
the real start of the hell

if the last three months that I had thought that they were a living hell so what would happen to me was going to be the deepest point of it 

from four before the sun rise you would find me running in the gravity room like an idiot chasing a hot bitch and with the normal gravity absolutely, Alfred optimized the gravity on 5x the normal gravity as he said.

 ok that's the start after running until my breaths ended and my heart got out of my chest, I trained my physic in a very very particular way, every muscle nearly had up to half hour so in total I would train for 6 hours.

 after all the shit you would find me again on the part that I forge iron and metal to make swords and axes and all melee-combat weapons and you would see too a mountain of them with a lot of the fire weapons that I would make, but in the most I focused on the melee. 

 Alfred trained me in close combat as he said that what would happen if you lost your weapon or were involved in a close fight you would fight better than the attacker because you already have the two range in your pocket giving them no exit.

Skip 4 years standing now between the hands of someone with a white long beard and covered in a white cover that shined with ruins and more to finally stop.

"He is able to use magic and in all kinds have a very good connection with laws to unbelievable state and ruins in the normal way but a very poor in feelings but still able to learn them" Alfred nodded, and I nodded to even with the fact that I knew all that from the start. 

"I can teach him a little Alfred, but he won't go that far in it, and I think he will need to teach himself the two because there aren't any famous one that can teach him laws and ruins magic" all that wasn't a thing to me the one that managed to teach my self all I know from some books. 

"I think I can do it, but I don't know exactly how the laws work and the ruins too."

"the laws are the way that you translate your ideas and the laws of the world in way the world will understand and obey, and the ruins is to save all that in some forgotten languages that you can recall when and wherever you want with some mana involved to activate" his dry way of teaching was the best for someone like me just throw me with knowledge and let me handle. 

"you need first to control your mana and then imagine the world as a very big white painting and you paint it with what you want in what you believe and what is semi scientific no need for being too precise but you must know and understand what you want exactly and have a calm mind all the progress" ok everything was clear but there something missing, but I would find.

I tried to represent all he said but nothing happened "ok let's repeat" that was what I thought but nothing happened again even when I repeated a saw the world as he said but it was still nothing happened. 

After an hour off trying and getting a very big fucked up nothing happened "to not waste your time farther make him wear his feeling overdoes" Alfred didn't want to waste his friend time, so we started to attach the feeling overdoes to my body.

 Feeling overdoes is a small device that will be connected to my spine, and it provide a system control on feelings like what the elf has in their bodies, but they were born with them. 

After a long painful process of cutting my back and attaching manually to my spine, all ended with me in the bed for a week as the longest rest I had taken in 4 years.

Skip anther year, my life wasn't that interested to talk about some train here and some sleep there also making some weapon from time to time, you know the usual 

"Stand straight and gather all the anger you can make and let it flow throw the overdoes" Alfred shouting as I was deaf. 

"Yes father" shouting in reply fuck we really looked like the motivation idiots. 

As all my anger being gathered and being condensed and moved to the overdoes, I felt heat a lot of it is collected in my hands. 

My hands looked red "now release it out." 

My hands turned to flame thrower like the mouth of a dragon, and it was freaking awesome "did you saw it father, I have used magic I really used magic."

"yes, good for the first time but bad in total you took too much time the enemy won't wait for you second it was very weak" Alfred had just broken my pride and happiness that didn't exist for more than 4 seconds.

He looked in my hands that the skin got burnt but it didn't annoy me that much "take a rest or anything and stop training magic for today" I nodded as he left the room. 

Sleeping on the floor and looking in the nothing but it wasn't nothing they were three screens of white, blue and black "so this is how I see the world."

I figured that the way that I had been taught was wrong as one of the books those Alfred brought said that the world is different in the eyes of the looking so don't run after the view of the others but just look inside yourself and wait until finally it will pop up.

My view went black, and all things were lost on the darkness to return again "I have a good amount of mana inside so let's try it out." 

My hands moved on the screens as they turned into a keyboard, a draw screen with a pin and the last showed \hello world\ 

"OK HELLO WORLD, now into the important things" my hands found the way as everything went ok, I just wanted to know how it works and if my knowledge was still in service. 

"The heat is a kind of energy so mana will be that energy that will be transmitted then if that heat goes up to the temperature of 200 C so it will need up to 10 mana points (mp) considering that I have now 200\400, so I can add another 10 and gather the O2 from the air around the heat" I talked to my self while adding all the information and after the last screen showed \able to be done\

A great fire appeared up to 10 m and the whole room was heated but it disappeared in the same second "good for a start but I need a lot of time to clear all my suspicion." 

Looking in the empty screen that needed to be filled from the start again I sighed because the first time took 10 minutes.