
What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters!?

“Huh? Who am I? Where am I? Am I going to fight someone?” After waking up from his slumber, Li Yexing found himself transmigrated to the world of Resident Evil and became a cold-blooded mercenary?! He thought he was going to live a life of blood and violence, only to pick up a girl on his first mission instead! He thought she was just an ordinary cute girl, but she was actually a biomonster?! Huh? They are all biomonsters?! Li Yexing: This is overwhelming... === This is not my story and it was written by a Chinese Author, I'm just translating it. Thank you very much for reading! Author: Super Dark Dombara Raw: https://www.trxs.cc/tongren/4016.html === Support and read advanced chapters at: patreon.com/VALRRR

VALRRR · Video Games
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Chapter 17

The bloodstained tentacles lifted the impaled soldier high up and swung him fiercely. A slit slowly opened on the back of the black exoskeleton, and a white gas "hissed" out of it. A bunch of tentacles squeezed out of the exoskeleton and wildly danced to tear open the slit on its back.

In the astonished eyes of the soldiers, a figure slowly stood up from inside as if it were reborn from a cocoon. Although Nemesis' figure was still burly, it no longer looked bloated after taking off the heavy exoskeleton. Metal pieces were attached to its chest and ribs, connected by black restraints. The tentacles extending from its back constantly retracted and extended, looking incredibly eerie.

"Fire! Fire quickly!" The officer shouted in horror. Nemesis who had taken off its exoskeleton rushed towards the armored vehicle at an unbelievable speed. Its tentacles shot out, and with just one blow, it pierced through the head of the officer who had exposed half of his body.

Bullets rattled and hit its body, leaving bullet holes behind. Some tentacles were broken by heavy machine guns and fell to the ground, twitching wildly. Nemesis paid no attention to them and instead rushed towards the tank, which was trying to rotate its turret to aim at it. It charged forward and grabbed the tank's barrel with both hands. Dozens of tentacles extended from its back, binding its arms.

With Nemesis' roar, the tank's barrel was bent by force! RPGs and grenade launchers opened fire, but the Tracker calmly stirred the tentacles together as a shield to block the incoming grenades. Then it reached out and grabbed the rocket that was shot at it, and threw it like a hand grenade toward the sniper on top of the building.

With a loud explosion, a huge fireball erupted from the building where the sniper was, and flying debris buried all the soldiers and machine gunners in the building. With Nemesis' strength, it could easily kill all the enemies here, but the system told it that its target had already run far away during that time.

The system defaulted the most important target as the recovery of the research sample codenamed "T-Lilith". Therefore, it would not stay here any longer, completely ignoring the firepower shooting at it. It walked straight towards the exoskeleton that almost became scrap, using its tentacles to block the incoming grenades and RPGs. When it reached the exoskeleton, it took off the heavy machine gun mounted on it and reloaded it on its right hand, while carrying a huge ammunition box on its back.


Accompanied by a roar, Nemesis leaped out of the range of the army's firepower and chased after Lilith who had left.


"It's unbelievable..." Chris ran wildly behind Li Yexing and said, "That monster still has such abilities. Can't we kill this damn thing?"

"To be honest, the fact that you find this hard to believe is already hard to believe in itself. Don't you deal with these things every day?" Li Yexing said.

"How is that possible? This is the first time since the Raccoon City incident that I've encountered such a terrifying B.O.W.!" Chris said, "My partner was able to escape from the pursuit of this monster. It's really unbelievable."

"You mean Jill?" Li Yexing asked.

"You even know her?" Chris exclaimed.

"She's the golden girl of BSAA, I know her very well," Li Yexing said, "But you don't have to be so surprised. Nemesis who chased S.T.A.R.S' member in Raccoon City wasn't as difficult to deal with as this one. It's been seven years since the Raccoon City incident, and the groups that create B.O.W.s can definitely come up with many different types now."

'What a surprise, does he know even the details of Jill and the Raccoon City incident so well?' Chris was a bit surprised, but then he thought, if this guy knows about Wesker's things, it's not strange for him to know about Jill's things.

So, who exactly is this mercenary? A former Umbrella employee? But this guy looks no more than twenty years old, even if pushed back seven years ago, he was only in his teens, that's too far-fetched.

Although it is true that Umbrella had a monstrous loli who graduated from a prestigious university at just ten years old and became a research supervisor, Li Yexing is obviously not a scientific talent. The file checked by BSAA shows that he is a mercenary with a rather dramatic life. Could the file be fake? Is he actually affiliated with some organization? Then why would he dare to tell him everything he knows without any hesitation?

For a moment, Chris's mind was filled with wild thoughts. Of course, Li Yexing couldn't know what Chris was thinking. He was now busy running for his life. Nemesis had successfully slimmed down and was now beyond the reach of the alley, leaving him with little room for action.

Desperate! Just as Li Yexing was thinking this, a person popped out from the corner of the alley ahead. Li Yexing took a closer look and was shocked. It was Norman!

Li Yexing instinctively raised his gun, but Norman showed no intention of firing. Instead, he waved to a group of people with a sneaky look on his face. Just as Li Yexing was stunned, another person popped out from behind Norman and waved urgently at Li Yexing. It was Kelly!

These two people were gnashing their teeth, glaring and snarling at Li Yexing. Li Yexing was completely puzzled, what kind of retard combination was this?

Without much time to think, Li Yexing held up his gun and pointed it at Norman. Norman raised his hands and slowly retreated with Kelly, while Li Yexing led a group of people into the alley. "What are you two doing here?" Li Yexing questioned Norman and Kelly as soon as they entered the alley.

"We failed the mission twice in a row, and I can't go back to the organization," Norman said solemnly.

"I know too much, and if I go back, I'm screwed. So I choose to defect. I hope I can join BSAA. If I can't, I'll be a mercenary in Roples, at least I can still survive." What's wrong with this person? Li Yexing turned to Kelly with an unpleasant expression.

"You clearly betrayed me and Lilith. Because of you, we're now being chased by that monster released by your organization. You have some nerve to come back, after what she did to trust you. You better come up with a good reason now, so I don't blow your brains out with one shot."

"Please, don't say that... Although I did hand over information about the child to BSAA, it was for the child's own good," Seeing Lilith's disappointed eyes, Kelly hurriedly explained. "As for why the organization can track my tracker device, it's because my device was hacked. They got Lilith's tracking program, and I only found out after meeting Norman."

"Don't tell me...are you our informant" Chris was surprised when he heard her familiar voice.

"So what? I won't believe your nonsense anymore," Li Yexing replied coldly to the woman researcher.

"Forget it, given what's happened so far, I know I won't be able to explain myself clearly, but that is not important".

"Listen to me, I'm here to help you remove the child's tracker."

"Where is the tracker?" Li Yexing asked.

"It's in her chest," Kelly answered. "We need to do a little surgery on the child."

"Dammit!" Li Yexing cursed. "There aren't even medical facilities here and you want to do surgery on Lilith in the open air?"

"It's not that complicated, we just need to make an incision and take it out," Norman said. "T-Lilith isn't that fragile. For her, this kind of wound will heal quickly even without stitching."

Li Yexing wanted to say something more, but Lilith grabbed him and shook her head at him. She turned to Kelly and whispered, "Let's do it. We don't have time to waste here."

The minor surgery began. Li Yexing watched as Kelly cut open Lilith's chest with concentration. He tried to rush forward several times, but Chris held him back.

"Believe her," Chris said.

In a moment, Kelly used a small pair of tweezers in her hand to remove the bloody tracker from Lilith's chest. The thing was only the size of a fingernail, but it was this thing that had caused Li Yexing and others to be chased by Nemesis.

Norman took the locator from Kelly's hand and squeezed it lightly. The thing declared scrapped with a crisp sound.

"The monster will stand still and wait for new orders when it suddenly loses its target. We are temporarily safe," Kelly wiped the sweat from her forehead and said, "Speaking of which, I also just found out that the organization had such a B.O.W., our research group did not develop a similar project. I really don't know where the organization got this thing from."

"That thing is called Nemesis, a legacy of Umbrella..." Li Yexing finally got a chance to breathe, sitting in the corner of the wall, lighting up a cigarette and saying slowly, "Umbrella Corporation produced three Nemesis in total. Later, this project was stopped because of its high cost. Before the Raccoon City incident, Umbrella's Paris branch had lost one of them. Now we know where the lost one is."

Upon hearing Li Yexing's words, Norman subconsciously glanced at him more.

"So who are you?" Chris asked on behalf of Kelly, "Don't tell me you know so much just because of work reasons. You are really familiar with the details of the Umbrella research project. If you weren't so young, I would suspect you were a former Umbrella employee."

"My dead boss used to work for Umbrella," Li Yexing said, "He used to belong to the UBCS, and he would tell me about his past after drinking."

Chris looked deeply at Li Yexing but didn't say anything. On the contrary, Norman said coldly, "Nonsense."

On the day of the armed escort, Li Yexing's reaction was too strange after the Tyrant was opened. At that time, Norman only thought he was just surprised, but now it seems that he clearly knew it from the start!

After finishing the cigarette, Li Yexing stood up, turned his head to look at Chris, and asked, "The tracker is removed, what do we do next?"

"That B.O.W. is too dangerous," Chris said, his eyes shining with determination, "We must kill it! The organization behind it as well!"

Li Yexing smiled and picked up his gun. Meanwhile, Kelly had already treated Lilith's wound, and Norman reluctantly loaded a grenade into the grenade launcher, his face looking terrible.

The horn of the counterattack was about to sound.

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