
What Did They Get Themselves Into?!

Hitoshi Shinsou has always been the class insomniac. Katsuki Bakugou has always been the class hothead. Izuku Midoriya has always been the class cinnamon roll. None of them are friends. That's the way it's always been! Right?! Only a handful of people know what really goes on when they're not in the dorms. What will Aizawa do when he finds out the truth behind those 'innocent' acts?

Legally_Stupid · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs


🚧Slight Gore🚧

Shinsou POV:

What did I walk in on?

"Long story short, right place, wrong time. I was about 13 when I found out my parents were bad people. They needed help getting out of a bad spot, so they sold me. I was used for about a year to pay off their debt. When they were killed, their debt became my debt."

"I see... What did they overhear?" Dad asked.

"They overheard some classified information on a phone call. Made a wrong move, and knocked something over. When I found them, there were two options, help me with that trade, or disappear without a trace. They just decided to hang around and help me after that one."

Bakugou POV:

As Toshi was explaining things to Aizawa, Izu and I were overseeing the sales for the night. We made some new connections as well.

"Good evening gentlemen. Where is number one? I wish to speak to all three of you, if possible?"

Who's the old guy? Why does he need all three of us?

"Hey one! Get over here this guy needs all of us!"

"Hello sir! What can we get for you?" Toshi asked politely.

"I need a sword with anti-quirk properties. I asked around and the other merchants said to come to you. Do you have any?" the man responded, "I just need it to disable the quirk of someone long enough for me to get the upper hand."

"Yeah we have one of those you can look at." Izu said while grabbing it off the table.

Shinsou POV:

"As you can see, it's perfect. Down to the skull on the hilt." Izuku explained to the man.

I knew it was a good idea to have him be the weapons expert! He's way better than me at explaining, and planning. That's why he's number two. 

"The blade is 100% off the grid as well, so no one knows that it exists, right?" The man asked.

"That's right sir! No one will be able to trace it to anything you do! It's completely resistant to fingerprints as well. The only identifying part of it is the skull." Izuku finished.

After they finished their transaction, I looked at my dad and saw him putting the pieces of who we are together.

Aizawa POV:

A skull on the hilt? These masks... Fingerprint resistant? Untraceable? These all sound like the infamous group...

"Are you guys Skull?" I finally asked.

With that they stiffened up. Bingo!