

"Giovanna? The golden-haired Italian Mafia guy?"

"Yeah, that Italian guy..." Argo said, "Anyway, it's nothing important, just asking about the details of the mission. I still need to communicate with our backer. Since we're dealing with this kind of stuff, it's easy to negotiate. Anyway, they won't make trouble."

"If there's nothing else, I will hanging up, I'm pretty busy right now." After speaking, Li Yexing hung up the phone. Tililith gently rubbed against Li Yexing's chest.

"Li Yexing, breakfast."

"Egg, bacon, and bread. I'll heat up a cup of milk for you."

Li Yexing patted Tililith's little head, got out of bed, stretched his body, and his bones crackled.

In the small room behind the bar, Argo hung up the phone and immediately dialed another number: "He said the BSAA destroyed the goods. By the way, what exactly is your boss transporting? B.O.W.? This is different from what was agreed upon before, right?"

"It's none of your business." A cold female voice replied on the other end of the phone. "Now, give me the location of that mercenary."

"Why do you need his address?"

"There are some things that need to be discussed with him in person. This is also what the boss wants."

"Fine, you're the boss if you pay. I'll send you the address right away. Alright then, I'm hanging up."

After breakfast, Li Yexing sat on the sofa with his laptop and watched the news. Tililith also came over. The news was reporting on an airport in the United States that seemed to have had an accident.

A plane crashed into the airport with its nose down like a knife through a birthday cake.

"Yesterday morning, it was confirmed that the airport was the target of a bioterrorism attack. After the efforts of the Special Response Team, several survivors including a senator, have been rescued. One S.R.T. member sacrificed himself in last night's operation..."

The plot mentioned in the news is from Resident Evil: Degeneration, a former Umbrella Corporation researcher who collaborated with big capital to establish the WilPharma company.

However, the company faced strong resistance from local residents, especially after the media exposed the company's human experiments in India. This resistance reached its peak when people feared a repeat of the Raccoon City incident.

Then came the show, the senator behind WilPharma hoped that the company could deliver vaccines to the affected areas during the accident, but the foolish researcher had his own plan.

He wanted to use the incident to show the Indian warlords the power of bioweapons and seek benefits. He also wanted to collect practical data on the G-virus through the protagonist group. It was a genius idea, but he was crushed by the protagonist group led by Leon.

As an old British pastry chef once said, "Human beings have limits. The more you play with scheming, the more you will find that humans have limits." This seemingly clever but actually brain-damaged researcher obviously didn't understand this truth, so he was unsurprisingly defeated.

The news reported that it was already dawn, and WilPharma had been destroyed. It was really unexpected that while he had been fighting for his life the previous night, a major event that could be considered as significant as those in the world of Resident Evil had been happening. This gave Li Yexing a strange feeling.

For the next two days, nothing happened. No clients were visiting, and Argo didn't introduce any work. Besides going out to buy groceries, Li Yexing stayed with Tililith every day.

He asked Argo to help him get a PlayStation 2, and Argo was stunned when he first heard it, thinking it was some kind of weapon or equipment. After learning that it was just a gaming console, he said he could help to look for it next time he go out.

To be honest, Li Yexing wanted to get Xbox 360, but after learning that it hadn't been released yet, he felt like he had lived into history.

"What is PlayStation 2?" Tililith asked as she played Call of Duty on Li Yexing's laptop.

"It's a device designed specifically for playing games. In the future, when we have free time, we can play games together to pass the time," Li Yexing replied.

At first, he hadn't thought about buying a game console, but he had downloaded a pirated version of Call of Duty on his laptop and found that Tililith seemed interested in it.

After a brief introduction on how to play, Tililith quickly picked it up. She had quick reactions and steady movements. She was also very interested in the guns featured in the game.

"They used this gun to shoot me," Tililith said, pointing to the gun in the game.

So, Li Yexing gave Tililith his late boss's legacy, another AR-15. Tililith was able to learn quickly, and Li Yexing took her to the shooting range.

She was very accurate and seemed to have no recoil whatsoever when she fired the gun. Seeing this, Li Yexing let her try his boss's prized Desert Eagle. His boss had bought it just for decoration because it had too much recoil, and he didn't think it had much practical use.

But in Tililith's hands, it was like a BB gun. She fired with both hands, then with one hand, and then fired continuously. Within 20 meters, every shot hit the head of the target without fail.

"Is this your new horse?" The shooting range owner was shocked. "Li, where did you get this kid?"

Li Yexing replied nonchalantly, but in his heart, he was in awe. Tililith could shoot the Desert Eagle without any tremble in her hands. Could it be that she really had an arm strength of 10 tons?

Although Tililith was already very cute, Li Yexing had to admit again that he had picked up a treasure. He had been a little skeptical of Tililith before, but now he believed that she was strong enough and had the ability to protect herself even if he was not by her side.

With a Desert Eagle on her waist, an AR-15 on her back, a Call of Duty mask to cover her face, and her eye-catching silver hair tied into a single ponytail and hidden in her rebellious-looking clothes, Tililith kicked her legs and hummed a tune on the way home. Although she always looked expressionless, she seemed very happy.

"What do you want to eat tonight?" Li Yexing asked, walking with his hands in his pockets.

"I want beer, chicken wings, braised pork, and..." the happy girl repeated all the dishes Li Yexing had made for her in the past few days. "How about we have something simple, like beef curry?"

"Okay." The girl nodded and started chanting "beef curry" over and over again.

"Let's go buy some ingredients. The fridge has been a little empty these days."

On the street, Tililith watched the women selling their bodies and then hugged Li Yexing's arm as they did.

"Lilith?" Li Yexing was a little surprised.

The girl's face rubbed against Li Yexing's shoulder through the mask, and she whispered, "It's really nice being with Li Yexing. Everything always feels happy. If only we could be like this forever." Li Yexing only looked at her gently when he heard her whisper.

Next, Li Yexing took Tililith to buy clean clothes, and then the two of them bought ingredients nearby. It felt a bit like accompanying a girlfriend on a shopping trip, feeling the warmth of the girl's arm. Li Yexing's heart was warm and filled with happiness, almost overflowing.

He thought that this kind of life was not bad. Perhaps he could use his skills as a mercenary to do some ordinary work, go out to work during the day, and come home to Tililith at night.

Li Yexing admitted that he was a little afraid of death now, afraid that one day he would go out with a gun and never come back, leaving Tililith all alone in a cold house.

Perhaps life ahead would not be smooth sailing, but Li Yexing firmly believed that he could walk with this pitiful and lovely girl until death separates them.

The two of them carried bags of clothes and ingredients and then returned to their little nest.

Li Yexing frowned, and his free hand slowly reached for his Glock.

In front of his office, a tall woman stood quietly as if waiting for someone. She was wearing a plaid coat, black sunglasses on her face, and a strand of brown hair extended from under her light brown knitted hat.

She seemed to sense Li Yexing's gaze, turned her head, and pressed down her sunglasses with her fingers. Her blue eyes were scrutinizing as she looked at Li Yexing, and then at Tililith beside him.

"Mercenary, Li Yexing...right?" Her face was indifferent and hard to approach. "I want to talk to you about that child by your side."